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michael, brother of jerry-第48章

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n。  Thanks to his general good health; the wound of the amputated toe was in the process of uneventful healing。  But dirt clung to him; and he was infested with fleas。

Cedarwild; to look at; was anything save a hell。  Velvet lawns; gravelled walks and drives; and flowers formally growing; led up to the group of long low buildings; some of frame and some of concrete。  But Michael was not received by Harris Collins; who; at the moment; sat in his private office; Harry Del Mar's last telegram on his desk; writing a memorandum to his secretary to query the railroad and the express companies for the whereabouts of a dog; crated and shipped by one; Harry Del Mar; from Seattle and consigned to Cedarwild。  It was a pallid…eyed youth of eighteen in overalls who received Michael; receipted for him to the expressman; and carried his crate into a slope…floored concrete room that smelled offensively and chemically clean。

Michael was impressed by his surroundings but not attracted by the youth; who rolled up his sleeves and encased himself in large oilskin apron before he opened the crate。  Michael sprang out and staggered about on legs which had not walked for days。  This particular two…legged god was uninteresting。  He was as cold as the concrete floor; as methodical as a machine; and in such fashion he went about the washing; scrubbing; and disinfecting of Michael。  For Harris Collins was scientific and antiseptic to the last word in his handling of animals; and Michael was scientifically made clean; without deliberate harshness; but without any slightest hint of gentleness or consideration。

Naturally; he did not understand。  On top of all he had already experienced; not even knowing executioners and execution chambers; for all he knew this bare room of cement and chemical smell might well be the place of the ultimate life…disaster and this youth the god who was to send him into the dark which had engulfed all he had known and loved。  What Michael did know beyond the shadow of any doubt was that it was all coldly ominous and terribly strange。 He endured the hand of the youth…god on the scruff of his neck; after the collar had been unbuckled; but when the hose was turned on him; he resented and resisted。  The youth; merely working by formula; tightened the safe grip on the scruff of Michael's neck and lifted him clear of the floor; at the same time; with the other hand; directing the stream of water into his mouth and increasing it to full force by the nozzle control。  Michael fought; and was well drowned for his pains; until he gasped and strangled helplessly。

After that he resisted no more; and was washed out and scrubbed out and cleansed out with the hose; a big bristly brush; and much carbolic soap; the lather of which got into and stung his eyes and nose; causing him to weep copiously and sneeze violently。 Apprehensive of what might at any moment happen to him; but by this time aware that the youth was neither positive nor negative for kindness or harm; Michael continued to endure without further battling; until; clean and comfortable; he was put away into a pen; sweet and wholesome; where he slept and for the time being forgot。  The place was the hospital; or segregation ward; and a week of imprisonment was spent therein; in which nothing happened in the way of development of germ diseases; and nothing happened to him except regular good food; pure drinking…water; and absolute isolation from contact with all life save the youth…god who; like an automaton; attended on him。

Michael had yet to meet Harris Collins; although; from a distance; often he heard his voice; not loud; but very imperative。  That the owner of this voice was a high god; Michael knew from the first sound of it。  Only a high god; a master over ordinary gods; could be so imperative。  Will was in that voice; and accustomedness to command。  Any dog would have so decided as quickly as Michael did。 And any dog would have decided that there was no love nor lovableness in the god behind the voice; nothing to warm one's heart nor to adore。


It was at eleven in the morning that the pale youth…god put collar and chain on Michael; led him out of the segregation ward; and turned him over to a dark youth…god who wasted no time of greeting on him and manifested no friendliness。  A captive at the end of a chain; on the way Michael quickly encountered other captives going in his direction。  There were three of them; and never had he seen the like。  Three slouching; ambling monsters of bears they were; and at sight of them Michael bristled and uttered the lowest of growls; for he knew them; out of his heredity (as a domestic cow knows her first wolf); as immemorial enemies from the wild。  But he had travelled too far; seen too much; and was altogether too sensible; to attack them。  Instead; walking stiff…legged and circumspectly; but smelling with all his nose the strange scent of the creatures; he followed at the end of his chain his own captor god。

Continually a multitude of strange scents invaded his nostrils。 Although he could not see through walls; he got the smells he was later to identify of lions; leopards; monkeys; baboons; and seals and sea…lions。  All of which might have stunned an ordinary dog; but the effect on him was to make him very alert and at the same time very subdued。  It was as if he walked in a new and monstrously populous jungle and was unacquainted with its ways and denizens。

As he was entering the arena; he shied off to the side more stiff… leggedly than ever; bristled all along his neck and back; and growled deep and low in his throat。  For; emerging from the arena; came five elephants。  Small elephants they were; but to him they were the hugest of monsters; in his mind comparable only with the cow…whale of which he had caught fleeting glimpses when she destroyed the schooner Mary Turner。  But the elephants took no notice of him; each with its trunk clutching the tail of the one in front of it as it had been taught to do in making an exit。

Into the arena; he came; the bears following on his heels。  It was a sawdust circle the size of a circus ring; contained inside a square building that was roofed over with glass。  But there were no seats about the ring; since spectators were not tolerated。 Only Harris Collins and his assistants; and buyers and sellers of animals and men in the profession; were ever permitted to behold how animals were tormented into the performance of tricks to make the public open its mouth in astonishment or laughter。

Michael forgot about the bears; who were quickly at work on the other side of the circle from that to which he was taken。  Some men; rolling out stout bright…painted barrels which elephants could not crush by sitting on; attracted his attention for a moment。  Next; in a pause on the part of the man who led him; he regarded with huge interest a piebald Shetland pony。  It lay on the ground。  A man sat on it。  And ever and anon it lifted its head from the sawdust and kissed the man。  This was all Michael saw; yet he sensed something wrong about it。  He knew not why; had no evidence why; but he felt cruelty and power and unfairness。 What he did not see was the long pin in the ma
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