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looked。 There he lay; white and still。 She was too late!

〃He is dead; he is dead!〃 she wailed。 Robert knelt down at her side;

and examined the old man; while she waited in an agony。

〃He ought to be;〃 he said slowly; 〃but; Benita; I don't think he is。 I

can feel his heart stir。 No; don't stop to talk。 Pour out some of that

squareface; and here; mix it with this milk。〃

She obeyed; and while he held up her father's head; with a trembling

hand emptied a little of the drink into his mouth。 At first it ran out

again; then almost automatically he swallowed some; and they knew that

he was alive; and thanked Heaven。 Ten minutes later Mr。 Clifford was

sitting up staring at them with dull and wondering eyes; while outside

the two Zulus; whose nerves had now utterly broken down; were

contemplating the pile of skeletons in the corner and the white

towering crucifix; and loudly lamenting that they should have been

brought to perish in this place of bones and ghosts。

〃Is it Jacob Meyer who makes that noise?〃 asked Mr。 Clifford faintly。

〃And; Benita; where have you been so long; andwho is this gentleman

with you? I seem to remember his face。〃

〃He is the white man who was in the waggon; father; an old friend come

to life again。 Robert; can't you stop the howling of those Kaffirs?

Though I am sure I don't wonder that they howl; I should have liked to

do so for days。 Oh! father; father; don't you understand me? We are

saved; yes; snatched out of hell and the jaws of death。〃

〃Is Jacob Meyer dead; then?〃 he asked。

〃I don't know where he is or what has happened to him; and I don't

care; but perhaps we had better find out。 Robert; there is a madman

outside。 Make the Kaffirs pull down that wall; would you? and catch


〃What wall? What madman?〃 he asked; staring at her。

〃Oh; of course you don't know that; either。 You know nothing。 I'll

show you; and you must be prepared; for probably he will shoot at us。〃

〃It all sounds a little risky; doesn't it?〃 asked Robert doubtfully。

〃Yes; but we must take the risk。 We cannot carry my father down that

place; and unless we can get him into light and air soon; he will

certainly die。 The man outside is Jacob Meyer; his partneryou

remember him。 All these weeks of hardship and treasure…hunting have

sent him off his head; and he wanted to mesmerize me and〃

〃And what? Make love to you?〃

She nodded; then went on:

〃So when he could not get his way about the mesmerism and so forth; he

threatened to murder my father; and that is why we had to hide in this

cave and build ourselves up; till at last I found the way out。〃

〃Amiable gentleman; Mr。 Jacob Meyer; now as always;〃 said Robert

flushing。 〃To think that you should have been in the power of a

scoundrel like that! Well; I hope to come square with him。〃

〃Don't hurt him; dear; unless you are obliged。 Remember he is not

responsible。 He thought he saw a ghost here the other day。〃

〃Unless he behaves himself he is likely to see a good many soon;〃

muttered Robert。

Then they went down the cave; and as silently as possible began to

work at the wall; destroying in a few minutes what had been built up

with so much labour。 When it was nearly down the Zulus were told that

there was an enemy outside; and that they must help to catch him if

necessary; but were not to harm him。 They assented gladly enough;

indeed; to get out of that cave they would have faced half a dozen


Now there was a hole right through the wall; and Robert bade Benita

stand to one side。 Then as soon as his eyes became accustomed to the

little light that penetrated there; he drew his revolver and beckoned

the Kaffirs to follow。 Down the passage they crept; slowly; lest they

should be blinded when they came to the glare of the sunshine; while

Benita waited with a beating heart。

A little time went by; she never knew how long; till suddenly a rifle

shot rang through the stillness。 Benita was able to bear no more。 She

rushed down the winding passage; and presently; just beyond its mouth;

in a blurred and indistinct fashion saw that the two white men were

rolling together on the ground; while the Kaffirs sprang round

watching for an opportunity to seize one of them。 At that moment they

succeeded; and Robert rose; dusting his hands and knees。

〃Amiable gentleman; Mr。 Jacob Meyer;〃 he repeated。 〃I could have

killed him as his back was towards me; but didn't because you asked me

not。 Then I stumbled with my lame leg; and he whipped round and let

drive with his rifle。 Look;〃 and he showed her where the bullet had

cut his ear。 〃Luckily I got hold of him before he could loose off


Benita could find no words; her heart was too full of thankfulness。

Only she seized Robert's hand and kissed it。 Then she looked at Jacob。

He was lying upon the broad of his back; the two big Zulus holding his

arms and legs; his lips were cracked; blue and swollen; his face was

almost black; but his eyes still shone bright with insanity and hate。

〃I know you;〃 he screamed hoarsely to Robert。 〃You are another ghost;

the ghost of that man who was drowned。 Otherwise my bullet would have

killed you。〃

〃Yes; Mr。 Meyer;〃 Seymour answered; 〃I am a ghost。 Now; you boys;

here's a bit of rope。 Tie his hands behind his back and search him。

There is a pistol in that pocket。〃

They obeyed; and presently Meyer was disarmed and bound fast to a


〃Water;〃 he moaned。 〃For days I have had nothing but the dew I could

lick off the leaves。〃

Pitying his plight; Benita ran into the cave and returned presently

with a tin of water。 One of the Kaffirs held it to his lips; and he

drank greedily。 Then; leaving one Zulu to watch him; Robert; Benita;

and the other Zulu went back; and as gently as they could carried out

Mr。 Clifford on his mattress; placing him in the shade of a rock;

where he lay blessing them feebly; because they had brought him into

the light again。 At the sight of the old man Meyer's rage blazed up


〃Ah;〃 he screamed; 〃if only I had killed you long ago; she would be

mine now; not that fellow's。 It was you who stood between us。〃

〃Look here; my friend;〃 broke in Robert。 〃I forgive you everything

else; but; mad or sane; be good enough to keep Miss Clifford's name

off your lips; or I will hand you over to those Kaffirs to be dealt

with as you deserve。〃

Then Jacob understood; and was silent。 They gave him more water and

food to eat; some of the meat that they had brought with them; which

he devoured ravenously。

〃Are you sensible now?〃 asked Robert when he had done。 〃Then listen to

me; I have some good news for you。 That treasure you have been hunting

for has been found。 We are going to give you half of it; one of the

waggons and some oxen; and clear you out of this place。 Then if I set

eyes on you again before we get to a civilized country; I shoot you

like a dog。〃

〃You lie!〃 s
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