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men of invention and industry-第71章

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fishing trade; and consequently adding to their shipping;

commerce; and wealth。  〃Surely;〃 he says; 〃the stream is

necessary to be turned to the good of this kingdom; to whose

sea…coasts alone God has sent us these great blessings and

immense riches for us to take; and that every nation should carry

away out of this kingdom yearly great masses of money for fish

taken in our seas; and sold again by them to us; must needs be a

great dishonour to our nation; and hindrance to this realm。〃

The Hollanders then had about 50;000 people employed in fishing

along the English coast; and their industry and enterprise gave

employment to about 150;000 more; 〃by sea and land; to make

provision; to dress and transport the fish they take; and return

commodities; whereby they are enabled yearly to build 1000 ships

and vessels。〃  The prosperity of Amsterdam was then so great that

it was said that Amsterdam was 〃founded on herring…bones。〃 

Tobias Gentleman published in 1614 his treatise on 'England's Way

to win Wealth; and to employ Ships and Marines;''16' in which he

urged the English people to vie with the Dutch in fishing the

seas; and thereby to give abundant employment; as well as

abundant food; to the poorer people of the country。

〃Look;〃 he said; 〃on these fellows; that we call the plump

Hollanders; behold their diligence in fishing; and our own

careless negligence!〃  The Dutch not only fished along the coasts

near Yarmouth; but their fishing vessels went north as far as the

coasts of Shetland。  What most roused Mr。 Gentleman's indignation

was; that the Dutchmen caught the fish and sold them to the

Yarmouth herring…mongers 〃for ready gold; so that it amounteth to

a great sum of money; which money doth never come again into

England。〃  〃We are daily scorned;〃 he says; 〃by these Hollanders;

for being so negligent of our Profit; and careless of our

Fishing; and they do daily flout us that be the poor Fishermen of

England; to our Faces at Sea; calling to us; and saying; 'Ya

English; ya sall or oud scoue dragien;' which; in English; is

this; 'You English; we will make you glad to wear our old


Another pamphlet; to a similar effect; 'The Royal Fishing

revived;''17' was published fifty years later; in which it was

set forward that the Dutch 〃have not only gained to themselves

almost the sole fishing in his Majesty's Seas; but principally

upon this Account have very near beat us out of all our other

most profitable Trades in all Parts of the World。〃 It was even

proposed to compel 〃all Sorts of begging Persons and all other

poor People; all People condemned for less Crimes than Blood;〃 as

well as 〃all Persons in Prison for Debt;〃 to take part in this

fishing trade!  But this was not the true way to force the

traffic。  The herring fishery at Yarmouth and along the coast

began to make gradual progress with the growth of wealth and

enterprise throughout the country; though it was not until

1787less than a hundred years agothat the Yarmouth men began

the deep…sea herring fishery。

Before then; the fishing was all carried on along shore in little

cobles; almost within sight of land。  The native fishery also

extended northward; along the east coast of Scotland and the

Orkney and Shetland Isles; until now the herring fishery of

Scotland forms one of the greatest industries in the United

Kingdom; and gives employment; directly or indirectly; to close

upon half a million of people; or to one…seventh of the whole

population of Scotland。

Taking these facts into consideration; therefore; there is no

reason to despair of seeing; before many years have elapsed; a

large development of the fishing industry of Ireland。  We may yet

see Galway the Yarmouth; Achill the Grimsby; and Killybegs the

Wick of the West。  Modern society in Ireland; as everywhere else;

can only be transformed through the agency of labour; industry;

and commerceinspired by the spirit of work; and maintained by

the accumulations of capital。  The first end of all labour is

security;security to person; possession; and property; so that

all may enjoy in peace the fruits of their industry。  For no

liberty; no freedom; can really exist which does not include the

first liberty of allthe right of public and private safety。

To show what energy and industry can do in Ireland; it is only

necessary to point to Belfast; one of the most prosperous and

enterprising towns in the British Islands。  The land is the same;

the climate is the same; and the laws are the same; as those

which prevail in other parts of Ireland。  Belfast is the great

centre of Irish manufactures and commerce; and what she has been

able to do might be done elsewhere; with the same amount of

energy and enterprise。  But it is not land; or climate; or

altered laws that are wanted。  It is men to lead and direct; and

men to follow with anxious and persevering industry。  It is

always the Man society wants。

The influence of Belfast extends far out into the country。  As

you approach it from Sligo; you begin to see that you are nearing

a place where industry has accumulated capital; and where it has

been invested in cultivating and beautifying the land。  After you

pass Enniskillen; the fields become more highly cultivated。  The

drill…rows are more regular; the hedges are clipped; the weeds no

longer hide the crops; as they sometimes do in the far west。  The

country is also adorned with copses; woods; and avenues。  A new

crop begins to appear in the fieldsa crop almost peculiar to

the neighbourhood of Belfast。  It is a plant with a very slender

erect green stem; which; when full grown; branches at the top

into a loose corymb of blue flowers。  This is the flax plant; the

cultivation and preparation of which gives employment to a great

number of persons; and is to a large extent the foundation of the

prosperity of Belfast。

The first appearance of the linen industry of Ireland; as we

approach Belfast from the west; is observed at Portadown。  Its

position on the Bann; with its water power; has enabled this

town; as well as the other places on the river; to secure and

maintain their due share in the linen manufacture。  Factories

with their long chimneys begin to appear。  The fields are richly

cultivated; and a general air of well…being pervades the

district。  Lurgan is reached; so celebrated for its diapers; and

the fields there about are used as bleaching…greens。   Then comes

Lisburn; a populous and thriving town; the inhabitants of which

are mostly engaged in their staple trade; the manufacture of

damasks。  This was really the first centre of the linen trade。 

Though Lord Strafford; during his government of Ireland;

encouraged the flax industry; by sending to Holland for

flax…seed; and  inviting Flemish and French artisans to settle in

Ireland; it was not until the Huguenots; who had been banished

from France by the persecutions of Louis XIV。; settled in Ireland

in such large numbers
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