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to sink into the background of consciousness; and in a very complex and busied life the number of sensations or states of consciousness which can struggle up to the front and get attended to; is comparatively small It is thus that the days seem so short when we are busy about every…day matters; and that they get blurred together; and as it were individually annihilated in recollection。 When we travel; a comparatively large number of fresh sensations occupy attention; there is a maximum of consciousness; and a distinct image is left to loom up in memory。 For the same reason the weeks and years are much longer to the child than to the grown man。 The life is simpler and less hurried; so that there is time to attend to a great many sensations。 Now this fact lies at the bottom of that keen enjoyment of existence which is the prerogative of childhood and early youth。 The day is not rushed through by the automatic discharge of certain psychical functions; but each sensation stays long enough to make itself recognized。 Now when once we understand the psychology of this matter; it becomes evident that the same contrast that holds between the child and the man must hold also between the ancient and the modern。 The number of elements entering into ancient life were so few relatively; that there must have been far more than there is now of that intense realization of life which we can observe in children and remember of our own childhood。 Space permitting; it would be easy to show from Greek literature how intense was this realization of life。 But my point will already have been sufficiently apprehended。 Already we cannot fail to see how difficult it is to get more than a minimum of conscious fruition out of a too complex and rapid activity。
One other point is worth noticing before we close。 How is this turmoil of modern existence impressing itself upon the physical constitutions of modern men and women? When an individual man engages in furious productive activity; his friends warn him that he will break down。 Does the collective man of our time need some such friendly warning? Let us first get a hint from what foreigners think of us ultra…modernized Americans。 Wandering journalists; of an ethnological turn of mind; who visit these shores; profess to be struck with the slenderness; the apparent lack of toughness; the dyspeptic look; of the American physique。 And from such observations it has been seriously argued that the stalwart English race is suffering inevitable degeneracy in this foreign climate。 I have even seen it doubted whether a race of men can ever become thoroughly naturalized in a locality to which it is not indigenous。 To such vagaries it is a sufficient answer that the English are no more indigenous to England than to America。 They are indigenous to Central Asia; and as they have survived the first transplantation; they may be safely counted on to survive the second。 A more careful survey will teach us that the slow alteration of physique which is going on in this country is only an exaggeration of that which modern civilization is tending to bring about everywhere。 It is caused by the premature and excessive strain upon the mental powers requisite to meet the emergencies of our complex life。 The progress of events has thrown the work of sustaining life so largely upon the brain that we are beginning to sacrifice the physical to the intellectual。 We are growing spirituelle in appearance at the expense of robustness。 Compare any typical Greek face; with its firm muscles; its symmetry of feature; and its serenity of expression; to a typical modern portrait; with its more delicate contour; its exaggerated forehead; its thoughtful; perhaps jaded look。 Or consider in what respects the grand faces of the Plantagenet monarchs differ from the refined countenances of the leading English statesmen of to…day。 Or again; consider the familiar pictures of the Oxford and Harvard crews which rowed a race on the Thames in 1869; and observe how much less youthful are the faces of the Americans。 By contrast they almost look careworn。 The summing up of countless such facts is that modern civilization is making us nervous。 Our most formidable diseases are of nervous origin。 We seem to have got rid of the mediaeval plague and many of its typhoid congeners; but instead we have an increased amount of insanity; methomania; consumption; dyspepsia; and paralysis。 In this fact it is plainly written that we are suffering physically from the over…work and over…excitement entailed by excessive hurry。
In view of these various but nearly related points of difference between ancient and modern life as studied in their extreme manifestations; it cannot be denied that while we have gained much; we have also lost a good deal that is valuable; in our progress。 We cannot but suspect that we are not in all points more highly favoured than the ancients。 And it becomes probable that Athens; at all events; which I have chosen as my example; may have exhibited an adumbration of a state of things which; for the world at large; is still in the future;still to be remotely hoped for。 The rich complexity of modern social achievement is attained at the cost of individual many…sidedness。 As Tennyson puts it; 〃The individual withers and the world is more and more。〃 Yet the individual does not exist for the sake of society; as the positivists would have us believe; but society exists for the sake of the individual。 And the test of complete social life is the opportunity which it affords for complete individual life。 Tried by this test; our contemporary civilization will appear seriously defective;excellent only as a preparation for something better。
This is the true light in which to regard it。 This incessant turmoil; this rage for accumulation of wealth; this crowding; jostling; and trampling upon one another; cannot be regarded as permanent; or as anything more than the accompaniment of a transitional stage of civilization。 There must be a limit to the extent to which the standard of comfortable living can be raised。 The industrial organization of society; which is now but beginning; must culminate in a state of things in which the means of expense will exceed the demand for expense; in which the human race will have some surplus capital。 The incessant manual labour which the ancients relegated to slaves will in course of time be more and more largely performed by inanimate machinery。 Unskilled labour will for the most part disappear。 Skilled labour will consist in the guiding of implements contrived with versatile cunning for the relief of human nerve and muscle。 Ultimately there will be no unsettled land to fill; no frontier life; no savage races to be assimilated or extirpated; no extensive migration。 Thus life will again become comparatively stationary。 The chances for making great fortunes quickly will be diminished; while the facilities for acquiring a competence by steady labour will be increased。 When every one is able to reach the normal standard of comfortable living; we must suppose that the exaggerated appetite for wealth and display will gradually disappear。 We shall be more easily satisfied; and thus enjoy more leisure。 It may be that there will ultima