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eugenie grandet-第37章

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pretence of sifting the accounts and finding out the exact condition
of the estate。 It roused at once a variety of difficulties。 Generally
speaking; the creditor is a species of maniac; ready to agree to
anything one day; on the next breathing fire and slaughter; later on;
he grows amicable and easy…going。 To…day his wife is good…humored; his
last baby has cut its first tooth; all is well at home; and he is
determined not to lose a sou; on the morrow it rains; he can't go out;
he is gloomy; he says yes to any proposal that is made to him; so long
as it will put an end to the affair; on the third day he declares he
must have guarantees; by the end of the month he wants his debtor's
head; and becomes at heart an executioner。 The creditor is a good deal
like the sparrow on whose tail confiding children are invited to put
salt;with this difference; that he applies the image to his claim;
the proceeds of which he is never able to lay hold of。 Grandet had
studied the atmospheric variations of creditors; and the creditors of
his brother justified all his calculations。 Some were angry; and
flatly refused to give in their vouchers。

〃Very good; so much the better;〃 said Grandet; rubbing his hands over
the letter in which des Grassins announced the fact。

Others agreed to the demand; but only on condition that their rights
should be fully guaranteed; they renounced none; and even reserved the
power of ultimately compelling a failure。 On this began a long
correspondence; which ended in Grandet of Saumur agreeing to all
conditions。 By means of this concession the placable creditors were
able to bring the dissatisfied creditors to reason。 The deposit was
then made; but not without sundry complaints。

〃Your goodman;〃 they said to des Grassins; 〃is tricking us。〃

Twenty…three months after the death of Guillaume Grandet many of the
creditors; carried away by more pressing business in the markets of
Paris; had forgotten their Grandet claims; or only thought of them to

〃I begin to believe that forty…seven per cent is all I shall ever get
out of that affair。〃

The old cooper had calculated on the power of time; which; as he used
to say; is a pretty good devil after all。 By the end of the third year
des Grassins wrote to Grandet that he had brought the creditors to
agree to give up their claims for ten per cent on the two million four
hundred thousand francs still due by the house of Grandet。 Grandet
answered that the notary and the broker whose shameful failures had
caused the death of his brother were still living; that they might now
have recovered their credit; and that they ought to be sued; so as to
get something out of them towards lessening the total of the deficit。

By the end of the fourth year the liabilities were definitely
estimated at a sum of twelve hundred thousand francs。 Many
negotiations; lasting over six months; took place between the
creditors and the liquidators; and between the liquidators and
Grandet。 To make a long story short; Grandet of Saumur; anxious by
this time to get out of the affair; told the liquidators; about the
ninth month of the fourth year; that his nephew had made a fortune in
the Indies and was disposed to pay his father's debts in full; he
therefore could not take upon himself to make any settlement without
previously consulting him; he had written to him; and was expecting an
answer。 The creditors were held in check until the middle of the fifth
year by the words; 〃payment in full;〃 which the wily old miser threw
out from time to time as he laughed in his beard; saying with a smile
and an oath; 〃Those Parisians!〃

But the creditors were reserved for a fate unexampled in the annals of
commerce。 When the events of this history bring them once more into
notice; they will be found still in the position Grandet had resolved
to force them into from the first。

As soon as the Funds reached a hundred and fifteen; Pere Grandet sold
out his interests and withdrew two million four hundred thousand
francs in gold; to which he added; in his coffers; the six hundred
thousand francs compound interest which he had derived from the
capital。 Des Grassins now lived in Paris。 In the first place he had
been made a deputy; then he became infatuated (father of a family as
he was; though horribly bored by the provincial life of Saumur) with a
pretty actress at the Theatre de Madame; known as Florine; and he
presently relapsed into the old habits of his army life。 It is useless
to speak of his conduct; Saumur considered it profoundly immoral。 His
wife was fortunate in the fact of her property being settled upon
herself; and in having sufficient ability to keep up the banking…house
in Saumur; which was managed in her name and repaired the breach in
her fortune caused by the extravagance of her husband。 The Cruchotines
made so much talk about the false position of the quasi…widow that she
married her daughter very badly; and was forced to give up all hope of
an alliance between Eugenie Grandet and her son。 Adolphe joined his
father in Paris and became; it was said; a worthless fellow。 The
Cruchots triumphed。

〃Your husband hasn't common sense;〃 said Grandet as he lent Madame des
Grassins some money on a note securely endorsed。 〃I am very sorry for
you; for you are a good little woman。〃

〃Ah; monsieur;〃 said the poor lady; 〃who could have believed that when
he left Saumur to go to Paris on your business he was going to his

〃Heaven is my witness; madame; that up to the last moment I did all I
could to prevent him from going。 Monsieur le president was most
anxious to take his place; but he was determined to go; and now we all
see why。〃

In this way Grandet made it quite plain that he was under no
obligation to des Grassins。


In all situations women have more cause for suffering than men; and
they suffer more。 Man has strength and the power of exercising it; he
acts; moves; thinks; occupies himself; he looks ahead; and sees
consolation in the future。 It was thus with Charles。 But the woman
stays at home; she is always face to face with the grief from which
nothing distracts her; she goes down to the depths of the abyss which
yawns before her; measures it; and often fills it with her tears and
prayers。 Thus did Eugenie。 She initiated herself into her destiny。 To
feel; to love; to suffer; to devote herself;is not this the sum of
woman's life? Eugenie was to be in all things a woman; except in the
one thing that consoles for all。 Her happiness; picked up like nails
scattered on a wallto use the fine simile of Bossuetwould never so
much as fill even the hollow of her hand。 Sorrows are never long in
coming; for her they came soon。 The day after Charles's departure the
house of Monsieur Grandet resumed its ordinary aspect in the eyes of
all; except in those of Eugenie; to whom it grew suddenly empty。 She
wished; if it could be done unknown to her father; that Charles's room
might be kept as he had left it。 Madame Grandet and Nanon were willing
accomplices in this /statu quo/。

〃Who knows but he may come back sooner than we think for?〃 she said。

〃Ah; don't I wish I could see him back!〃 answered N
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