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  yours and yours alone。 Or perhaps we both may live; I pray

  so。S。 R。 S。〃

Folding up the paper; he undid a button of Benita's blouse and thrust

it away there; knowing that thus she would certainly find it should

she survive。 Then he stepped out on to the deck to see what was

happening。 The vessel still steamed; but made slow progress; moreover;

the list to starboard was now so pronounced that it was difficult to

stand upright。 On account of it nearly all the passengers were huddled

together upon the port side; having instinctively taken refuge as far

as possible above the water。 A man with a white; distraught face

staggered towards him; supporting himself by the bulwarks。 It was the

captain。 For a moment he paused as though to think; holding to a

stanchion。 Robert Seymour saw his opportunity and addressed him。

〃Forgive me;〃 he said; 〃I do not like interfering with other people's

business; but for reasons unconnected with myself I suggest to you

that it would be wise to stop this ship and get out the boats。 The sea

is calm; if it is not left till too late there should be no difficulty

in launching them。〃

The man stared at him absently; then said:

〃They won't hold everybody; Mr。 Seymour。 I hope to beach her。〃

〃At least they will hold some;〃 he answered; 〃whereas〃 And he

pointed to the water; which by now was almost level with the deck。

〃Perhaps you are right; Mr。 Seymour。 It doesn't matter to me; anyway。

I am a ruined man; but the poor passengersthe poor passengers!〃 And

he scrambled away fiercely towards the bridge like a wounded cat along

the bough of a tree; whence in a few seconds Robert heard him shouting


A minute or so afterwards the steamer stopped。 Too late the captain

had decided to sacrifice his ship and save those she carried。 They

were beginning to get out the boats。 Now Robert returned to the cabin

where Benita was lying senseless; and wrapped her up in a cloak and

some blankets。 Then; seeing the second lifebelt on the floor; by an

afterthought he put it on; knowing that there was time to spare。 Next

he lifted Benita; and feeling sure that the rush would be for the

starboard side; on which the boats were quite near the water; carried

her; with difficulty; for the slope was steep; to the port…cutter;

which he knew would be in the charge of a good man; the second

officer; whom he had seen in command there at Sunday boat…drills。

Here; as he had anticipated; the crowd was small; since most people

thought that it would not be possible to get this boat down safely to

the water; or if their powers of reflection were gone; instinct told

them so。 That skilful seaman; the second officer; and his appointed

crew; were already at work lowering the cutter from the davits。

〃Now;〃 he said; 〃women and children first。〃

A number rushed in; and Robert saw that the boat would soon be full。

〃I am afraid;〃 he said; 〃that I must count myself a woman as I carry

one;〃 and by a great effort; holding Benita with one arm; with the

other he let himself down the falls and; assisted by a quartermaster;

gained the boat in safety。

One or two other men scrambled after him。

〃Push her off;〃 said the officer; 〃she can hold no more;〃 and the

ropes were let go。

When they were about twelve feet from the ship's side; from which they

thrust themselves clear with oars; there came a rush of people;

disappointed of places in the starboard boats。 A few of the boldest of

these swarmed down the falls; others jumped and fell among them; or

missed and dropped into the sea; or struck upon the sides of the boat

and were killed。 Still she reached the water upon an even keel; though

now much overladen。 The oars were got out; and they rowed round the

bow of the great ship wallowing in her death…throes; their first idea

being to make for the shore; which was not three miles away。

This brought them to the starboard side; where they saw a hideous

scene。 Hundreds of people seemed to be fighting for room; with the

result that some of the boats were overturned; precipitating their

occupants into the water。 Others hung by the prow or the stern; the

ropes having jammed in the davits in the frantic haste and confusion;

while from them human beings dropped one by one。 Round others not yet

launched a hellish struggle was in progress; the struggle of men;

women; and children battling for their lives; in which the strong; mad

with terror; showed no mercy to the weak。

From that mass of humanity; most of them about to perish; went up a

babel of sounds which in its sum shaped itself to one prolonged

scream; such as might proceed from a Titan in his agony。 All this

beneath a brooding; moonlit sky; and on a sea as smooth as glass。 Upon

the ship; which now lay upon her side; the siren still sent up its

yells for succour; and some brave man continued to fire rockets; which

rushed heavenwards and burst in showers of stars。

Robert remembered that the last rocket he had seen was fired at an

evening /fête/ for the amusement of the audience。 The contrast struck

him as dreadful。 He wondered whether there were any power or infernal

population that could be amused by a tragedy such as enacted itself

before his eyes; how it came about also that such a tragedy was

permitted by the merciful Strength in which mankind put their faith。

The vessel was turning over; compressed air or steam burst up the

decks with loud reports; fragments of wreckage flew into the air。

There the poor captain still clung to the rail of the bridge。 Seymour

could see his white facethe moonlight seemed to paint it with a

ghastly smile。 The officer in command of their boat shouted to the

crew to give way lest they should be sucked down with the steamer。

Look! Now she wallowed like a dying whale; the moonrays shone white

upon her bottom; showing the jagged rent made in it by the rock on

which she had struck; and now she was gone。 Only a little cloud of

smoke and steam remained to mark where the /Zanzibar/ had been。



In place of the /Zanzibar/ a great pit on the face of the ocean; in

which the waters boiled and black objects appeared and disappeared。

〃Sit still; for your lives' sake;〃 said the officer in a quiet voice;

〃the suck is coming。〃

In another minute it came; dragging them downward till the water

trickled over the sides of the boat; and backward towards the pit。 But

before ever they reached it the deep had digested its prey; and; save

for the great air…bubbles which burst about them and a mixed;

unnatural swell; was calm again。 For the moment they were safe。

〃Passengers;〃 said the officer; 〃I am going to put out to seaat any

rate; till daylight。 We may meet a vessel there; and if we try to row

ashore we shall certainly be swamped in the breakers。〃

No one objected; they seemed too stunned to speak; but Robert thought

to himself that the man was wise。 They began t
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