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those who have vision。 Well; she may be wrong。 Also; the question is;

shall we seize our opportunity and its dangers; or remain here and

breed bad horses all our lives; while she who is not afraid laughs at

us? I am going to Bambatse。〃

Again Mr。 Clifford made no direct answer; only asked a question:

〃How long will it take to get the guns and ammunition; and what will

they cost?〃

〃About a week from Wakkerstroom;〃 replied Meyer。 〃Old Potgieter; the

trader there; has just imported a hundred Martinis and a hundred

Westley…Richards falling…blocks。 Fifty of each; with ten thousand

rounds of cartridges; will cost about £600; and we have as much as

that in the bank; also we have the new waggon; and plenty of good oxen

and horses。 We can take a dozen of the horses with us; and sell them

in the north of the Transvaal for a fine price; before we get into the

tetsefly belt。 The oxen will probably carry us through; as they are

most of them salted。〃

〃You have thought it all out; Jacob; I see; but it means a lot of

money one way and another; to say nothing of other things。〃

〃Yes; a lot of money; and those rifles are too good for Kaffirs。

Birmingham gas…pipes would have done for them; but there are none to

be had。 But what is the money; and what are the guns; compared to all

they will bring us?〃

〃I think you had better ask my daughter; Jacob。 She seems to have her

own ideas upon the subject。〃

〃Miss Clifford has made up her mind; and it will not change。 I shall

ask her no more;〃 replied Meyer。

Then he; too; left the room; to give orders about the journey to

Wakkerstroom that he must take upon the morrow。 But Mr。 Clifford sat

there till past midnight; wondering whether he had done right; and if

they would find the treasure of which he had dreamed for years; and

what the future had in store for them。

If only he could have seen!

When Benita came to breakfast the next morning; she asked where Mr。

Meyer was; and learned that he had already departed for Wakkerstroom。

〃Certainly he is in earnest;〃 she said with a laugh。

〃Yes;〃 answered her father; 〃Jacob is always in earnest; though;

somehow; his earnestness has not brought him much good so far。 If we

fail; it will not be want of thought and preparation on his part。〃

Nearly a week went by before Meyer returned again; and meanwhile

Benita made ready for her journey。 In the intervals of her simple

preparations also she talked a good deal; with the help of her father;

to the three sturdy…looking Makalanga; who were resting thankfully

after their long journey。 Their conversation was general; since by

tacit consent no further mention was made of the treasure or of

anything to do with it; but it enabled her to form a fair opinion of

them and their people。 She gathered that although they spoke a dialect

of Zulu; they had none of the bravery of the Zulus; and indeed lived

in deadly terror of the Matabele; who are bastard Zulussuch terror;

in fact; that she greatly doubted whether the hundred rifles would be

of much use to them; should they ever be attacked by that tribe。

They were what their fathers had been before them; agriculturists and

workers in metalsnot fighting men。 Also she set herself to learn

what she could of their tongue; which she did not find difficult; for

Benita had a natural aptitude for languages; and had never forgotten

the Dutch and Zulu she used to prattle as a child; which now came back

to her very fast。 Indeed; she could already talk fairly in either of

those languages; especially as she spent her spare hours in studying

their grammar; and reading them。

So the days went on; till one evening Jacob Meyer appeared with two

Scotch carts laden with ten long boxes that looked like coffins; and

other smaller boxes which were very heavy; to say nothing of a

multitude of stores。 As Mr。 Clifford prophesied; he had forgotten

nothing; for he even brought Benita various articles of clothing; and

a revolver for which she had not asked。

Three days later they trekked away from Rooi Krantz upon a peculiarly

beautiful Sunday morning in the early spring; giving it out that they

were going upon a trading and shooting expedition in the north of the

Transvaal。 Benita looked back at the pretty little stead and the

wooded kloof behind it over which she had nearly fallen; and the

placid lake in front of it where the nesting wildfowl wheeled; and

sighed。 For to her; now that she was leaving it; the place seemed like

home; and it came into her mind that she would never see it any more。



Nearly four months had gone by when at length the waggon with which

were Mr。 Clifford; Benita; and Jacob Meyer camped one night within the

country of the Molimo of Bambatse; whose name was Mambo。 Or perhaps

that was his title; since (according to Tamas his son) every chief in

succession was called Mambo; though not all of them were Molimos; or

representatives and prophets of God; or the Great Spirit whom they

knew as Munwali。 Thus sometimes the Molimo; or priest of Munwali; and

the Mambo or chief were different persons。 For instance; he said that

he; Tamas; would be Mambo on his father's death; but no visions were

given to him; therefore as yet; at any rate; he was not called to be


In the course of this long journey they had met with many adventures;

such as were common to African travellers before the days of

railroads; adventures with wild beasts and native tribes; adventures

with swollen rivers also; and one that was worst; with thirst; since

for three days (owing to the failure of a pit or pan; where they

expected to find water) they were obliged to go without drink。 Still;

none of these were very serious; nor had any of the three of them ever

been in better health than they were at this moment; for by good luck

they had escaped all fever。 Indeed; their rough; wild life had agreed

with Benita extraordinarily well; so well that any who had known her

in the streets of London would scarcely have recognized her as the

sunburnt; active and well…formed young woman who sat that night by the

camp fire。

All the horses they had brought with them had been sold; except some

which had died; and three that were 〃salted;〃 or proof against the

deadly horse sickness; which they took on with them。 Their own

servants also had been sent back to Rooi Krantz in charge of a Scotch

cart laden with ivory; purchased from Boer hunters who had brought it

down from the north of the Transvaal。 Therefore; for this was part of

the bargain; the three Makalanga were now their only attendants who

drove and herded the cattle; while Benita cooked the food which the

two white men shot; or sometimes bought from natives。

For days they had been passing through a country that was practically

deserted; and now; having crossed a high nek; the same on which Robert

Seymour had left his waggon; they were camped in low land which
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