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importance。  It gives a new interest to distant and subject countries; it

brings back the dawning light from one end of the earth to the other。 

Nations; like individuals; are better understood by us when we know

something of their early life; and when they are better understood by us;

we feel more kindly towards them。  Lastly; we may remember that all

knowledge is valuable for its own sake; and we may also hope that a deeper

insight into the nature of human speech will give us a greater command of

it and enable us to make a nobler use of it。  (Compare again W。 Humboldt;

'Ueber die Verschiedenheit des menschlichen Sprachbaues;' M。 Muller;

'Lectures on the Science of Language;' Steinthal; 'Einleitung in die

Psychologie und Sprachwissenschaft:' and for the latter part of the Essay;

Delbruck; 'Study of Language;' Paul's 'Principles of the History of

Language:'  to the latter work the author of this Essay is largely





Translated by Benjamin Jowett

PERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE:  Socrates; Hermogenes; Cratylus。

HERMOGENES:  Suppose that we make Socrates a party to the argument?

CRATYLUS:  If you please。

HERMOGENES:  I should explain to you; Socrates; that our friend Cratylus

has been arguing about names; he says that they are natural and not

conventional; not a portion of the human voice which men agree to use; but

that there is a truth or correctness in them; which is the same for

Hellenes as for barbarians。  Whereupon I ask him; whether his own name of

Cratylus is a true name or not; and he answers 'Yes。'  And Socrates? 

'Yes。'  Then every man's name; as I tell him; is that which he is called。 

To this he replies'If all the world were to call you Hermogenes; that

would not be your name。'  And when I am anxious to have a further

explanation he is ironical and mysterious; and seems to imply that he has a

notion of his own about the matter; if he would only tell; and could

entirely convince me; if he chose to be intelligible。  Tell me; Socrates;

what this oracle means; or rather tell me; if you will be so good; what is

your own view of the truth or correctness of names; which I would far

sooner hear。

SOCRATES:  Son of Hipponicus; there is an ancient saying; that 'hard is the

knowledge of the good。'  And the knowledge of names is a great part of

knowledge。  If I had not been poor; I might have heard the fifty…drachma

course of the great Prodicus; which is a complete education in grammar and

languagethese are his own wordsand then I should have been at once able

to answer your question about the correctness of names。  But; indeed; I

have only heard the single…drachma course; and therefore; I do not know the

truth about such matters; I will; however; gladly assist you and Cratylus

in the investigation of them。  When he declares that your name is not

really Hermogenes; I suspect that he is only making fun of you;he means

to say that you are no true son of Hermes; because you are always looking

after a fortune and never in luck。  But; as I was saying; there is a good

deal of difficulty in this sort of knowledge; and therefore we had better

leave the question open until we have heard both sides。

HERMOGENES:  I have often talked over this matter; both with Cratylus and

others; and cannot convince myself that there is any principle of

correctness in names other than convention and agreement; any name which

you give; in my opinion; is the right one; and if you change that and give

another; the new name is as correct as the oldwe frequently change the

names of our slaves; and the newly…imposed name is as good as the old:  for

there is no name given to anything by nature; all is convention and habit

of the users;such is my view。  But if I am mistaken I shall be happy to

hear and learn of Cratylus; or of any one else。

SOCRATES:  I dare say that you may be right; Hermogenes:  let us see;Your

meaning is; that the name of each thing is only that which anybody agrees

to call it?

HERMOGENES:  That is my notion。

SOCRATES:  Whether the giver of the name be an individual or a city?


SOCRATES:  Well; now; let me take an instance;suppose that I call a man a

horse or a horse a man; you mean to say that a man will be rightly called a

horse by me individually; and rightly called a man by the rest of the

world; and a horse again would be rightly called a man by me and a horse by

the world:that is your meaning?

HERMOGENES:  He would; according to my view。

SOCRATES:  But how about truth; then? you would acknowledge that there is

in words a true and a false?

HERMOGENES:  Certainly。

SOCRATES:  And there are true and false propositions?

HERMOGENES:  To be sure。

SOCRATES:  And a true proposition says that which is; and a false

proposition says that which is not?

HERMOGENES:  Yes; what other answer is possible?

SOCRATES:  Then in a proposition there is a true and false?

HERMOGENES:  Certainly。

SOCRATES:  But is a proposition true as a whole only; and are the parts


HERMOGENES:  No; the parts are true as well as the whole。

SOCRATES:  Would you say the large parts and not the smaller ones; or every


HERMOGENES:  I should say that every part is true。

SOCRATES:  Is a proposition resolvable into any part smaller than a name?

HERMOGENES:  No; that is the smallest。

SOCRATES:  Then the name is a part of the true proposition?


SOCRATES:  Yes; and a true part; as you say。


SOCRATES:  And is not the part of a falsehood also a falsehood?


SOCRATES:  Then; if propositions may be true and false; names may be true

and false?

HERMOGENES:  So we must infer。

SOCRATES:  And the name of anything is that which any one affirms to be the



SOCRATES:  And will there be so many names of each thing as everybody says

that there are? and will they be true names at the time of uttering them?

HERMOGENES:  Yes; Socrates; I can conceive no correctness of names other

than this; you give one name; and I another; and in different cities and

countries there are different names for the same things; Hellenes differ

from barbarians in their use of names; and the several Hellenic tribes from

one another。

SOCRATES:  But would you say; Hermogenes; that the things differ as the

names differ? and are they relative to individuals; as Protagoras tells us? 

For he says that man is the measure of all things; and that things are to

me as they appear to me; and that they are to you as they appear to you。 

Do you agree with him; or would you say that things have a permanent

essence of their own?

HERMOGENES:  There have been times; Socrates; when I have been driven in my

perplexity to take refuge with Protagoras; not that I agree with him at


SOCRATES:  What! h
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