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men of invention and industry-第32章

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the men now living in the kingdom could make another。〃  Gee

accordingly recommended that three or four more should be erected

at the public expense; 〃according to the model of that at


The patent expired in 1732。  The year before; Sir Thomas Lombe;

who had been by this time knighted; applied to Parliament for a

prolongation of the patent。  The reasons for his appeal were

principally these: that before he could provide for the full

supply of other silk proper for his purpose (the Italians having

prohibited the exportation of raw silk); and before he could

alter his engine; train up a sufficient number of workpeople; and

bring the manufacture to perfection; almost all the fourteen

years of his patent right would have expired。  〃Therefore;〃 the

petition to Parliament concluded; 〃as he has not hitherto

received the intended benefit of the aforesaid patent; and in

consideration of the extraordinary nature of this undertaking;

the very great expense; hazard; and difficulty he has undergone;

as well as the advantage he has thereby procured to the nation at

his own expense; the said Sir Thomas Lombe humbly hopes that

Parliament will grant him a further term for the sole making and

using his engines; or such other recompense as in their wisdom

shall seem meet。〃'6'

The petition was referred to a Committee。  After consideration;

they recommended the House of Commons to grant a further term of

years to Sir Thomas Lombe。  The advisers of the King; however;

thought it better that the patent should not be renewed; but that

the trade in silk should be thrown free to all。  Accordingly the

Chancellor of the Exchequer acquainted the House (14th March;

1731) that 〃His Majesty having been informed of the case of Sir

Thomas Lombe; with respect to his engine for making organzine

silk; had commanded him to acquaint this House; that His Majesty

recommended to their consideration the making such provision for

a recompense to Sir Thomas Lombe as they shall think proper。〃

The result was; that the sum of 14;000L。 was voted and paid to

Sir Thomas Lombe as 〃a reward for his eminent services done to

the nation; in discovering with the greatest hazard and

difficulty the capital Italian engines; and introducing and

bringing the same to full perfection in this kingdom; at his own

great expense。〃'7'  The trade was accordingly thrown open。  Silk

mills were erected at Stockport and elsewhere; Hutton says that

divers additional mills were erected in Derby; and a large and

thriving trade was established。  In 1850; the number employed in

the silk manufacture exceeded a million persons。  The old mill

has recently become disused。  Although supported by strong wooden

supports; it showed signs of falling; and it was replaced by a

larger mill; more suitable to modern requirements。

Footnotes for Chapter IV。

'1' 〃This was equally the case with two other trades; those of

glass…maker and druggist; which brought no contamination upon

nobility in Venice。  In a country where wealth was concentrated

in the hands of the powerful; it was no doubt highly judicious

thus to encourage its employment for objects of public advantage。

A feeling; more or less powerful; has always existed in the minds

of the high…born; against the employment of their time and wealth

to purposes of commerce or manufactures。  All trades; save only

that of war; seem to have been held by them as in some sort

degrading; and but little comporting with the dignity of

aristocratic blood。〃 Cabinet CyclopediaSilk Manufacture; p。 20。

'2' A Brief State of the Inland or Home Trade。 (Pamphlet。) 1730。

'3' A Brief State of the Case relating to the Machine erected at

Derby for making Italian Organzine Silk; which was discovered and

brought into England with the utmost difficulty and hazard; and

at the Sole Expense of Sir Thomas Lombe。  House of Commons Paper;

28th January; 1731。

'4' Self…Help; p。 205。

'5' The Trade and Navigation of Great Britain considered; p。 94。

'6' The petition sets forth the merits of the machine at Derby

for making Italian organzine silk〃a manufacture made out of

fine raw silk; by reducing it to a hard twisted fine and even

thread。  This silk makes the warp; and is absolutely necessary to

mix with and cover the Turkey and other coarser silks thrown

here; which are used for Shute;so that; without a constant

supply of this fine Italian organzine silk; very little of the

said Turkey or other silks could be used; nor could the silk

weaving trade be carried on in England。  This Italian organzine

(or thrown) silk has in all times past been bought with our

money; ready made (or worked) in Italy; for want of the art of

making it here。  Whereas now; by making it ourselves out of fine

Italian raw silk; the nation saves near one…third part; and by

what we make out of fine China raw silk; above one…half of the

price we pay for it ready worked in Italy。  The machine at Derby

contains 97;746 wheels; movements; and individual parts (which

work day and night); all which receive their motion from one

large water…wheel; are governed by one regulator; and it employs

about 300 persons to attend and supply it with work。〃 In Bees

Cyclopaedia (art。 'Silk Manufacture') there is a full description

of the Piedmont throwing machine introduced to England by John

Lombe; with a good plate of it。

'7' Sir Thomas Lombe died in 1738。  He had two daughters。  The

first; Hannah; was married to Sir Robert Clifton; of Clifton; co。

Notts; the second; Mary Turner; was married to James; 7th Earl of

Lauderdale。  In his will; he 〃recommends his wife; at the

conclusion of the Darby concern;〃 to distribute among his

〃principal servants or managers five or six hundred pounds。〃



〃Justice exacts; that those by whom we are most benefited  

Should be most admired。〃Dr。 Johnson。

〃The beginning of civilization is the discovery of some useful

arts; by which men acquire property; comforts; or luxuries。  The

necessity  or desire of preserving them leads to laws and social

institutions。。。 In reality; the origin as well as the progress

and improvement of civil society is founded on mechanical and

chemical inventions。〃Sir Humphry Davy。

At the middle of last century; Scotland was a very poor country。 

It consisted mostly of mountain and moorland; and the little

arable land it contained was badly cultivated。  Agriculture was

almost a lost art。  〃Except in a few instances;〃 says a writer in

the 'Farmers' Magazine' of 1803; 〃Scotland was little better than

a barren waste。〃  Cattle could with difficulty be kept alive; and

the people in some parts of the country were often on the brink

of starvation。  The people were hopeless; miserable; and without

spirit; like the Irish in their very worst times。  After the

wreck of the Darien expedition; there seemed to be neither skill;

enterprise; nor mon
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