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confessions of an english opium-eater-第17章

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Oh; just; subtle; and mighty opium! that to the hearts of poor and rich alike; for the wounds that will never heal; and for 〃the pangs that tempt the spirit to rebel;〃 bringest an assuaging balm; eloquent opium! that with thy potent rhetoric stealest away the purposes of wrath; and to the guilty man for one night givest back the hopes of his youth; and hands washed pure from blood; and to the proud man a brief oblivion for

Wrongs undress'd and insults unavenged;

that summonest to the chancery of dreams; for the triumphs of suffering innocence; false witnesses; and confoundest perjury; and dost reverse the sentences of unrighteous judges;thou buildest upon the bosom of darkness; out of the fantastic imagery of the brain; cities and temples beyond the art of Phidias and Praxiteles beyond the splendour of Babylon and Hekatompylos; and 〃from the anarchy of dreaming sleep〃 callest into sunny light the faces of long…buried beauties and the blessed household countenances cleansed from the 〃dishonours of the grave。〃  Thou only givest these gifts to man; and thou hast the keys of Paradise; oh; just; subtle; and mighty opium!


Courteous; and I hope indulgent; reader (for all MY readers must be indulgent ones; or else I fear I shall shock them too much to count on their courtesy); having accompanied me thus far; now let me request you to move onwards for about eight years; that is to say; from 1804 (when I have said that my acquaintance with opium first began) to 1812。  The years of academic life are now over and gone almost forgotten; the student's cap no longer presses my temples; if my cap exist at all; it presses those of some youthful scholar; I trust; as happy as myself; and as passionate a lover of knowledge。 My gown is by this time; I dare say; in the same condition with many thousand excellent books in the Bodleian; viz。; diligently perused by certain studious moths and worms; or departed; however (which is all that I know of his fate); to that great reservoir of SOMEWHERE to which all the tea…cups; tea…caddies; tea…pots; tea…kettles; &c。; have departed (not to speak of still frailer vessels; such as glasses; decanters; bed…makers; &c。); which occasional resemblances in the present generation of tea…cups; &c。; remind me of having once possessed; but of whose departure and final fate I; in common with most gownsmen of either university; could give; I suspect; but an obscure and conjectural history。  The persecutions of the chapel… bell; sounding its unwelcome summons to six o'clock matins; interrupts my slumbers no longer; the porter who rang it; upon whose beautiful nose (bronze; inlaid with copper) I wrote; in retaliation so many Greek epigrams whilst I was dressing; is dead; and has ceased to disturb anybody; and I; and many others who suffered much from his tintinnabulous propensities; have now agreed to overlook his errors; and have forgiven him。  Even with the bell I am now in charity; it rings; I suppose; as formerly; thrice a…day; and cruelly annoys; I doubt not; many worthy gentlemen; and disturbs their peace of mind; but as to me; in this year 1812; I regard its treacherous voice no longer (treacherous I call it; for; by some refinement of malice; it spoke in as sweet and silvery tones as if it had been inviting one to a party); its tones have no longer; indeed; power to reach me; let the wind sit as favourable as the malice of the bell itself could wish; for I am 250 miles away from it; and buried in the depth of mountains。  And what am I doing among the mountains? Taking opium。  Yes; but what else?  Why reader; in 1812; the year we are now arrived at; as well as for some years previous; I have been chiefly studying German metaphysics in the writings of Kant; Fichte; Schelling; &c。  And how and in what manner do I live?in short; what class or description of men do I belong to?  I am at this periodviz。 in 1812living in a cottage and with a single female servant (honi soit qui mal y pense); who amongst my neighbours passes by the name of my 〃housekeeper。〃  And as a scholar and a man of learned education; and in that sense a gentleman; I may presume to class myself as an unworthy member of that indefinite body called GENTLEMEN。  Partly on the ground I have assigned perhaps; partly because from my having no visible calling or business; it is rightly judged that I must be living on my private fortune; I am so classed by my neighbours; and by the courtesy of modern England I am usually addressed on letters; &c。; 〃Esquire;〃 though having; I fear; in the rigorous construction of heralds; but slender pretensions to that distinguished honour; yet in popular estimation I am X。 Y。 Z。; Esquire; but not justice of the Peace nor Custos Rotulorum。  Am I married?  Not yet。  And I still take opium?  On Saturday nights。 And perhaps have taken it unblushingly ever since 〃the rainy Sunday;〃 and 〃the stately Pantheon;〃 and 〃the beatific druggist〃 of 1804?  Even so。  And how do I find my health after all this opium… eating?  In short; how do I do?  Why; pretty well; I thank you; reader; in the phrase of ladies in the straw; 〃as well as can be expected。〃  In fact; if I dared to say the real and simple truth; though; to satisfy the theories of medical men; I OUGHT to be ill; I never was better in my life than in the spring of 1812; and I hope sincerely that the quantity of claret; port; or 〃particular Madeira;〃 which in all probability you; good reader; have taken; and design to take for every term of eight years during your natural life; may as little disorder your health as mine was disordered by the opium I had taken for eight years; between 1804 and 1812。  Hence you may see again the danger of taking any medical advice from Anastasius; in divinity; for aught I know; or law; he may be a safe counsellor; but not in medicine。  No; it is far better to consult Dr。 Buchan; as I did; for I never forgot that worthy man's excellent suggestion; and I was 〃particularly careful not to take above five… and…twenty ounces of laudanum。〃  To this moderation and temperate use of the article I may ascribe it; I suppose; that as yet; at least (i。e。 in 1812); I am ignorant and unsuspicious of the avenging terrors which opium has in store for those who abuse its lenity。  At the same time; it must not be forgotten that hitherto I have been only a dilettante eater of opium; eight years' practice even; with a single precaution of allowing sufficient intervals between every indulgence; has not been sufficient to make opium necessary to me as an article of daily diet。  But now comes a different era。  Move on; if you please; reader; to 1813。  In the summer of the year we have just quitted I have suffered much in bodily health from distress of mind connected with a very melancholy event。  This event being no ways related to the subject now before me; further than through the bodily illness which it produced; I need not more particularly notice。  Whether this illness of 1812 had any share in that of 1813 I know not; but so it was; that in the latter year I was attacked by a most appalling irritation of the stomach; in all respects the same as that which had caused me so much suffering in youth; and accompanied by a re
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