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one basket(一个篮子)-第50章

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     It was in March; six months later; that Marian King came。                 They had 

hoped for it;  but never expected   it。        And she   came。       Four people   were 

waiting in the living room of the big Baldwin house overlooking the river。 

Flora and her husband; Adele and Aunt Sophy。                They sat; waiting。       Now 

and then Adele would rise; nervously; and go to the window that faced the 

street。   Flora was weeping with audible sniffs。             Baldwin sat in his chair; 

frowning   a   little;   a   dead   cigar   in   one   corner   of   his   mouth。 Only Aunt 


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                                       ONE BASKET 

Sophy sat quietly; waiting。 

     There was little conversation。          None in the last five minutes。          Flora 

broke the silence; dabbing at her face with her handkerchief as she spoke。 

     〃Sophy; how can you sit there like that?            Not that I don't envy you。        I 

do。    I remember I used to feel sorry for you。            I used to say ‘Poor Sophy。' 

But    you   unmarried      ones   are  the   happiest;   after   all。  It's  the  married 

woman who drinks the cup to the last; bitter drop。               There you sit; Sophy; 

fifty years   old;  and   life   hasn't even touched   you。      You   don't   know  how 

cruel life can be to a mother。〃 

     Suddenly; 〃There!〃 said Adele。           The other three in the room stood up 

and   faced   the   door。    The   sound   of   a   motor   stopping   outside。     Daniel 

Oakley's     hearty   voice:    〃Well;    it  only   took   us  five  minutes     from   the 

station。    Pretty good。〃 

     Footsteps down the hall。         Marian King stood in the doorway。               They 

faced   her;   the   fourBaldwin   and   Adele   and   Flora   and   Sophy。      Marian 

King   stood   a   moment;   uncertainly;   her   eyes   upon   them。     She   looked   at 

the two older women with swift; appraising glances。                 Then she came into 

the   room;  quickly;  and   put her   two   hands on Aunt   Soph's   shoulders   and 

looked into her eyes straight and sure。 

     〃You   must   be   a   very   proud   woman;〃   she   said。   〃You   ought   to   be   a 

very proud woman;〃 


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