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und of footsteps and George Willard came in at the door。  Sitting in a chair beside his mother he began to talk。  〃I'm going to get out of here;〃 he said。  〃I don't know where I shall go or what I shall do but I am going away。〃

The woman in the chair waited and trembled。  An impulse came to her。  〃I suppose you had better wake up;〃 she said。  〃You think that? You will go to the city and make money; eh? It will be better for you; you think; to be a business man; to be brisk and smart and alive?〃 She waited and trembled。

The son shook his head。  〃I suppose I can't make you understand; but oh; I wish I could;〃 he said earnestly。  〃I can't even talk to father about it。  I don't try。  There isn't any use。  I don't know what I shall do。 I just want to go away and look at people and think。〃

Silence fell upon the room where the boy and woman sat together。  Again; as on the other eve… nings; they were embarrassed。  After a time the boy tried again to talk。  〃I suppose it won't be for a year or two but I've been thinking about it;〃 he said; rising and going toward the door。  〃Something father said makes it sure that I shall have to go away。〃 He fumbled with the doorknob。  In the room the silence became unbearable to the woman。  She wanted to cry out with joy because of the words that had come from the lips of her son; but the expression of joy had become impossible to her。  〃I think you had bet… ter go out among the boys。  You are too much in… doors;〃 she said。  〃I thought I would go for a little walk;〃 replied the son stepping awkwardly out of the room and closing the door。


DOCTOR PARCIVAL was a large man with a drooping mouth covered by a yellow mustache。  He always wore a dirty white waistcoat out of the pockets of which protruded a number of the kind of black ci… gars known as stogies。  His teeth were black and irregular and there was something strange about his eyes。  The lid of the left eye twitched; it fell down and snapped up; it was exactly as though the lid of the eye were a window shade and someone stood inside the doctor's head playing with the cord。

Doctor Parcival had a liking for the boy; George Willard。  It began when George had been working for a year on the Winesburg Eagle and the acquain… tanceship was entirely a matter of the doctor's own making。

In the late afternoon Will Henderson; owner and editor of the Eagle; went over to Tom Willy's saloon。 Along an alleyway he went and slipping in at the back door of the saloon began drinking a drink made of a combination of sloe gin and soda water。  Will Henderson was a sensualist and had reached the age of forty…five。  He imagined the gin renewed the youth in him。  Like most sensualists he enjoyed talk… ing of women; and for an hour he lingered about gossiping with Tom Willy。  The saloon keeper was a short; broad…shouldered man with peculiarly marked hands。  That flaming kind of birthmark that some… times paints with red the faces of men and women had touched with red Tom Willy's fingers and the backs of his hands。  As he stood by the bar talking to Will Henderson he rubbed the hands together。 As he grew more and more excited the red of his fingers deepened。  It was as though the hands had been dipped in blood that had dried and faded。

As Will Henderson stood at the bar looking at the red hands and talking of women; his assistant; George Willard; sat in the office of the Winesburg Eagle and listened to the talk of Doctor Parcival。

Doctor Parcival appeared immediately after Will Henderson had disappeared。  One might have sup… posed that the doctor had been watching from his office window and had seen the editor going along the alleyway。  Coming in at the front door and find… ing himself a chair; he lighted one of the stogies and crossing his legs began to talk。  He seemed intent upon convincing the boy of the advisability of adopt… ing a line of conduct that he was himself unable to define。

〃If you have your eyes open you will see that although I call myself a doctor I have mighty few patients;〃 he began。  〃There is a reason for that。  It is not an accident and it is not because I do not know as much of medicine as anyone here。  I do not want patients。  The reason; you see; does not appear on the surface。  It lies in fact in my character; which has; if you think about it; many strange turns。  Why I want to talk to you of the matter I don't know。  I might keep still and get more credit in your eyes。  I have a desire to make you admire me; that's a fact。 I don't know why。  That's why I talk。  It's very amus… ing; eh?〃

Sometimes the doctor launched into long tales concerning himself。  To the boy the tales were very real and full of meaning。  He began to admire the fat unclean…looking man and; in the afternoon when Will Henderson had gone; looked forward with keen interest to the doctor's coming。

Doctor Parcival had been in Winesburg about five years。  He came from Chicago and when he arrived was drunk and got into a fight with Albert Long… worth; the baggageman。  The fight concerned a trunk and ended by the doctor's being escorted to the vil… lage lockup。  When he was released he rented a room above a shoe…repairing shop at the lower end of Main Street and put out the sign that announced himself as a doctor。  Although he had but few pa… tients and these of the poorer sort who were unable to pay; he seemed to have plenty of money for his needs。  He slept in the office that was unspeakably dirty and dined at Biff Carter's lunch room in a small frame building opposite the railroad station。  In the summer the lunch room was filled with flies and Biff Carter's white apron was more dirty than his floor。 Doctor Parcival did not mind。  Into the lunch room he stalked and deposited twenty cents upon the counter。  〃Feed me what you wish for that;〃 he said laughing。  〃Use up food that you wouldn't otherwise sell。  It makes no difference to me。  I am a man of distinction; you see。  Why should I concern myself with what I eat。〃

The tales that Doctor Parcival told George Willard began nowhere and ended nowhere。  Sometimes the boy thought they must all be inventions; a pack of lies。  And then again he was convinced that they contained the very essence of truth。

〃I was a reporter like you here;〃 Doctor Parcival began。  〃It was in a town in Iowaor was it in Illi… nois? I don't remember and anyway it makes no difference。  Perhaps I am trying to conceal my iden… tity and don't want to be very definite。  Have you ever thought it strange that I have money for my needs although I do nothing? I may have stolen a great sum of money or been involved in a murder before I came here。  There is food for thought in that; eh? If you were a really smart newspaper reporter you would look me up。  In Chicago there was a Doc… tor Cronin who was murdered。  Have you heard of that? Some men murdered him and put him in a trunk。  In the early morning they hauled the trunk across the city。  It sat on the back of an express wagon and they were on the seat as unconcerned as anything。  Along they went through quiet streets where everyone was asleep。  The sun was just com… ing up over the lake。  Funny; ehjust to think of them smoking pipes and chattering as they dro
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