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warlord of mars-第22章

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whose eternal youth and undying beauty were but outward

manifestations of a perfect soul。


At last the messenger despatched to fetch Matai Shang returned。

I craned my neck to catch the first glimpse of those who should

be following; but the messenger was alone。


Halting before the throne he addressed his jeddak in a voice

that was plainly audible to all within the chamber。


〃O Kulan Tith; Mightiest of Jeddaks;〃 he cried; after the

fashion of the court; 〃your messenger returns alone; for when he

reached the apartments of the Father of Therns he found them empty;

as were those occupied by his suite。〃


Kulan Tith went white。


A low groan burst from the lips of Thuvan Dihn who stood next me;

not having ascended the throne which awaited him beside his host。

For a moment the silence of death reigned in the great audience

chamber of Kulan Tith; Jeddak of Kaol。  It was he who broke the spell。


Rising from his throne he stepped down from the dais to the

side of Thuvan Dihn。  Tears dimmed his eyes as he placed both

his hands upon the shoulders of his friend。


〃O Thuvan Dihn;〃 he cried; 〃that this should have happened in the

palace of thy best friend!  With my own hands would I have wrung

the neck of Matai Shang had I guessed what was in his foul heart。

Last night my life…long faith was weakenedthis morning it has

been shattered; but too late; too late。


〃To wrest your daughter and the wife of this royal warrior

from the clutches of these archfiends you have but to command the

resources of a mighty nation; for all Kaol is at your disposal。

What may be done?  Say the word!〃


〃First;〃 I suggested; 〃let us find those of your people who be

responsible for the escape of Matai Shang and his followers。

Without assistance on the part of the palace guard this thing

could not have come to pass。  Seek the guilty; and from them

force an explanation of the manner of their going and the

direction they have taken。〃


Before Kulan Tith could issue the commands that would initiate

the investigation a handsome young officer stepped forward and

addressed his jeddak。


〃O Kulan Tith; Mightiest of Jeddaks;〃 he said; 〃I alone be

responsible for this grievous error。  Last night it was I

who commanded the palace guard。  I was on duty in other parts of

the palace during the audience of the early morning; and knew

nothing of what transpired then; so that when the Father of Therns

summoned me and explained that it was your wish that his party be

hastened from the city because of the presence here of a deadly

enemy who sought the Holy Hekkador's life I did only what a

lifetime of training has taught me was the proper thing to do

I obeyed him whom I believed to be the ruler of us all;

mightier even than thou; mightiest of jeddaks。


〃Let the consequences and the punishment fall on me alone;

for I alone am guilty。  Those others of the palace guard who

assisted in the flight did so under my instructions。〃


Kulan Tith looked first at me and then at Thuvan Dihn; as though

to ask our judgment upon the man; but the error was so evidently

excusable that neither of us had any mind to see the young officer

suffer for a mistake that any might readily have made。


〃How left they;〃 asked Thuvan Dihn; 〃and what direction did they take?〃


〃They left as they came;〃 replied the officer; 〃upon their own flier。

For some time after they had departed I watched the vessel's lights;

which vanished finally due north。〃


〃Where north could Matai Shang find an asylum?〃 asked Thuvan Dihn

of Kulan Tith。


For some moments the Jeddak of Kaol stood with bowed head;

apparently deep in thought。  Then a sudden light brightened

his countenance。


〃I have it!〃 he cried。  〃Only yesterday Matai Shang let drop

a hint of his destination; telling me of a race of people unlike

ourselves who dwell far to the north。  They; he said; had always

been known to the Holy Therns and were devout and faithful

followers of the ancient cult。  Among them would he find a

perpetual haven of refuge; where no ‘lying heretics' might

seek him out。  It is there that Matai Shang has gone。〃


〃And in all Kaol there be no flier wherein to follow;〃 I cried。


〃Nor nearer than Ptarth;〃 replied Thuvan Dihn。


〃Wait!〃 I exclaimed; 〃beyond the southern fringe of this great

forest lies the wreck of the thern flier which brought me that far

upon my way。  If you will loan me men to fetch it; and

artificers to assist me; I can repair it in two days; Kulan Tith。〃


I had been more than half suspicious of the seeming sincerity

of the Kaolian jeddak's sudden apostasy; but the alacrity with

which he embraced my suggestion; and the despatch with which a

force of officers and men were placed at my disposal entirely

removed the last vestige of my doubts。


Two days later the flier rested upon the top of the watchtower;

ready to depart。  Thuvan Dihn and Kulan Tith had offered me the

entire resources of two nationsmillions of fighting men were

at my disposal; but my flier could hold but one other than

myself and Woola。


As I stepped aboard her; Thuvan Dihn took his place beside me。

I cast a look of questioning surprise upon him。  He turned to the

highest of his own officers who had accompanied him to Kaol。


〃To you I entrust the return of my retinue to Ptarth;〃 he said。

〃There my son rules ably in my absence。  The Prince of Helium

shall not go alone into the land of his enemies。  I have spoken。









Straight toward the north; day and night; our destination compass

led us after the fleeing flier upon which it had remained set

since I first attuned it after leaving the thern fortress。


Early in the second night we noticed the air becoming

perceptibly colder; and from the distance we had come

from the equator were assured that we were rapidly

approaching the north arctic region。


My knowledge of the efforts that had been made by countless

expeditions to explore that unknown land bade me to caution;

for never had flier returned who had passed to any considerable

distance beyond the mighty ice…barrier that fringes the southern

hem of the frigid zone。


What became of them none knewonly that they passed forever out of

the sight of man into that grim and mysterious country of the pole。


The distance from the barrier to the pole was no more than a swift

flier should cover in a few hours; and so it was assumed that some

frightful catastrophe awaited those who reached the 〃forbidden land;〃

as it had come to be called by the Martians of the outer world。


Thus it was that I went more slowly as we approached the barrier;

for it was my intention to move cautiously by day over the ice…pack

that I might discover; before I had run into a trap; if there really

lay an inhabited country at the north pole; for there only could I

imagine a spot where Matai S
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