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confessions of an english opium-eater-第22章

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r the resources of the architect; and instead of reviving me as a monument of wishes at least; and aspirations; and a life of labour dedicated to the exaltation of human nature in that way in which God had best fitted me to promote so great an object; it was likely to stand a memorial to my children of hopes defeated; of baffled efforts; of materials uselessly accumulated; of foundations laid that were never to support a super…structureof the grief and the ruin of the architect。  In this state of imbecility I had; for amusement; turned my attention to political economy; my understanding; which formerly had been as active and restless as a hyaena; could not; I suppose (so long as I lived at all) sink into utter lethargy; and political economy offers this advantage to a person in my state; that though it is eminently an organic science (no part; that is to say; but what acts on the whole as the whole again reacts on each part); yet the several parts may be detached and contemplated singly。  Great as was the prostration of my powers at this time; yet I could not forget my knowledge; and my understanding had been for too many years intimate with severe thinkers; with logic; and the great masters of knowledge; not to be aware of the utter feebleness of the main herd of modern economists。  I had been led in 1811 to look into loads of books and pamphlets on many branches of economy; and; at my desire; M。 sometimes read to me chapters from more recent works; or parts of parliamentary debates。  I saw that these were generally the very dregs and rinsings of the human intellect; and that any man of sound head; and practised in wielding logic with a scholastic adroitness; might take up the whole academy of modern economists; and throttle them between heaven and earth with his finger and thumb; or bray their fungus…heads to powder with a lady's fan。  At length; in 1819; a friend in Edinburgh sent me down Mr。 Ricardo's book; and recurring to my own prophetic anticipation of the advent of some legislator for this science; I said; before I had finished the first chapter; 〃Thou art the man!〃  Wonder and curiosity were emotions that had long been dead in me。  Yet I wondered once more: I wondered at myself that I could once again be stimulated to the effort of reading; and much more I wondered at the book。  Had this profound work been really written in England during the nineteenth century?  Was it possible?  I supposed thinking {19} had been extinct in England。  Could it be that an Englishman; and he not in academic bowers; but oppressed by mercantile and senatorial cares; had accomplished what all the universities of Europe and a century of thought had failed even to advance by one hair's breadth?  All other writers had been crushed and overlaid by the enormous weight of facts and documents。  Mr。 Ricardo had deduced a priori from the understanding itself laws which first gave a ray of light into the unwieldy chaos of materials; and had constructed what had been but a collection of tentative discussions into a science of regular proportions; now first standing on an eternal basis。

Thus did one single work of a profound understanding avail to give me a pleasure and an activity which I had not known for years。  It roused me even to write; or at least to dictate what M。 wrote for me。  It seemed to me that some important truths had escaped even 〃the inevitable eye〃 of Mr。 Ricardo; and as these were for the most part of such a nature that I could express or illustrate them more briefly and elegantly by algebraic symbols than in the usual clumsy and loitering diction of economists; the whole would not have filled a pocket…book; and being so brief; with M。 for my amanuensis; even at this time; incapable as I was of all general exertion; I drew up my PROLEGOMENA TO ALL FUTURE SYSTEMS OF POLITICAL ECONOMY。  I hope it will not be found redolent of opium; though; indeed; to most people the subject is a sufficient opiate。

This exertion; however; was but a temporary flash; as the sequel showed; for I designed to publish my work。  Arrangements were made at a provincial press; about eighteen miles distant; for printing it。  An additional compositor was retained for some days on this account。  The work was even twice advertised; and I was in a manner pledged to the fulfilment of my intention。  But I had a preface to write; and a dedication; which I wished to make a splendid one; to Mr。 Ricardo。  I found myself quite unable to accomplish all this。 The arrangements were countermanded; the compositor dismissed; and my 〃Prolegomena〃 rested peacefully by the side of its elder and more dignified brother。

I have thus described and illustrated my intellectual torpor in terms that apply more or less to every part of the four years during which I was under the Circean spells of opium。  But for misery and suffering; I might indeed be said to have existed in a dormant state。  I seldom could prevail on myself to write a letter; an answer of a few words to any that I received was the utmost that I could accomplish; and often THAT not until the letter had lain weeks or even months on my writing…table。  Without the aid of M。 all records of bills paid or TO BE paid must have perished; and my whole domestic economy; whatever became of Political Economy; must have gone into irretrievable confusion。  I shall not afterwards allude to this part of the case。  It is one; however; which the opium…eater will find; in the end; as oppressive and tormenting as any other; from the sense of incapacity and feebleness; from the direct embarrassments incident to the neglect or procrastination of each day's appropriate duties; and from the remorse which must often exasperate the stings of these evils to a reflective and conscientious mind。  The opium…eater loses none of his moral sensibilities or aspirations。  He wishes and longs as earnestly as ever to realize what he believes possible; and feels to be exacted by duty; but his intellectual apprehension of what is possible infinitely outruns his power; not of execution only; but even of power to attempt。  He lies under the weight of incubus and nightmare; he lies in sight of all that he would fain perform; just as a man forcibly confined to his bed by the mortal languor of a relaxing disease; who is compelled to witness injury or outrage offered to some object of his tenderest love:  he curses the spells which chain him down from motion; he would lay down his life if he might but get up and walk; but he is powerless as an infant; and cannot even attempt to rise。

I now pass to what is the main subject of these latter confessions; to the history and journal of what took place in my dreams; for these were the immediate and proximate cause of my acutest suffering。

The first notice I had of any important change going on in this part of my physical economy was from the reawakening of a state of eye generally incident to childhood; or exalted states of irritability。 I know not whether my reader is aware that many children; perhaps most; have a power of painting; as it were upon the darkness; all sorts of phantoms。  In some that power is simply a mechanical affection of the eye; others have a voluntary or semi…voluntary power to dismiss or t
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