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stly; and I said to her at length: 〃So; then; I have found you at last。〃 I waited; but she answered me not a word。 Her face was the same as when I saw it last; and yet again how different! Seventeen years ago; when the lamp…light fell upon her face; as for the last time I kissed her lips (lips; Ann; that to me were not polluted); her eyes were streaming with tears: the tears were now wiped away; she seemed more beautiful than she was at that time; but in all other points the same; and not older。 Her looks were tranquil; but with unusual solemnity of expression; and I now gazed upon her with some awe; but suddenly her countenance grew dim; and turning to the mountains I perceived vapours rolling between us。 In a moment all had vanished; thick darkness came on; and in the twinkling of an eye I was far away from mountains; and by lamplight in Oxford Street; walking again with Annjust as we walked seventeen years before; when we were both children。
As a final specimen; I cite one of a different character; from 1820。
The dream commenced with a music which now I often heard in dreams a music of preparation and of awakening suspense; a music like the opening of the Coronation Anthem; and which; like THAT; gave the feeling of a vast march; of infinite cavalcades filing off; and the tread of innumerable armies。 The morning was come of a mighty day a day of crisis and of final hope for human nature; then suffering some mysterious eclipse; and labouring in some dread extremity。 Somewhere; I knew not wheresomehow; I knew not howby some beings; I knew not whoma battle; a strife; an agony; was conducting; was evolving like a great drama or piece of music; with which my sympathy was the more insupportable from my confusion as to its place; its cause; its nature; and its possible issue。 I; as is usual in dreams (where of necessity we make ourselves central to every movement); had the power; and yet had not the power; to decide it。 I had the power; if I could raise myself to will it; and yet again had not the power; for the weight of twenty Atlantics was upon me; or the oppression of inexpiable guilt。 〃Deeper than ever plummet sounded;〃 I lay inactive。 Then like a chorus the passion deepened。 Some greater interest was at stake; some mightier cause than ever yet the sword had pleaded; or trumpet had proclaimed。 Then came sudden alarms; hurryings to and fro; trepidations of innumerable fugitivesI knew not whether from the good cause or the bad; darkness and lights; tempest and human faces; and at last; with the sense that all was lost; female forms; and the features that were worth all the world to me; and but a moment allowedand clasped hands; and heart…breaking partings; and theneverlasting farewells! And with a sigh; such as the caves of Hell sighed when the incestuous mother uttered the abhorred name of death; the sound was reverberatedeverlasting farewells! And again and yet again reverberatedeverlasting farewells!
And I awoke in struggles; and cried aloud〃I will sleep no more。〃
But I am now called upon to wind up a narrative which has already extended to an unreasonable length。 Within more spacious limits the materials which I have used might have been better unfolded; and much which I have not used might have been added with effect。 Perhaps; however; enough has been given。 It now remains that I should say something of the way in which this conflict of horrors was finally brought to a crisis。 The reader is already aware (from a passage near the beginning of the introduction to the first part) that the Opium…eater has; in some way or other; 〃unwound almost to its final links the accursed chain which bound him。〃 By what means? To have narrated this according to the original intention would have far exceeded the space which can now be allowed。 It is fortunate; as such a cogent reason exists for abridging it; that I should; on a maturer view of the case; have been exceedingly unwilling to injure; by any such unaffecting details; the impression of the history itself; as an appeal to the prudence and the conscience of the yet unconfirmed opium…eateror even (though a very inferior consideration) to injure its effect as a composition。 The interest of the judicious reader will not attach itself chiefly to the subject of the fascinating spells; but to the fascinating power。 Not the Opium…eater; but the opium; is the true hero of the tale; and the legitimate centre on which the interest revolves。 The object was to display the marvellous agency of opium; whether for pleasure or for pain: if that is done; the action of the piece has closed。
However; as some people; in spite of all laws to the contrary; will persist in asking what became of the Opium…eater; and in what state he now is; I answer for him thus: The reader is aware that opium had long ceased to found its empire on spells of pleasure; it was solely by the tortures connected with the attempt to abjure it that it kept its hold。 Yet; as other tortures; no less it may be thought; attended the non…abjuration of such a tyrant; a choice only of evils was left; and THAT might as well have been adopted which; however terrific in itself; held out a prospect of final restoration to happiness。 This appears true; but good logic gave the author no strength to act upon it。 However; a crisis arrived for the author's life; and a crisis for other objects still dearer to himand which will always be far dearer to him than his life; even now that it is again a happy one。 I saw that I must die if I continued the opium。 I determined; therefore; if that should be required; to die in throwing it off。 How much I was at that time taking I cannot say; for the opium which I used had been purchased for me by a friend; who afterwards refused to let me pay him; so that I could not ascertain even what quantity I had used within the year。 I apprehend; however; that I took it very irregularly; and that I varied from about fifty or sixty grains to 150 a day。 My first task was to reduce it to forty; to thirty; and as fast as I could to twelve grains。
I triumphed。 But think not; reader; that therefore my sufferings were ended; nor think of me as of one sitting in a DEJECTED state。 Think of me as one; even when four months had passed; still agitated; writhing; throbbing; palpitating; shattered; and much perhaps in the situation of him who has been racked; as I collect the torments of that state from the affecting account of them left by a most innocent sufferer {20} of the times of James I。 Meantime; I derived no benefit from any medicine; except one prescribed to me by an Edinburgh surgeon of great eminence; viz。; ammoniated tincture of valerian。 Medical account; therefore; of my emancipation I have not much to give; and even that little; as managed by a man so ignorant of medicine as myself; would probably tend only to mislead。 At all events; it would be misplaced in this situation。 The moral of the narrative is addressed to the opium…eater; and therefore of necessity limited in its application。 If he is taught to fear and tremble; enough has been effected。 But he may say that the issue of my case is at least a proof that opium; after a seventeen years' use and an eight years'