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01-what is man-第15章

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garden wall。  The color of this cat brought the bygone cat before

me; and I saw her walking along the side…step of the pulpit; saw

her walk on to a large sheet of sticky fly…paper and get all her

feet involved; saw her struggle and fall down; helpless and

dissatisfied; more and more urgent; more and more unreconciled;

more and more mutely profane; saw the silent congregation

quivering like jelly; and the tears running down their faces。  I

saw it all。  The sight of the tears whisked my mind to a far

distant and a sadder scenein Terra del Fuegoand with Darwin's

eyes I saw a naked great savage hurl his little boy against the

rocks for a trifling fault; saw the poor mother gather up her

dying child and hug it to her breast and weep; uttering no word。

Did my mind stop to mourn with that nude black sister of mine?

Noit was far away from that scene in an instant; and was

busying itself with an ever…recurring and disagreeable dream of

mine。  In this dream I always find myself; stripped to my shirt;

cringing and dodging about in the midst of a great drawing…room

throng of finely dressed ladies and gentlemen; and wondering how

I got there。  And so on and so on; picture after picture;

incident after incident; a drifting panorama of ever…changing;

ever…dissolving views manufactured by my mind without any help

from mewhy; it would take me two hours to merely name the

multitude of things my mind tallied off and photographed in

fifteen minutes; let alone describe them to you。

O。M。  A man's mind; left free; has no use for his help。  But

there is one way whereby he can get its help when he desires it。

Y。M。  What is that way?

O。M。  When your mind is racing along from subject to subject

and strikes an inspiring one; open your mouth and begin talking

upon that matterortake your pen and use that。  It will

interest your mind and concentrate it; and it will pursue the

subject with satisfaction。  It will take full charge; and furnish

the words itself。

Y。M。  But don't I tell it what to say?

O。M。  There are certainly occasions when you haven't time。

The words leap out before you know what is coming。

Y。M。  For instance?

O。M。  Well; take a 〃flash of wit〃repartee。  Flash is the

right word。  It is out instantly。  There is no time to arrange

the words。  There is no thinking; no reflecting。  Where there is

a wit…mechanism it is automatic in its action and needs no help。

Where the whit…mechanism is lacking; no amount of study and

reflection can manufacture the product。

Y。M。  You really think a man originates nothing; creates nothing。

The Thinking…Process

O。M。  I do。  Men perceive; and their brain…machines

automatically combine the things perceived。  That is all。

Y。M。  The steam…engine?

O。M。  It takes fifty men a hundred years to invent it。  One

meaning of invent is discover。  I use the word in that sense。

Little by little they discover and apply the multitude of details

that go to make the perfect engine。  Watt noticed that confined

steam was strong enough to lift the lid of the teapot。  He didn't

create the idea; he merely discovered the fact; the cat had

noticed it a hundred times。  From the teapot he evolved the

cylinderfrom the displaced lid he evolved the piston…rod。  To

attach something to the piston…rod to be moved by it; was a

simple mattercrank and wheel。  And so there was a working

engine。 '1'

One by one; improvements were discovered by men who used

their eyes; not their creating powersfor they hadn't anyand

now; after a hundred years the patient contributions of fifty or

a hundred observers stand compacted in the wonderful machine

which drives the ocean liner。

Y。M。  A Shakespearean play?

O。M。  The process is the same。  The first actor was a

savage。  He reproduced in his theatrical war…dances; scalp…

dances; and so on; incidents which he had seen in real life。  A

more advanced civilization produced more incidents; more

episodes; the actor and the story…teller borrowed them。  And so

the drama grew; little by little; stage by stage。  It is made up

of the facts of life; not creations。  It took centuries to

develop the Greek drama。  It borrowed from preceding ages; it

lent to the ages that came after。  Men observe and combine; that

is all。  So does a rat。

Y。M。  How?

O。M。  He observes a smell; he infers a cheese; he seeks and

finds。  The astronomer observes this and that; adds his this and

that to the this…and…thats of a hundred predecessors; infers an

invisible planet; seeks it and finds it。  The rat gets into a

trap; gets out with trouble; infers that cheese in traps lacks

value; and meddles with that trap no more。  The astronomer is

very proud of his achievement; the rat is proud of his。  Yet both

are machines; they have done machine work; they have originated

nothing; they have no right to be vain; the whole credit belongs

to their Maker。  They are entitled to no honors; no praises; no

monuments when they die; no remembrance。  One is a complex and

elaborate machine; the other a simple and limited machine; but

they are alike in principle; function; and process; and neither

of them works otherwise than automatically; and neither of them

may righteously claim a PERSONAL superiority or a personal

dignity above the other。

Y。M。  In earned personal dignity; then; and in personal merit

for what he does; it follows of necessity that he is on the

same level as a rat?

O。M。  His brother the rat; yes; that is how it seems to me。

Neither of them being entitled to any personal merit for what he

does; it follows of necessity that neither of them has a right to

arrogate to himself (personally created) superiorities over his


Y。M。  Are you determined to go on believing in these

insanities?  Would you go on believing in them in the face of

able arguments backed by collated facts and instances?

O。M。  I have been a humble; earnest; and sincere Truth…Seeker。

Y。M。  Very well?

O。M。  The humble; earnest; and sincere Truth…Seeker is

always convertible by such means。

Y。M。  I am thankful to God to hear you say this; for now I

know that your conversion

O。M。  Wait。  You misunderstand。  I said I have BEEN a Truth…Seeker。

Y。M。  Well?

O。M。  I am not that now。  Have your forgotten?  I told you

that there are none but temporary Truth…Seekers; that a permanent

one is a human impossibility; that as soon as the Seeker finds

what he is thoroughly convinced is the Truth; he seeks no

further; but gives the rest of his days to hunting junk to patch

it and caulk it and prop it with; and make it weather…proof and

keep it from caving in on him。  Hence the Presbyterian remains a

Presbyterian; the Mohammedan a Mohammedan; the Spiritualist a

Spiritualist; the Democrat a Democrat; the Republican a

Republican; the Monarchist a Monarchist; and if a humble;

earnest; and sincere Seeker after Truth should find it in the

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