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the spirit of laws-第155章

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18。 That it is necessary to inquire whether the Laws which seem contradictory are of the same Class。 At Rome the husband was permitted to lend his wife to another。 Plutarch tells us this in express terms。'48' We know that Cato lent his wife to Hortensius;'49' and Cato was not a man to violate the laws of his country。

On the other hand; a husband who suffered his wife to be debauched; who did not bring her to justice; or who took her again after her condemnation was punished。'50' These laws seem to contradict each other; and yet are not contradictory。 The law which permitted a Roman to lend his wife was visibly a Laced?monian institution; established with a view of giving the republic children of a good species; if I may be allowed the term; the other had in view the preservation of morals。 The first was a law of politics; the second a civil law。

19。 That we should not decide those Things by the civil Law which ought to be decided by domestic Laws。 The law of the Visigoths enjoins that the slaves of the house shall be obliged to bind the man and woman they surprise in adultery; and to present them to the husband and to the judge:'51' a terrible law; which puts into the hands of such mean persons; the care of public; domestic; and private vengeance!

This law can be nowhere proper but in the seraglios of the East; where the slave who has the charge of the enclosure is deemed an accomplice upon the discovery of the least infidelity。 He seizes the criminals; not so much with a view to bring them to justice; as to do justice to himself; and to obtain a scrutiny into the circumstances of the action; in order to remove the suspicion of his negligence。

But; in countries where women are not guarded; it is ridiculous to subject those who govern the family to the inquisition of their slaves。

This inquisition may; in certain cases; be at the most a particular domestic regulation; but never a civil law。

20。 That we ought not to decide by the Principles of the civil Laws those Things which belong to the Law of Nations。 Liberty consists principally in not being forced to do a thing; where the laws do not oblige: people are in this state only as they are governed by civil laws; and because they live under those civil laws; they are free。

It follows hence; that princes who live not among themselves under civil laws are not free; they are governed by force; they may continually force; or be forced。 Hence it follows that treaties made by force are as obligatory as those made by free consent。 When we; who live under civil laws; are; contrary to law; constrained to enter into a contract; we may; by the assistance of the law; recover from the effects of violence: but a prince; who is always in that state in which he forces; or is forced; cannot complain of a treaty which he has been compelled to sign。 This would be to complain of his natural state; it would seem as if he would be a prince with respect to other princes; and as if other princes should be subjects with respect to him; that is; it would be contrary to the nature of things。

21。 That we should not decide by political Laws Things which belong to the Law of Nations。 Political laws demand that every man be subject to the natural and civil courts of the country where he resides; and to the censure of the sovereign。

The law of nations requires that princes shall send ambassadors; and a reason drawn from the nature of things does not permit these ambassadors to depend either on the sovereign to whom they are sent; or on his tribunals。 They are the voice of the prince who sends them; and this voice ought to be free; no obstacle should hinder the execution of their office: they may frequently offend; because they speak for a man entirely independent; they might be wrongfully accused; if they were liable to be punished for crimes: if they could be arrested for debts; these might be forged。 Thus a prince; who has naturally a bold and enterprising spirit; would speak by the mouth of a man who had everything to fear。 We must then be guided; with respect to ambassadors; by reasons drawn from the law of nations; and not by those derived from political law。 But if they make an ill use of their representative character; a stop may be put to it by sending them back。 They may even be accused before their master; who becomes either their judge or their accomplice。

22。 The unhappy State of the Inca Athualpa。 The principles we have just been establishing were cruelly violated by the Spaniards。 The Inca Athualpa'52' could not be tried by the law of nations: they tried him by political and civil laws; they accused him for putting to death some of his own subjects; for having many wives &c。; and to fill up the measure of their stupidity; they condemned him; not by the political and civil laws of his own country; but by the political and civil laws of theirs。

23。 That when; by some Circumstance; the political Law becomes destructive to the State; we ought to decide by such a political Law as will preserve it; which sometimes becomes a Law of Nations。 When that political law which has established in the kingdom a certain order of succession becomes destructive to the body politic for whose sake it was established; there is not the least room to doubt but another political law may be made to change this order; and so far would this law be from opposing the first that it would in the main be entirely conformable to it; since both would depend on this principle; that THE SAFETY OF THE PEOPLE IS THE SUPREME LAW。

I have said'53' that a great state becoming accessory to another is itself weakened; and even weakens the principal。 We know that it is for the interest of the state to have the supreme magistrate within itself; that the public revenues be well administered; and that its specie be not sent abroad to enrich another country。 It is of importance that he who is to govern has not imbibed foreign maxims; these are less agreeable than those already established。 Besides; men have an extravagant fondness for their own laws and customs: these constitute the happiness of every community; and; as we learn from the histories of all nations; are rarely changed without violent commotions and a great effusion of blood。

It follows hence; that if a great state has for its heir the possessor of a great state; the former may reasonably exclude him; because a change in the order of succession must be of service to both countries。 Thus a law of Russia; made in the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth; most wisely excluded from the possession of the crown every heir who possessed another monarchy; thus the law of Portugal disqualifies every stranger who lays claim to the crown by right of blood。

But if a nation may exclude; it may with greater reason be allowed a right to oblige a prince to renounce。 If the people fear that a certain marriage will be attended with such consequences as shall rob the nation of its independence; or dismember some of its provinces; it may very justly oblige the contractors and their descendants to renounce all right over them; while he who renounces; and those to whose prejudice he renounces; have the less reason to complain; as the state might originally have made
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