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eugenie grandet-第7章

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white satin ribbon adorned with gold fringe。 In the morning Monsieur
Grandet; following his usual custom on the days that commemorated the
birth and the fete of Eugenie; went to her bedside and solemnly
presented her with his paternal gift;which for the last thirteen
years had consisted regularly of a curious gold…piece。 Madame Grandet
gave her daughter a winter dress or a summer dress; as the case might
be。 These two dresses and the gold…pieces; of which she received two
others on New Year's day and on her father's fete…day; gave Eugenie a
little revenue of a hundred crowns or thereabouts; which Grandet loved
to see her amass。 Was it not putting his money from one strong…box to
another; and; as it were; training the parsimony of his heiress? from
whom he sometimes demanded an account of her treasure (formerly
increased by the gifts of the Bertellieres); saying: 〃It is to be your
marriage dozen。〃

The 〃marriage dozen〃 is an old custom sacredly preserved and still in
force in many parts of central France。 In Berry and in Anjou; when a
young girl marries; her family; or that of the husband; must give her
a purse; in which they place; according to their means; twelve pieces;
or twelve dozen pieces; or twelve hundred pieces of gold。 The poorest
shepherd…girl never marries without her dozen; be it only a dozen
coppers。 They still tell in Issoudun of a certain 〃dozen〃 presented to
a rich heiress; which contained a hundred and forty…four /portugaises
d'or/。 Pope Clement VII。; uncle of Catherine de' Medici; gave her when
he married her to Henri II。 a dozen antique gold medals of priceless

During dinner the father; delighted to see his Eugenie looking well in
a new gown; exclaimed: 〃As it is Eugenie's birthday let us have a
fire; it will be a good omen。〃

〃Mademoiselle will be married this year; that's certain;〃 said la
Grande Nanon; carrying away the remains of the goose;the pheasant of

〃I don't see any one suitable for her in Saumur;〃 said Madame Grandet;
glancing at her husband with a timid look which; considering her
years; revealed the conjugal slavery under which the poor woman

Grandet looked at his daughter and exclaimed gaily;

〃She is twenty…three years old to…day; the child; we must soon begin
to think of it。〃

Eugenie and her mother silently exchanged a glance of intelligence。

Madame Grandet was a dry; thin woman; as yellow as a quince; awkward;
slow; one of those women who are born to be down…trodden。 She had big
bones; a big nose; a big forehead; big eyes; and presented at first
sight a vague resemblance to those mealy fruits that have neither
savor nor succulence。 Her teeth were black and few in number; her
mouth was wrinkled; her chin long and pointed。 She was an excellent
woman; a true la Bertelliere。 L'abbe Cruchot found occasional
opportunity to tell her that she had not done ill; and she believed
him。 Angelic sweetness; the resignation of an insect tortured by
children; a rare piety; a good heart; an unalterable equanimity of
soul; made her universally pitied and respected。 Her husband never
gave her more than six francs at a time for her personal expenses。
Ridiculous as it may seem; this woman; who by her own fortune and her
various inheritances brought Pere Grandet more than three hundred
thousand francs; had always felt so profoundly humiliated by her
dependence and the slavery in which she lived; against which the
gentleness of her spirit prevented her from revolting; that she had
never asked for one penny or made a single remark on the deeds which
Maitre Cruchot brought for her signature。 This foolish secret pride;
this nobility of soul perpetually misunderstood and wounded by
Grandet; ruled the whole conduct of the wife。

Madame Grandet was attired habitually in a gown of greenish levantine
silk; endeavoring to make it last nearly a year; with it she wore a
large kerchief of white cotton cloth; a bonnet made of plaited straws
sewn together; and almost always a black…silk apron。 As she seldom
left the house she wore out very few shoes。 She never asked anything
for herself。 Grandet; seized with occasional remorse when he
remembered how long a time had elapsed since he gave her the last six
francs; always stipulated for the 〃wife's pin…money〃 when he sold his
yearly vintage。 The four or five louis presented by the Belgian or the
Dutchman who purchased the wine were the chief visible signs of Madame
Grandet's annual revenues。 But after she had received the five louis;
her husband would often say to her; as though their purse were held in
common: 〃Can you lend me a few sous?〃 and the poor woman; glad to be
able to do something for a man whom her confessor held up to her as
her lord and master; returned him in the course of the winter several
crowns out of the 〃pin…money。〃 When Grandet drew from his pocket the
five…franc piece which he allowed monthly for the minor expenses;
thread; needles; and toilet;of his daughter; he never failed to say
as he buttoned his breeches' pocket: 〃And you; mother; do you want

〃My friend;〃 Madame Grandet would answer; moved by a sense of maternal
dignity; 〃we will see about that later。〃

Wasted dignity! Grandet thought himself very generous to his wife。
Philosophers who meet the like of Nanon; of Madame Grandet; of
Eugenie; have surely a right to say that irony is at the bottom of the
ways of Providence。

After the dinner at which for the first time allusion had been made to
Eugenie's marriage; Nanon went to fetch a bottle of black…currant
ratafia from Monsieur Grandet's bed…chamber; and nearly fell as she
came down the stairs。

〃You great stupid!〃 said her master; 〃are you going to tumble about
like other people; hey?〃

〃Monsieur; it was that step on your staircase which has given way。〃

〃She is right;〃 said Madame Grandet; 〃it ought to have been mended
long ago。 Yesterday Eugenie nearly twisted her ankle。〃

〃Here;〃 said Grandet to Nanon; seeing that she looked quite pale; 〃as
it is Eugenie's birthday; and you came near falling; take a little
glass of ratafia to set you right。〃

〃Faith! I've earned it;〃 said Nanon; 〃most people would have broken
the bottle; but I'd sooner have broken my elbow holding it up high。〃

〃Poor Nanon!〃 said Grandet; filling a glass。

〃Did you hurt yourself?〃 asked Eugenie; looking kindly at her。

〃No; I didn't fall; I threw myself back on my haunches。〃

〃Well! as it is Eugenie's birthday;〃 said Grandet; 〃I'll have the step
mended。 You people don't know how to set your foot in the corner where
the wood is still firm。〃

Grandet took the candle; leaving his wife; daughter; and servant
without any other light than that from the hearth; where the flames
were lively; and went into the bakehouse to fetch planks; nails; and

〃Can I help you?〃 cried Nanon; hearing him hammer on the stairs。

〃No; no! I'm an old hand at it;〃 answered the former cooper。

At the moment when Grandet was mending his worm…eaten staircase and
whistling with all his might; in remembrance of the days of his youth;
the three Cruchots knocked at the door。

〃Is it you; Monsieur Cruchot?〃 asked Nanon; peeping thr
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