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shorter logic-第56章

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categories of metaphysic and of the sciences in general。 These are the products of
reflective understanding; which; while it assumes the differences to possess a
footing of their own; and at the same time also expressly affirms their relativity;
still combines the two statements; side by side; or one after the other; by an 'also';
without bringing these thoughts into one; or unifying them into the notion。 

                    The Development of Reflection
                GROUND … EXISTENCE … THE THING

             (a) The pure principle or categories of Reflection 
                                (i) Identity
                                  § 115
The Essence lights up in itself or is mere reflection: and therefore is only
self…relation; not as immediate but as reflected。 And that reflex relation is This
identity becomes an Identity; in form only; or of the understanding; if it be held
hard and fast; quite aloof from difference。 Or; rather; abstraction is the imposition
of this Identity of form; the transformation of something inherently concrete into
this form of elementary simplicity。 And this may be done in two ways。 Either we
may neglect a part of the multiple features which are found in the concrete thing
(by what is called analysis) and select only one of them; or; neglecting their
variety; we may concentrate the multiple character into one。 

If we associate Identity with the Absolute; making the Absolute the subject of a
proposition; we get: The Absolute is what is identical with itself。 However; true
this proposition may be; it is doubtful whether it be meant in its truth: and
therefore it is at least imperfect in the expression。 For it is left undecided; whether
it means the abstract Identity of understanding… abstract。 that is; because
contrasted with the other characteristics of Essence … or the Identity which is
inherently concrete。 In the latter case; as will be seen; true identity is first
discoverable in the Ground; and; with a higher truth; in the Notion。 Even the
word Absolute is often used to mean more than 'abstract'。 Absolute space and
absolute time; for example; is another way of saying abstract space and abstract

When the principles of Essence are taken as essential principles of thought they
become predicates of a presupposed subject; which; because they are essential; is
'everything'。 The propositions thus arising have been stated as universal Laws of
Thought。 Thus the first of them; the maxim of Identity; reads: Everything is
identical with itself; A = A: and negatively; A cannot at the same time be A and
Not…A。 This maxim; instead of being a true law of thought; is nothing but the law
of abstract understanding。 The propositional form itself contradicts it: for a
proposition always promises a distinction between subject and predicate; while
the present one does not fulfil what its form requires。 But the Law is particularly
set aside by the following so…called Laws of Thought; which make laws out of its
opposite。 It is asserted that the maxim of Identity; though it cannot be proved;
regulates the procedure of every consciousness; and that experience shows it to
be accepted as soon as its terms are apprehended。 To this alleged experience of
the logic books may be opposed the universal experience that no mind thinks or
forms conceptions or speaks in accordance with this law; and that no existence of
any kind whatever conforms to it。 

Utterances after the fashion of this pretended law (A planet is a planet; Magnetism is magnetism;
Mind is Mind) are; as they deserve to be; reputed silly。 That is certainly a matter of general
experience。 The logic which seriously propounds such laws and the scholastic world in which
alone they are valid have long been discredited with practical common sense as well as with the
philosophy of reason。 

                                  § 115n

Identity is; in the first place; the repetition of what we had earlier as Being; but as become; through
supersession of its character of immediateness。 It is therefore Being as Ideality。 It is important to
come to a proper understanding on the true meaning of Identity; and; for that purpose; we must
especially guard against taking it as abstract identity; to the exclusion of all Difference。 That is the
touchstone for distinguishing all bad philosophy from what alone deserves the name of philosophy。
Identity in its truth; as an Ideality of what immediately is; is a high category for our religious modes
of mind as well as all other forms of thought and mental activity。 The true knowledge of God; it
may be said; begins when we know him as identity … as absolute identity。 To know so much is to
see all the power and glory of the world sinks into nothing in God's presence; and subsists only as
the reflection of his power and his glory。 In the same way; Identity; as self…consciousness; is what
distinguishes man from nature; particularly from the brutes which never reach the point of
comprehending themselves as 'I'; that is; pure self…contained unity。 So again; in connection with
thought; the main thing is not to confuse the true Identity; which contains Being and its
characteristics ideally transfigured in it; with an abstract Identity; identity of bare form。 All the
charges of narrowness; hardness; meaninglessness; which are so often directed against thought
from the quarter of feeling and immediate perception rest on the perverse assumption that thought
acts only as a faculty of abstract Identification。 The Formal Logic itself confirms this assumption by
laying down the supreme law of thought (so…called) which has been discussed above。 If thinking
were no more than an abstract Identity; we could not but own it to be a most futile and tedious
business。 No doubt the notion; and the idea too; are identical with themselves: but identical only in
so far as they at the same time involve distinction。 

                               (ii) Difference
                                  § 116
Essence is mere Identity and reflection in itself only as it is self…relating negativity;
and in that way self…repulsion。 It contains therefore essentially the characteristic
of Difference。 

Other…being is here no longer qualitative; taking the shape of the character or
limit。 It is now in essence; in self…relating essence; and therefore the negation is at
the same time a relation … is; in short; Distinction; Relativity; Mediation。 

                                  § 116n
To ask 'How Identity comes to Difference' assumes that Identity as mere abstract Identity is
something of itself; and Difference also something else equally independent。 This supposition
renders an answer to the question impossible。 If Identity is viewed as diverse from Difference; all
that we have in this way is but Difference; and hence we cannot demonstrate the advance to
difference; because the person who asks for the How of the progress thereby implies that for him
the starting…point is non…existent。 The question then when put to the test has obviously no meaning;
and its proposer may be met with the question what he means by Ident
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