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shorter logic-第38章

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what is otherwise termed Instinct; Implanted or Innate Ideas; Common Sense;
Natural Reason; or whatever form; in short; we give to the original spontaneity)。
It is a matter of general experience that education or development is required to
bring out into consciousness what is therein contained。 It was so even with the
Platonic reminiscence; and the Christian rite of baptism; although a sacrament;
involves the additional obligation of a Christian upbringing。 In short; religion and
morals; however much they may be faith or immediate knowledge; are still on
every side conditioned by the mediating process which is termed development;
education; training。 

The adherents; no less than the assailants; of the doctrine of Innate Ideas have
been guilty throughout of the like exclusiveness and narrowness as is here noted。
They have drawn a hard and fast line between the essential and immediate union
(as it may be described) of certain universal principles with the soul; and another
union which has to be brought about in an external fashion; and through the
channel of given objects and conceptions。 There is one objection; borrowed from
experience; which was raised against the doctrine of Innate Ideas。 All men; it was
said; must have these ideas; they must have; for example; the maxim of
contradiction present in the mind…they must be aware of it; for this maxim and
others like it were included in the class of Innate Ideas。 The objection may be set
down to misconception; for the principles in question; though innate; need not on
that account have the form of ideas or conceptions of something we are aware of。
Still; the objection completely meets and overthrows the crude theory of
immediate knowledge; which expressly maintains its formulae in so far as they are
in consciousness。 Another point calls for notice。 'We may suppose it admitted by
the intuitive school; that the special case of religious faith involves supplementing
by a Christian or religious education and development。 In that case it is acting
capriciously when it seeks to ignore this admission when speaking about faith; or
it betrays a want of reflection not to know; that; if the necessity of education be
once admitted; mediation is pronounced indispensable。 


The reminiscence of ideas spoken of by Plato is equivalent to saying that ideas implicitly exist in
man; instead of being; as the Sophists assert; a foreign importation into his mind。 But to conceive
knowledge as reminiscence does not interfere with; or set aside as useless; the development of
what is implicitly in man; which development is another word for mediation。 The same holds good
of the innate ideas that we find in Descartes and the Scotch philosophers。 These ideas are only
potential in the first instance; and should be looked at as being a sort of mere capacity in man。 


In the case of these experiences the appeal turns upon something that shows itself
bound up with immediate consciousness。 Even if this combination be in the first
instance taken as an external and empirical connection; still; even for empirical
observation; the fact of its being constant shows it to be essential and inseparable。
But; again; if this immediate consciousness; as exhibited in experience; be taken
separately; so far as it is a consciousness of God and the divine nature; the state
of mind which it implies is generally described as an exaltation above the finite;
above the senses; and above the instinctive desires and affections of the natural
heart: which exaltation passes over into; and terminates in; faith in God and a
divine order。 It is apparent; therefore; that; though faith may be an immediate
knowledge and certainty; it equally implies the interposition of this process as its
antecedent and condition。 

It has been already observed; that the so…called proofs of the being of God; which
start from finite being; give an expression to this exaltation。 In that light they are
no inventions of an oversubtle reflection; but the necessary and native channel in
which the movement of mind runs: though it may be that; in their ordinary form;
these proofs have not their correct and adequate expression。 


It is the passage (§ 64) from the subjective Idea to being which forms the main
concern of the doctrine of immediate knowledge。 A primary and self…evident
interconnection is declared to exist between our Idea and being。 Yet precisely this
central point of transition; utterly irrespective of any connections which show in
experience; clearly involves a mediation。 And the mediation is of no imperfect or
unreal kind; where the mediation takes place with and through something
external; but one comprehending both antecedent and conclusion。 


For; what this theory asserts is that truth lies neither in the Idea as a merely
subjective thought; nor in mere being on its own account…that mere being per se;
a being that is not of the Idea; is the sensible finite being of the world。 Now all
this only affirms; without demonstration; that the Idea has truth only by means of
being; and being has truth only by means of the Idea。 The maxim of immediate
knowledge rejects an indefinite empty immediacy (and such is abstract being; or
pure unity taken by itself); and affirms in its stead the unity of the Idea with
being。 And it acts rightly in so doing。 But it is stupid not to see that the unity of
distinct terms or modes is not merely a purely immediate unity; i。e。 unity empty
and indeterminate; but that … with equal emphasis…the one term is shown to have
truth only as mediated through the other … or; if the phrase be preferred; that
either term is only mediated with truth through the other。 That the quality of
mediation is involved in the very immediacy of intuition is thus exhibited as a fact;
against which understanding; conformably to the fundamental maxim of
immediate knowledge that the evidence of consciousness is infallible; can have
nothing to object。 It is only ordinary abstract understanding which takes the terms
of mediation and immediacy; each by itself absolutely; to represent an inflexible
line of distinction; and thus draws upon its own head the hopeless task of
reconciling them。 The difficulty; as we have shown; has no existence in the fact;
and。 it vanishes in the speculative notion。 


The one…sidedness of the intuitional school has certain characteristics attending
upon it; which we shall proceed to point out in their main features; now that we
have discussed the fundamental principle。 The first of these corollaries is as
follows。 Since the criterion of truth is found; not in the nature of the content; but
in the mere fact of consciousness; every alleged truth has no other basis than
subjective certitude and the assertion that we discover a certain fact in our
consciousness。 What I discover in my consciousness is thus exaggerated into a
fact of the consciousness of all; and even passed off for the very nature of
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