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a complete account of the settlement-第23章

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awanyee only laughed; nor could all the anger and reproaches of the other prevail upon him to do that for one of his countrymen; which he cheerfully continued to perform to every other person。'

Baneelon finding he could not succeed; withdrew himself for two days。 At length he made his appearance; attended only by his wife。  Unmindful of what had so recently happened; he marched singly up to the governor's house; and on being refused admittance; though unarmed; attempted to force the sentinel。  The soldier spared him; but the guard was instantly sent for; and drawn up in front of the house; not that their co…operation was necessary; but that their appearance might terrify。  His ardour now cooled; and he seemed willing; by submission; to atone for his misconduct。  His intrepid disregard of personal risk; nay of life; could not however; but gain admiration; though it led us to predict; that this Baneelon; whom imagination had fondly pictured; like a second Omai; the gaze of a court and the scrutiny of the curious; would perish untimely; the victim of his own temerity。

To encourage his present disposition of mind; and to try if feelings of compassion towards an enemy; could be exerted by an Indian warrior; the governor ordered him to be taken to the hospital; that he might see the victim of his ferocity。  He complied in sullen silence。  When about to enter the room in which she lay; he appeared to have a momentary struggle with himself; which ended his resentment。  He spoke to her with kindness; and professed sorrow for what he had done; and promised her future protection。 Barangaroo; who had accompanied him; now took the alarm:  and as in shunning one extreme we are ever likely to rush into another; she thought him perhaps too courteous and tender。  Accordingly she began to revile them both with great bitterness; threw stones at the girl and attempted to beat her with a club。

Here terminated this curious history; which I leave to the reader's speculation。  Whether human sacrifices of prisoners be common among them is a point which all our future inquiry never completely determined。 It is certain that no second instance of this sort was ever witnessed by us。


Transactions of the Colony in Part of December; 1790。

On the 9th of the month; a sergeant of marines; with three convicts; among whom was McEntire; the governor's gamekeeper (the person of whom Baneelon had; on former occasions; shown so much dread and hatred) went out on a shooting party。  Having passed the north arm of Botany Bay; they proceeded to a hut formed of boughs; which had been lately erected on this peninsula; for the accommodation of sportsmen who wished to continue by night in the woods; for; as the kangaroos in the day…time; chiefly keep in the cover; it is customary on these parties to sleep until near sunset; and watch for the game during the night; and in the early part of the morning。 Accordingly; having lighted a fire; they lay down; without distrust or suspicion。

About one o'clock; the sergeant was awakened by a rustling noise in the bushes near him; and supposing it to proceed from a kangaroo; called to his comrades; who instantly jumped up。  On looking about more narrowly; they saw two natives with spears in their hands; creeping towards them; and three others a little farther behind。  As this naturally created alarm; McEntire said; 〃don't be afraid; I know them;〃 and immediately laying down his gun; stepped forward; and spoke to them in their own language。  The Indians; finding they were discovered; kept slowly retreating; and McEntire accompanied them about a hundred yards; talking familiarly all the while。

One of them now jumped on a fallen tree and; without giving the least warning of his intention; launched his spear at McEntire and lodged it in his left side。  The person who committed this wanton act was described as a young man with a speck or blemish on his left eye  That he had been lately among us was evident from his being newly shaved。

The wounded man immediately drew back and; joining his party; cried; 〃I am a dead man〃。  While one broke off the end of the spear; the other two set out with their guns in pursuit of the natives; but their swiftness of foot soon convinced our people of the impossibility of reaching them。  It was now determined to attempt to carry McEntire home; as his death was apprehended to be near; and he expressed a longing desire not to be left to expire in the woods。  Being an uncommonly robust muscular man; notwithstanding a great effusion of blood; he was able; with the assistance of his comrades; to creep slowly along; and reached Sydney about two o'clock the next morning。 On the wound being examined by the surgeons; it was pronounced mortal。 The poor wretch now began to utter the most dreadful exclamations; and to accuse himself of the commission of crimes of the deepest dye; accompanied with such expressions of his despair of God's mercy; as are too terrible to repeat。

In the course of the day; Colbee; and several more natives came in; and were taken to the bed where the wounded man lay。  Their behaviour indicated that they had already heard of the accident; as they repeated twice or thrice the name of the murderer Pimelwi; saying that he lived at Botany Bay。 To gain knowledge of their treatment of similar wounds; one of the surgeons made signs of extracting the spear; but this they violently opposed; and said; if it were done; death would instantly follow。

On the 12th; the extraction of the spear was; however; judged practicable; and was accordingly performed。  That part of it which had penetrated the body measured seven inches and a half long; having on it a wooden barb; and several smaller ones of stone; fastened on with yellow gum; most of which; owing to the force necessary in extraction; were torn off and lodged in the patient。  The spear had passed between two ribs; and had wounded the left lobe of the lungs。  He lingered* until the 20th of January; and then expired。  On opening the corpse; it was found that the left lung had perished from suppuration; its remains adhering to the ribs。  Some pieces of stone; which had dropped from the spear were seen; but no barb of wood。

'*From the aversion uniformly shown by all the natives to this unhappy man; he had long been suspected by us of having in his excursions; shot and injured them。  To gain information on this head from him; the moment of contrition was seized。  On being questioned with great seriousness; he; however; declared that he had never fired but once on a native; and then had not killed; but severely wounded him and this in his own defence。  Notwithstanding this death…bed confession; most people doubted the truth of the relation; from his general character and other circumstances。'

The governor was at Rose…hill when this accident happened。  On the day after he returned to Sydney; the following order was issued:

Several tribes of the natives still continuing to throw spears at any man they meet unarmed; by which several have been killed; or dangerously wounded; the governor; in order to deter the natives from such practices in future; has ordered out a party to search for the man who wounde
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