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to back away shrinkingly。  〃For the present;〃 he

muttered; in a crestfallen tone。

〃What's the matter with him?〃  The stranger

addressed Bessie with the utmost familiarity; in a

deliberate; explanatory tone。  〃I didn't want to

startle the old man。〃  He lowered his voice as

though he had known her for years。  〃I dropped

into a barber's on my way; to get a twopenny

shave; and they told me there he was something of

a character。  The old man has been a character all

his life。〃

Captain Hagberd; daunted by the allusion to his

clothing; had retreated inside; taking his spade

with him; and the two at the gate; startled by the

unexpected slamming of the door; heard the bolts

being shot; the snapping of the lock; and the echo

of an affected gurgling laugh within。

〃I didn't want to upset him;〃 the man said;

after a short silence。  〃What's the meaning of all

this?  He isn't quite crazy。〃

〃He has been worrying a long time about his

lost son;〃 said Bessie; in a low; apologetic tone。

〃Well; I am his son。〃

〃Harry!〃 she criedand was profoundly si…


〃Know my name?  Friends with the old man;


〃He's our landlord;〃 Bessie faltered out; catch…

ing hold of the iron railing。

〃Owns both them rabbit…hutches; does he?〃

commented young Hagberd; scornfully; 〃just the

thing he would be proud of。  Can you tell me who's

that chap coming to…morrow?  You must know

something of it。  I tell you; it's a swindle on the old

mannothing else。〃

She did not answer; helpless before an insur…

mountable difficulty; appalled before the necessity;

the impossibility and the dread of an explanation

in which she and madness seemed involved together。

〃OhI am so sorry;〃 she murmured。

〃What's the matter?〃 he said; with serenity。

〃You needn't be afraid of upsetting me。  It's the

other fellow that'll be upset when he least expects

it。  I don't care a hang; but there will be some fun

when he shows his mug to…morrow。  I don't care

THAT for the old man's pieces; but right is right。

You shall see me put a head on that coonwhoever

he is!〃

He had come nearer; and towered above her on

the other side of the railings。  He glanced at her

hands。  He fancied she was trembling; and it oc…

curred to him that she had her part perhaps in that

little game that was to be sprung on his old man

to…morrow。  He had come just in time to spoil their

sport。  He was entertained by the ideascornful

of the baffled plot。  But all his life he had been full

of indulgence for all sorts of women's tricks。  She

really was trembling very much; her wrap had

slipped off her head。  〃Poor devil!〃 he thought。

〃Never mind about that chap。  I daresay he'll

change his mind before to…morrow。  But what

about me?  I can't loaf about the gate til the morn…


She burst out: 〃It is YOUyou yourself that he's

waiting for。  It is YOU who come to…morrow。〃

He murmured。  〃Oh!  It's me!〃 blankly; and

they seemed to become breathless together。  Ap…

parently he was pondering over what he had heard;

then; without irritation; but evidently perplexed;

he said: 〃I don't understand。  I hadn't written or

anything。  It's my chum who saw the paper and

told methis very morning。 。 。 。  Eh? what?〃

He bent his ear; she whispered rapidly; and he

listened for a while; muttering the words 〃yes〃

and 〃I see〃 at times。  Then; 〃But why won't to…

day do?〃 he queried at last。

〃You didn't understand me!〃 she exclaimed;

impatiently。  The clear streak of light under the

clouds died out in the west。  Again he stooped

slightly to hear better; and the deep night buried

everything of the whispering woman and the

attentive man; except the familiar contiguity of

their faces; with its air of secrecy and caress。

He squared his shoulders; the broad…brimmed

shadow of a hat sat cavalierly on his head。  〃Awk…

ward this; eh?〃 he appealed to her。  〃To…morrow?

Well; well!  Never heard tell of anything like this。

It's all to…morrow; then; without any sort of to…day;

as far as I can see。〃

She remained still and mute。

〃And you have been encouraging this funny

notion;〃 he said。

〃I never contradicted him。〃

〃Why didn't you?〃

〃What for should I?〃 she defended herself。

〃It would only have made him miserable。  He

would have gone out of his mind。〃

〃His mind!〃 he muttered; and heard a short

nervous laugh from her。

〃Where was the harm?  Was I to quarrel with

the poor old man?  It was easier to half believe it


〃Aye; aye;〃 he meditated; intelligently。  〃I

suppose the old chap got around you somehow with

his soft talk。  You are good…hearted。〃

Her hands moved up in the dark nervously。

〃And it might have been true。  It was true。  It

has come。  Here it is。  This is the to…morrow we

have been waiting for。〃

She drew a breath; and he said; good…humour…

edly: 〃Aye; with the door shut。  I wouldn't care

if 。 。 。  And you think he could be brought round

to recognise me 。 。 。  Eh?  What? 。 。 。  You

could do it?  In a week you say?  H'm; I daresay

you couldbut do you think I could hold out a

week in this dead…alive place?  Not me!  I want

either hard work; or an all…fired racket; or more

space than there is in the whole of England。  I

have been in this place; though; once before; and for

more than a week。  The old man was advertising

for me then; and a chum I had with me had a no…

tion of getting a couple quid out of him by writ…

ing a lot of silly nonsense in a letter。  That lark did

not come off; though。  We had to clear outand

none too soon。  But this time I've a chum waiting

for me in London; and besides 。 。 。〃

Bessie Carvil was breathing quickly。

〃What if I tried a knock at the door?〃 he sug…


〃Try;〃 she said。

Captain Hagberd's gate squeaked; and the shad…

ow of the son moved on; then stopped with another

deep laugh in the throat; like the father's; only

soft and gentle; thrilling to the woman's heart;

awakening to her ears。

〃He isn't friskyis he?  I would be afraid to

lay hold of him。  The chaps are always telling me

I don't know my own strength。〃

〃He's the most harmless creature that ever

lived;〃 she interrupted。

〃You wouldn't say so
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