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is a deadlock; the spy will prove himself a friend; I will place you
in a convent whence the Count's power cannot drag you。 But; before
going there; let us consider the other side of the question。 There is
a law; alike divine and human; which even hatred affects to obey; and
which commands us not to condemn the accused without hearing his
defence。 Till now you have passed condemnation; as children do; with
your ears stopped。 The devotion of seven years has its claims。 So you
must read the answer your husband will send you。 I have forwarded to
him; through my uncle; a copy of your letter; and my uncle asked him
what his reply would be if his wife wrote him a letter in such terms。
Thus you are not compromised。 He will himself bring the Count's
answer。 In the presence of that saintly man; and in mine; out of
respect for your own dignity; you must read it; or you will be no
better than a wilful; passionate child。 You must make this sacrifice
to the world; to the law; and to God。'
〃As she saw in this concession no attack on her womanly resolve; she
consented。 All the labor or four or five months had been building up
to this moment。 But do not the Pyramids end in a point on which a bird
may perch? The Count had set all his hopes on this supreme instant;
and he had reached it。
〃In all my life I remember nothing more formidable than my uncle's
entrance into that little Pompadour drawing…room; at ten that evening。
The fine head; with its silver hair thrown into relief by the entirely
black dress; and the divinely calm face; had a magical effect on the
Comtesse Honorine; she had the feeling of cool balm on her wounds; and
beamed in the reflection of that virtue which gave light without
knowing it。
〃 'Monsieur the Cure of the White Friars;' said old Gobain。
〃 'Are you come; uncle; with a message of happiness and peace?' said
〃 'Happiness and peace are always to be found in obedience to the
precepts of the Church;' replied my uncle; and he handed the Countess
the following letter:
〃 'If you had but done me the favor of trusting me; if you had read
the letter I wrote to you five years since; you would have spared
yourself five years of useless labor; and of privations which have
grieved me deeply。 In it I proposed an arrangement of which the
stipulations will relieve all your fears; and make our domestic life
possible。 I have much to reproach myself with; and in seven years of
sorrow I have discovered all my errors。 I misunderstood marriage。 I
failed to scent danger when it threatened you。 An angel was in the
house。 The Lord bid me guard it well! The Lord has punished me for my
audacious confidence。
〃 'You cannot give yourself a single lash without striking me。 Have
mercy on me; my dear Honorine。 I so fully appreciated your
susceptibilities that I would not bring you back to the old house in
the Rue Payenne; where I can live without you; but which I could not
bear to see again with you。 I am decorating; with great pleasure;
another house; in the Faubourg Saint…Honore; to which; in hope; I
conduct not a wife whom I owe to her ignorance of life; and secured to
me by law; but a sister who will allow me to press on her brow such a
kiss as a father gives the daughter he blesses every day。
〃 'Will you bereave me of the right I have conquered from your despair
that of watching more closely over your needs; your pleasures; your
life even? Women have one heart always on their side; always abounding
in excusestheir mother's; you never knew any mother but my mother;
who would have brought you back to me。 But how is it that you never
guessed that I had for you the heart of a mother; both of my mother
and of your own? Yes; dear; my affection is neither mean nor grasping;
it is one of those which will never let any annoyance last long enough
to pucker the brow of the child it worships。 What can you think of the
companion of your childhood; Honorine; if you believe him capable of
accepting kisses given in trembling; of living between delight and
anxiety? Do not fear that you will be exposed to the laments of a
suppliant passion; I would not want you back until I felt certain of
my own strength to leave you in perfect freedom。
〃 'Your solitary pride has exaggerated the difficulties。 You may; if
you will; look on at the life of a brother; or of a father; without
either suffering or joy; but you will find neither mockery nor
indifference; nor have any doubt as to his intentions。 The warmth of
the atmosphere in which you live will be always equable and genial;
without tempests; without a possible squall。 If; later; when you feel
secure that you are as much at home as in your own little house; you
desire to try some other elements of happiness; pleasures; or
amusements; you can expand their circle at your will。 The tenderness
of a mother knows neither contempt nor pity。 What is it? Love without
desire。 Well; in me admiration shall hide every sentiment in which you
might see an offence。
〃 'Thus; living side by side; we may both be magnanimous。 In you the
kindness of a sister; the affectionate thoughtfulness of a friend;
will satisfy the ambition of him who wishes to be your life's
companion; and you may measure his tenderness by the care he will take
to conceal it。 Neither you nor I will be jealous of the past; for we
may each acknowledge that the other has sense enough to look only
straight forward。
〃 'Thus you will be at home in your new house exactly as you are in
the Rue Saint…Maur; unapproachable; alone; occupied as you please;
living by your own law; but having in addition the legitimate
protection; of which you are now exacting the most chivalrous labors
of love; with the consideration which lends so much lustre to a woman;
and the fortune which will allow of your doing many good works。
Honorine; when you long for an unnecessary absolution; you have only
to ask for it; it will not be forced upon you by the Church or by the
Law; it will wait on your pride; on your own impulsion。 My wife might
indeed have to fear all the things you dread; but not my friend and
sister; towards whom I am bound to show every form and refinement of
politeness。 To see you happy is enough happiness for me; I have proved
this for the seven years past。 The guarantee for this; Honorine; is to
be seen in all the flowers made by you; carefully preserved; and
watered by my tears。 Like the /quipos/; the tally cords of the
Peruvians; they are the record of our sorrows。
〃 'If this secret compact does not suit you; my child; I have begged
the saintly man who takes charge of this letter not to say a word in
my behalf。 I will not owe your return to the terrors threatened by the
Church; nor to the bidding of the Law。 I will not accept the simple
and quiet happiness that I ask from any one but yourself。 If you
persist in condemning me to the lonely life; bereft even of a
fraternal smile; which I have led for nine years; if you remain in
your solitude and show no sign; my will yields to yours。 Understand me
perfectly: you shall be no more troubled that you have been until this
day。 I will get rid of the crazy fellow who has meddled in you