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fearful to see; like an avenging angel。 I fled; and the lightonly

the lightcame with me down the cave; even at the mouth of it there

was a little。 I have seen a spirit; I who did not believe in spirits;

I have seen a spirit; and I tell you that not for all the gold in the

world will I enter that place again。〃

Then before they could answer; suddenly as though his fear had got

some fresh hold of him; Jacob sprang forward and fled away; crashing

through the bushes and leaping from rock to rock like a frightened




〃Meyer always said that he did not believe in spirits;〃 remarked Mr。

Clifford reflectively。

〃Well; he believes in them now;〃 answered Benita with a little laugh。

〃But; father; the poor man is mad; that is the fact of it; and we must

pay no attention to what he says。〃

〃The old Molimo and some of his peopleTamas; for instancedeclared

that they have seen the ghost of Benita da Ferreira。 Are they mad

also; Benita?〃

〃I don't know; father。 Who can say? All these things are a mystery。

All I do know is that I have never seen a ghost; and I doubt if I ever


〃No; but when you were in that trance something that was not you spoke

out of your mouth; which something said that it was your namesake; the

other Benita。 Well; as you say; we can't fathom these things;

especially in a haunted kind of place like this; but the upshot of it

is that I don't think we have much more to fear from Jacob。〃

〃I am not so sure; father。 Mad people change their moods very


As it happened Benita was quite right。 Towards suppertime Jacob Meyer

reappeared; looking pale and shaken; but otherwise much as usual。

〃I had a kind of fit this morning;〃 he explained; 'the result of an

hallucination which seized me when my light went out in that cave。 I

remember that I thought I had seen a ghost; whereas I know very well

that no such thing exists。 I was the victim of disappointment;

anxieties; and other still stronger emotions;〃 and he looked at

Benita。 〃Therefore; please forget anything I said or did; andwould

you give me some supper?〃

Benita did so; and he ate in silence; with some heartiness。 When he

had finished his food; and swallowed two or three tots of squareface;

he spoke again:

〃I have come here; where I know I am not welcome; upon business;〃 he

said in a calm; matter…of…fact voice。 〃I am tired of this place; and I

think it is time that we attained the object of our journey here;

namely; to find the hidden gold。 That; as we all know; can only be

done in a certain way; through the clairvoyant powers of one of us and

the hypnotic powers of another。 Miss Clifford; I request that you will

allow me to throw you into a state of trance。 You have told us

everything else; but you have not yet told us where the treasure is

hidden; and this it is necessary that we should know。〃

〃And if I refuse; Mr。 Meyer?〃

〃Then I am sorry; but I must take means to compel your obedience。

Under those circumstances; much against my will; I shall be obliged〃

here his eye blazed out wildly〃to execute your father; whose

obstinacy and influence stand between us and splendid fortunes。 No;

Clifford;〃 he added; 〃don't stretch out your hand towards that rifle;

for I am already covering you with the pistol in my pocket; and the

moment your hand touches it I shall fire。 You poor old man; do you

imagine for a single second that; sick as you are; and with your stiff

limbs; you can hope to match yourself against my agility; intellect;

and strength? Why; I could kill you in a dozen ways before you could

lift a finger against me; and by the God I do not believe in; unless

your daughter is more compliant; kill you I will!〃

〃That remains to be seen; my friend;〃 said Mr。 Clifford with a laugh;

for he was a brave old man。 〃I am not certain that the Godwhom you

do not believe inwill not kill you first。〃

Now Benita; who had been taking counsel with herself; looked up and

said suddenly:

〃Very well; Mr。 Meyer; I consentbecause I must。 To…morrow morning

you shall try to mesmerize me; if you can; in the same place; before

the crucifix in the cave。〃

〃No;〃 he answered quickly。 〃It was not there; it was here; and here it

shall be again。 The spot you mention is unpropitious to me; the

attempt would fail。〃

〃It is the spot that I have chosen;〃 answered Benita stubbornly。

〃And this is the spot that I have chosen; Miss Clifford; and my will

must prevail over yours。〃

〃Because you who do not believe in spirits are afraid to re…enter the

cave; Mr。 Meyer; lest you should chance〃

〃Never mind what I am or am not afraid of;〃 he replied with fury。

〃Make your choice between doing my will and your father's life。

To…morrow morning I shall come for your answer; and if you are still

obstinate; within half an hour he will be dead; leaving you and me

alone together。 Oh! you may call me wicked and a villain; but it is

you who are wicked; you; you; /you/ who force me to this deed of


Then without another word he sprang up and walked away from them

backwards; as he went covering Mr。 Clifford with the pistol which he

had drawn from his pocket。 The last that they saw of him were his

eyes; which glowered at them through the darkness like those of a


〃Father;〃 said Benita; when she was sure that he had gone; 〃that

madman really means to murder you; there is no doubt of it。〃

〃None whatever; dear; if I am alive to…morrow night I shall be lucky;

unless I can kill him first or get out of his way。〃

〃Well;〃 she said hurriedly; 〃I think you can。 I have an idea。 He is

afraid to go into that cave; I am sure。 Let us hide ourselves there。

We can take food and shall have plenty of water; whereas; unless rain

falls; he can get nothing to drink。〃

〃But what then; Benita? We can't stop in the dark for ever。〃

〃No; but we can wait there until something happens。 Something must and

will happen。 His disease won't stand still。 He may go raving mad and

kill himself。 Or he may attempt to attack us; though that is not

likely; and then we must do what we can in self defence。 Or help may

reach us from somewhere。 At the worst we shall only die as we should

have died outside。 Come; let us be quick; lest he should change his

mind; and creep back upon us。〃

So Mr。 Clifford gave way; knowing that even if he could steel himself

to do the deed of attempting to kill Jacob; he would have little

chance against that strong and agile man。 Such a struggle would only

end in his own death; and Benita must then be left alone with Meyer

and his insane passions。

Hurriedly they carried their few belongings into the cave。 First they

took most of the little store of food that remained; the three hand…

lamps and all the paraffin; there was but one tin。 Then returning they

fetched the bucket; the ammunition; and their clothes。 Afterwards; as

there was still 
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