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gives a complete paradigm of the verb; without suggesting that the double

or treble forms of Perfects; Aorists; etc。 are hardly ever contemporaneous。 

It distinguishes Moods and Tenses; without observing how much of the nature

of one passes into the other。  It makes three Voices; Active; Passive; and

Middle; but takes no notice of the precarious existence and uncertain

character of the last of the three。  Language is a thing of degrees and

relations and associations and exceptions:  grammar ties it up in fixed

rules。  Language has many varieties of usage:  grammar tries to reduce them

to a single one。  Grammar divides verbs into regular and irregular:  it

does not recognize that the irregular; equally with the regular; are

subject to law; and that a language which had no exceptions would not be a

natural growth:  for it could not have been subjected to the influences by

which language is ordinarily affected。  It is always wanting to describe

ancient languages in the terms of a modern one。  It has a favourite fiction

that one word is put in the place of another; the truth is that no word is

ever put for another。  It has another fiction; that a word has been

omitted:  words are omitted because they are no longer needed; and the

omission has ceased to be observed。  The common explanation of kata or some

other preposition 'being understood' in a Greek sentence is another fiction

of the same kind; which tends to disguise the fact that under cases were

comprehended originally many more relations; and that prepositions are used

only to define the meaning of them with greater precision。  These instances

are sufficient to show the sort of errors which grammar introduces into

language。  We are not considering the question of its utility to the

beginner in the study。  Even to him the best grammar is the shortest and

that in which he will have least to unlearn。  It may be said that the

explanations here referred to are already out of date; and that the study

of Greek grammar has received a new character from comparative philology。 

This is true; but it is also true that the traditional grammar has still a

great hold on the mind of the student。

Metaphysics are even more troublesome than the figments of grammar; because

they wear the appearance of philosophy and there is no test to which they

can be subjected。  They are useful in so far as they give us an insight

into the history of the human mind and the modes of thought which have

existed in former ages; or in so far as they furnish wider conceptions of

the different branches of knowledge and of their relation to one another。 

But they are worse than useless when they outrun experience and abstract

the mind from the observation of facts; only to envelope it in a mist of

words。  Some philologers; like Schleicher; have been greatly influenced by

the philosophy of Hegel; nearly all of them to a certain extent have fallen

under the dominion of physical science。  Even Kant himself thought that the

first principles of philosophy could be elicited from the analysis of the

proposition; in this respect falling short of Plato。  Westphal holds that

there are three stages of language:  (1) in which things were characterized

independently; (2) in which they were regarded in relation to human

thought; and (3) in relation to one another。  But are not such distinctions

an anachronism? for they imply a growth of abstract ideas which never

existed in early times。  Language cannot be explained by Metaphysics; for

it is prior to them and much more nearly allied to sense。  It is not likely

that the meaning of the cases is ultimately resolvable into relations of

space and time。  Nor can we suppose the conception of cause and effect or

of the finite and infinite or of the same and other to be latent in

language at a time when in their abstract form they had never entered into

the mind of man。。。If the science of Comparative Philology had possessed

'enough of Metaphysics to get rid of Metaphysics;' it would have made far

greater progress。

(4) Our knowledge of language is almost confined to languages which are

fully developed。  They are of several patterns; and these become altered by

admixture in various degrees;they may only borrow a few words from one

another and retain their life comparatively unaltered; or they may meet in

a struggle for existence until one of the two is overpowered and retires

from the field。  They attain the full rights and dignity of language when

they acquire the use of writing and have a literature of their own; they

pass into dialects and grow out of them; in proportion as men are isolated

or united by locality or occupation。  The common language sometimes reacts

upon the dialects and imparts to them also a literary character。  The laws

of language can be best discerned in the great crises of language;

especially in the transitions from ancient to modern forms of them; whether

in Europe or Asia。  Such changes are the silent notes of the world's

history; they mark periods of unknown length in which war and conquest were

running riot over whole continents; times of suffering too great to be

endured by the human race; in which the masters became subjects and the

subject races masters; in which driven by necessity or impelled by some

instinct; tribes or nations left their original homes and but slowly found

a resting…place。  Language would be the greatest of all historical

monuments; if it could only tell us the history of itself。

(5) There are many ways in which we may approach this study。  The simplest

of all is to observe our own use of language in conversation or in writing;

how we put words together; how we construct and connect sentences; what are

the rules of accent and rhythm in verse or prose; the formation and

composition of words; the laws of euphony and sound; the affinities of

letters; the mistakes to which we are ourselves most liable of spelling or

pronunciation。  We may compare with our own language some other; even when

we have only a slight knowledge of it; such as French or German。  Even a

little Latin will enable us to appreciate the grand difference between

ancient and modern European languages。  In the child learning to speak we

may note the inherent strength of language; which like 'a mountain river'

is always forcing its way out。  We may witness the delight in imitation and

repetition; and some of the laws by which sounds pass into one another。  We

may learn something also from the falterings of old age; the searching for

words; and the confusion of them with one another; the forgetfulness of

proper names (more commonly than of other words because they are more

isolated); aphasia; and the like。  There are philological lessons also to

be gathered from nicknames; from provincialisms; from the slang of great

cities; from the argot of Paris (that language of suffering and crime; so

pathetically described by Victor Hugo); from the imperfect articulation of

the deaf and dumb; from
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