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the clouds-第5章

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    Ah; that's just what happened to me one day。 It was at the feast

of Zeus! I was cooking a sow's belly for my family and I had forgotten

to slit it open。 It swelled out and; suddenly bursting; discharged

itself right into my eyes and burnt my face。


    Oh; mortal; you who desire to instruct yourself in our great

wisdom; the Athenians; the Greeks will envy you your good fortune。

Only you must have the memory and ardour for study; you must know

how to stand the tests; hold your own; go forward without feeling

fatigue; caring but little for food; abstaining from wine; gymnastic

exercises and other similar follies; in fact; you must believe as

every man of intellect should; that the greatest of all blessings is

to live and think more clearly than the vulgar herd; to shine in the

contests of words。


    If it be a question of hardiness for labour; of spending whole

nights at work; of living sparingly; of fighting my stomach and only

eating chickpease; rest assured; I am as hard as an anvil。


    Henceforward; following our example; you will recognize no other

gods but Chaos; the Clouds and the Tongue; these three alone。


    I would not speak to the others; even if I met them in the street;

not a single sacrifice; not a libation; not a grain of incense for



    Tell us boldly then what you want of us; you cannot fail to

succeed。 If you honour and revere us and if you are resolved to become

a clever man。


    Oh; sovereign goddesses; it is only a very small favour that I ask

of you; grant that I may outdistance all the Greeks by a hundred

stadia in the art of speaking。


    We grant you this; and henceforward no eloquence shall more

often succeed with the people than your own。


    May the gods shield me from possessing great eloquence! That's not

what I want。 I want to be able to turn bad law…suits to my own

advantage and to slip through the fingers of my creditors。


    It shall be as you wish; for your ambitions are modest。 Commit

yourself fearlessly to our ministers; the sophists。


    This I will do; for I trust in you。 Moreover there is no drawing

back; what with these cursed horses and this marriage; which has eaten

up my vitals。 (More and more volubly from here to the end of speeck)

So let them do with me as they will; I yield my body to them。 Come

blows; come hunger; thirst; heat or cold; little matters it to me;

they may flay me; if I only escape my debts; if only I win the

reputation of being a bold rascal; a fine speaker; impudent;

shameless; a braggart; and adept at stringing lies; an old stager at

quibbles; a complete table of laws; a thorough rattle; a fox to slip

through any hole; supple as a leathern strap; slippery as an eel; an

artful fellow; a blusterer; a villain; a knave with a hundred faces;

cunning; intolerable; a gluttonous dog。 With such epithets do I seek

to be greeted; on these terms they can treat me as they choose; and;

if they wish; by Demeter! they can turn me into sausages and serve

me up to the philosophers。

  CHORUS (singing)

    Here have we a bold and well…disposed pupil indeed。 When we have

taught you; your glory among the mortals will reach even to the skies。

  STREPSIADES (singing)

    Wherein will that profit me?

  CHORUS (singing)

    You will pass your whole life among us and will be the most envied

of men。

  STREPSIADES (singing)

    Shall I really ever see such happiness?

  CHORUS (singing)

    Clients will be everlastingly besieging your door in crowds;

burning to get at you; to explain their business to you and to consult

you about their suits; which; in return for your ability; will bring

you in great sums。


    But; Socrates; begin the lessons you want to teach this old man;

rouse his mind; try the strength of his intelligence。


    Come; tell me the kind of mind you have; it's important that I

know this; that I may order my batteries against you in the right



    Eh; what! in the name of the gods; are you purposing to assault me



    No。 I only wish to ask you some questions。 Have you any memory?


    That depends: if anything is owed me; my memory is excellent;

but if I owe; alas! I have none whatever。


    Have you a natural gift for speaking?


    For speaking; no; for cheating; yes。


    How will you be able to learn then?


    Very easily; have no fear。


    Thus; when I throw forth some philosophical thought anent things

celestial。; you will seize it in its very flight?


    Then I am to snap up wisdom much as a dog snaps up a morsel?

  SOCRATES (aside)

    Oh! the ignoramus! the barbarian! (to STREPSIADES) I greatly fear;

old man; it will be necessary for me to have recourse to blows。 Now;

let me hear what you do when you are beaten。


    I receive the blow; then wait a moment; take my witnesses and

finally summon my assailant at law。


    Come; take off your cloak。


    Have I robbed you of anything?


    No。 but the usual thing is to enter the school without your cloak。


    But I have not come here to look for stolen goods。


    Off with it; fool!

  STREPSIADES (He obeys。)

    Tell me; if I prove thoroughly attentive and learn with zeal;

which O; your disciples shall I resemble; do you think?


    You will be the image of Chaerephon。


    Ah! unhappy me! Shall I then be only half alive?


    A truce to this chatter! follow me and no more of it。


    First give me a honey…cake; for to descend down there sets me

all a…tremble; it looks like the cave of Trophonius。


    But get in with you! What reason have you for thus dallying at the


                                       (They go into the Thoughtery。)


    Good luck! you have courage; may you succeed; you; who; though

already so advanced in years; wish to instruct your mind with new

studies and practise it in wisdom! (The CHORUS turns and faces the

Audience。) Spectators! By Bacchus; whose servant I am; I will

frankly tell you the truth。 May I secure both victory and renown as

certainly as I hold you for adept critics and as I regard this

comedy as my best。 I wished to give you the first view of a work;

which had cost me much trouble; but which I withdrew; unjustly

beaten by unskilful rivals。 It is you; oh; enlightened public; for

whom I have prepared my piece; that I reproach with this。 Nevertheless

I shall never willingly cease to seek the approval of the

discerning。 I have not forgotten the day; when men; wh
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