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men of invention and industry-第59章

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wished to throw him upon his own resources; and as he would soon

be subject to the conscription; he thought of sending him to some

foreign country in order to avoid the forced service。  Young

fellows; who had any love of labour or promptings of independence

in them; were then accustomed to leave home and carry on their

occupations abroad。  It was a common practice for workmen in the

neighbourhood of Como to emigrate to England and carry on various

trades; more particularly the manufacture and sale of barometers;

looking…glasses; images; prints; pictures; and other articles。

Accordingly; Bianconi's father arranged with one Andrea Faroni to

take the young man to England and instruct him in the trade of

print…selling。  Bianconi was to be Faroni's apprentice for

eighteen months; and in the event of his not liking the

occupation; he was to be placed under the care of Colnaghi; a

friend of his father's; who was then making considerable progress

as a print…seller in London; and who afterwards succeeded in

achieving a considerable fortune and reputation。

Bianconi made his preparations for leaving home。  A little

festive entertainment was given at a little inn in Como; at which

the whole family were present。  It was a sad thing for Bianconi's

mother to take leave of her boy; wild though he was。  On the

occasion of this parting ceremony; she fainted outright; at which

the young fellow thought that things were assuming a rather

serious aspect。  As he finally left the family home at Tregolo;

the last words his mother said to him were these words which he

never forgot: 〃When you remember me; think of me as waiting at

this window; watching for your return。〃

Besides Charles Bianconi; Faroni took three other boys under his

charge。  One was the son of a small village innkeeper; another

the son of a tailor; and the third the son of a flax…dealer。 

This party; under charge of the Padre; ascended the Alps by the

Val San Giacomo road。  From the summit of the pass they saw the

plains of Lombardy stretching away in the blue distance。  They

soon crossed the Swiss frontier; and then Bianconi found himself

finally separated from home。  He now felt; that without further

help from friends or relatives; he had his own way to make in the


The party of travellers duly reached England; but Faroni; without

stopping in London; took them over to Ireland at once。  They

reached Dublin in the summer of 1802; and lodged in Temple Bar;

near Essex Bridge。  It was some little time before Faroni could

send out the boys to sell pictures。  First he had the leaden

frames to cast; then they had to be trimmed and coloured; and

then the picturesmostly of sacred subjects; or of public

charactershad to be mounted。  The flowers; which were of wax;

had also to be prepared and finished; ready for sale to the


When Bianconi went into the streets of Dublin to sell his mounted

prints; he could not speak a word of English。  He could only say;

〃Buy; buy!〃  Everybody spoke to him an unknown tongue。  When

asked the price; he could only indicate by his fingers the number

of pence he wanted for his goods。  At length he learned a little

English;at least sufficient 〃for the road;〃 and then he was

sent into the country to sell his merchandize。  He was despatched

every Monday morning with about forty shillings' worth of stock;

and ordered to return home on Saturdays; or as much sooner as he

liked; if he had sold all the pictures。  The only money his

master allowed him at starting was fourpence。  When Bianconi

remonstrated at the smallness of the amount; Faroni answered;

〃While you have goods you have money; make haste to sell your


During his apprenticeship; Bianconi learnt much of the country

through which he travelled。  He was constantly making

acquaintances with new people; and visiting new places。  At

Waterford he did a good trade in small prints。  Besides the

Scripture pieces; he sold portraits of the Royal Family; as well

as of Bonaparte and his most distinguished generals。  〃Bony〃 was

the dread of all magistrates; especially in Ireland。  At Passage;

near Waterford; Bianconi was arrested for having sold a leaden

framed picture of the famous French Emperor。  He was thrown into

a cold guard…room; and spent the night there without bed; or

fire; or food。  Next morning he was discharged by the magistrate;

but cautioned that he must not sell any more of such pictures。

Many things struck Bianconi in making his first journeys through

Ireland。  He was astonished at the dram…drinking of the men; and

the pipe…smoking of the women。  The violent faction…fights which

took place at the fairs which he frequented; were of a kind which

he had never before observed among the pacific people of North

Italy。  These faction…fights were the result; partly of

dram…drinking; and partly of the fighting mania which then

prevailed in Ireland。  There were also numbers of crippled and

deformed beggars in every town;quarrelling and fighting in the

streets;rows and drinkings at wakes;gambling; duelling; and

riotous living amongst all classes of the people;things which

could not but strike any ordinary observer at the time; but which

have now; for the most part; happily passed away。

At the end of eighteen months; Bianconi's apprenticeship was out;

and Faroni then offered to take him back to his father; in

compliance with the original understanding。  But Bianconi had no

wish to return to Italy。  Faroni then made over to him the money

he had retained on his account; and Bianconi set up business for

himself。  He was now about eighteen years old; he was strong and

healthy; and able to walk with a heavy load on his back from

twenty to thirty miles a day。  He bought a large case; filled it

with coloured prints and other articles; and started from Dublin

on a tour through the south of Ireland。  He succeeded; like most

persons who labour diligently。  The curly…haired Italian lad

became a general favourite。  He took his native politeness with

him  everywhere; and made many friends among his various

customers throughout the country。

Bianconi used to say that it was about this time when he was

carrying his heavy case upon his back; weighing at least a

hundred poundsthat the idea began to strike him; of some cheap

method of conveyance being established for the accommodation of

the poorer classes in Ireland。  As he dismantled himself of his

case of pictures; and sat wearied and resting on the milestones

along the road; he puzzled his mind with the thought; 〃Why should

poor people walk and toil; and rich people ride and take their

ease?  Could not some method be devised by which poor people also

might have the opportunity of travelling comfortably?〃

It will thus be seen that Bianconi was already beginning to think

about the matter。  When asked; not long before his death; how it

was that he had first thought of starting his extensive Car

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