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men of invention and industry-第70章

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of 30;000L。  In 1673; Sir W。 Temple; in a letter to Lord Essex;

says that 〃the fishing of Ireland might prove a mine under water

as rich as any under ground。〃'9'

The coasts of Ireland abound in all the kinds of fish in common

usecod; ling; haddock; hake; mackerel; herring; whiting;

conger; turbot; brill; bream; soles; plaice; dories; and salmon。 

The banks off the coast of Galway are frequented by myriads of

excellent fish; yet; of the small quantity caught; the bulk is

taken in the immediate neighbourhood of the shores。  Galway bay

is said to be the finest fishing ground in the world; but the

fish cannot be expected to come on shore unsought: they must be

found; followed; and netted。   The fishing…boats from the west of

Scotland are very successful; and they often return the fish to

Ireland; cured; which had been taken out of the Irish bays。  〃I

tested this fact in Galway;〃 says Mr。 S。 C。 Hall。  〃I had ordered

fish for dinner; two salt haddocks were brought to me。  On

inquiry; I ascertained where they were bought; and learned from

the seller that he was the agent of a Scotch firm; whose boats

were at that time loading in the bay。〃'10' But although Scotland

imports some 80;000 barrels of cured herrings annually into

Ireland; that is not enough; for we find that there is a regular

importation of cured herrings; cod; ling; and hake; from

Newfoundland and Nova Scotia; towards the food of the Irish


The fishing village of Claddagh; at Galway; is more decaying than

ever。  It seems to have suffered from a bombardment; like the

rest of the town。  The houses of the fishermen; when they fall

in; are left in ruins。  While the French; and English; and Scotch

boats leave the coast laden with fish; the Claddagh men remain

empty…handed。  They will only fish on 〃lucky days;〃 so that the

Galway market is often destitute of fish; while the Claddagh

people are starving。  On one occasion an English company was

formed for the purpose of fishing and curing fish at Galway; as

is now done at Yarmouth; Grimsby; Fraserburgh; Wick; and other

places。  Operations were commenced; but so soon as the English

fishermen put to sea in their boats; the Claddagh men fell upon

them; and they were glad to escape with their lives。'12' 

Unfortunately; the Claddagh men have no organization; no fixed

rules; no settled determination to work; unless when pressed by

necessity。  The appearance of the men and of their cabins show

that they are greatly in want of capital; and fishing cannot be

successfully performed without a sufficiency of this industrial


Illustrations of this neglected industry might be given to any

extent。  Herring fishing; cod fishing; and pilchard fishing; are

alike untouched。  The Irish have a strong prejudice against the

pilchard; they believe it to be an unlucky fish; and that it will

rot the net that takes it。  The Cornishmen do not think so; for

they find the pilchard fishing to be a source of great wealth。 

The pilchards strike upon the Irish coast first before they reach

Cornwall。  When Mr。 Brady; Inspector of Irish Fisheries; visited

St。 Ives a few years ago; he saw captured; in one seine alone;

nearly ten thousand pounds of this fish。

Not long since; according to a northern local paper;'13' a large

fleet of vessels in full sail was seen from the west coast of

Donegal; evidently making for the shore。  Many surmises were made

about the unusual sight。  Some thought it was the Fenians; others

the Home Rulers; others the Irish…American Dynamiters。  Nothing

of the kind!  It was only a fleet of Scotch smacks; sixty…four in

number; fishing for herring between Torry Island and Horn Head。 

The Irish might say to the Scotch fishermen; in the words of the

Morayshire legend; 〃Rejoice; O my brethren; in the gifts of the

sea; for they enrich you without making any one else the poorer!〃

But while the Irish are overlooking their treasure of herring;

the Scotch are carefully cultivating it。  The Irish fleet of

fishing…boats fell off from 27;142 in 1823 to 7181 in 1878; and

in 1882 they were still further reduced to 6089。'14'  Yet Ireland

has a coast…line of fishing ground of nearly three thousand miles

in extent。

The bights and bays on the west coast of Irelandoff Erris;

Mayo; Connemara; and Donegalswarm with fish。  Near Achill Bay;

2000 mackerel were lately taken at a single haul; and Clew Bay is

often alive with fish。  In Scull Bay and Crookhaven; near Cape

Clear; they are so plentiful that the peasants often knock them

on the head with oars; but will not take the trouble to net them。

These swarms of fish might be a source of permanent wealth。  A

gentleman of Cork one day borrowed a common rod and line from a

Cornish miner in his employment; and caught fifty…seven mackerel

from the jetty in Scull Bay before breakfast。  Each of these

mackerel was worth twopence in Cork market; thirty miles off。 

Yet the people round about; many of whom were short of food; were

doing nothing to catch them; but expecting Providence to supply

their wants。  Providence; however; always likes to be helped。 

Some people forget that the Giver of all good gifts requires us

to seek for them by industry; prudence; and perseverance。'15'

Some cry for more loans; some cry for more harbours。  It would be

well to help with suitable harbours; but the system of dependence

upon Government loans is pernicious。  The Irish ought to feel

that the very best help must come from themselves。  This is the

best method for teaching independence。  Look at the little Isle

of Man。  The fishermen there never ask for loans。  They look to

their nets and their boats; they sail for Ireland; catch the

fish; and sell them to the Irish people。  With them; industry

brings capital; and forms the fertile seed…gronnd of further

increase of boats and nets。   Surely what is done by the Manxmen;

the Cornishmen; and the Cockenziemen; might be done by the

Irishmen。  The difficulty is not to be got over by lamenting

about it; or by staring at it; but by grappling with it; and

overcoming it。  It is deeds; not words; that are wanted。 

Employment for the mass of the people must spring from the people

themselves。  Provided there is security for life and property;

and an absence of intimidation; we believe that capital will

become invested in the fishing industry of Ireland; and that the

result will be peace; food; and prosperity。

We must remember that it is only of comparatively late years that

England and Scotland have devoted so much attention to the

fishery of the seas surrounding our island。  In this fact there

is consolation and hope for Ireland。  At the beginning of the

seventeenth century Sir Waiter Raleigh laid before the King his

observations concerning the trade and commerce of England; in

which he showed that the Dutch were almost monopolising the

fishing trade; and consequently adding to their shipping;

commerce; and wealth。  〃Surely;〃 
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