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§ 88。 Becoming
…n。 Becoming is the first concrete thought; and therefore the first notion
(b) Being Determinate
§ 89。 Being Determinate
…n。 Becoming is a fire which dies out in itself when it consumes its material
§ 90。 'a' Quality
§ 91。 Reality
…n。 The foundation of all determinateness is negation
§ 92。 'b' Limit
…n。 A thing is what it is only by reason of its limit
§ 93。 ad infinitum
§ 94。 Infinity
…n。 The man who flees is not yet free
§ 95。 'c' Being…for…self
(c) Being…for…Self
§ 96。 'a' Being…for…self
…n。 The readiest instance of Being…for…self is found in the 'I'
§ 97。 'b'Many
…n。 The One forms the presupposition of the Many
§ 98。 'c' Repulsion and Attraction
(1) The Atomic philosophy forms a vital stage in the historical evolution of the Idea
(2) Quantity just means quality superseded and absorbed
(a) Pure Quantity
§ 99。 Quantity
…n。 The mathematical view; which identifies Magnitude with the Idea is the principle of
§ 100。 Continuous and Discrete
n。 Quantity is Continuous as well as Discontinuous
(b) Quantum
§ 101。 Quantum
n。 Quantum is the determinate Being of quantity
§ 102。 Number
n。 Number is the quantum in its complete specialisation
(c) Degree
§ 103。 Degree
…n。 Intensive magnitude or Degree is distinct from Extensive magnitude or Quantum
§ 104。 Infinite Quantitative Progression
(1) How do we come to assume a capacity of increase or diminution
(2) The quantitative infinite progression is what reflective understanding upon when it is
engaged with Infinity
(3) Pythagorus philosophised in numbers
§ 105。 Quantitative Ratio
…n。 In quantitative infinite progression quantity returns to itself
§ 106。 Measure
…n。 Quantity; by means of dialectical movement; becomes quality
§ 107。 Measure
…n。 Measure; where quality and quantity are in one; is thus the completion of Being
§ 108。 Rule
…n。 The identity between quantity and quality is at first only implicit
§ 109。 Measureless
…n。 Quantity is naturally and necessarily a tendency to exceed itself
§ 110。 Relative identity
§ 111。 In Being all is Immediate; in Essence all is Relative
…n。 In Being everything is immediate; in Essence everything is Relative
VIII: The Doctrine of Essence
§ 112。 The terms in Essence are always mere pairs of correlatives
…n。 Essence is the standpoint of 'Reflection'
§ 113。 Identity or Reflection…into…self
§ 114。 The Unessential
(a) The pure principles or categories of Reflection
§ 115。 'a' Identity
…n。 Identity is Being as Ideality
§ 116。 'b' Difference
…n。 'How Identity comes to Difference'
§ 117。 Diversity … Immediate difference
…n。 When understanding sets itself to study Identity; it has already passed beyond it; and is
looking at Difference
§ 118。 Likeness and Unlikeness … Specific Difference
…n。 Likeness and unlikeness are in completely reciprocal relation
§ 119。 Positive and Negative
(1) The negative per se is the same as difference itself
(2) Instead of the maxim of the Excluded Middle; we should say: Everything is Opposite
§ 120。 Essential Difference
§ 121。 'c' The Ground
…n。 Ground; besides being the unity; is also the difference of identity and difference
§ 122。 Being intermediated by annulling the intermediation is Existence
(b) Existence
§ 123。 Existence is the immediate unity of reflection…into…self and reflection…into…other
…n。 'Existence' suggests the fact of having proceeded from something
§ 124。 The Existent with interconnections with others is a Thing
…n。 The man; by or in himself; is the child
(c) The Thing
§ 125。 'a' Properties
…n。 A thing can lose this or that property without ceasing to be what it is
§ 126。 'b' Matters
…n。 Disintegration into independent matters is properly restricted to inorganic nature only
§ 127。 Matter is mere abstract reflection…into…something…else
§ 128。 'c' Form
…n。 Thus we get one Matter in general; to which difference is expressly attached externally; as
a bare form
§ 129。 Matter and Form
§ 130。 The totality of Form and Matter is a contradiction
§ 131。 Appearance
…n。 Existence stated explicitly in its contradiction is Appearance
(a) The World of Appearance
§ 132。 The Appearance is thrown into abeyance
(b) Content and Form
§ 133。 Law of the Phenomenon
…n。 Both form and content are equally essential
§ 134。 Immediate existence is external to the content
(c) Relation or Correlation
§ 135。 'a' Whole and Parts
…n。 Essential correlation is the universal phase in which things appear
§ 136。 'b' Expression
(1) The relation of Force
(2) It is the very essence of force to manifest itself
§ 137。 Force
§ 138。 'c' Inward and Outward
§ 139。 The Exterior has the same content as Interior
§ 140。 Inward and Outward are reciprocally opposed
…n。 The relation of Outward and Inward unites and sets in abeyance mere relativity and
§ 141。 The empty abstraction suspend themselves in the immediate transition
§ 142。 Actuality is the unity become immediate of Essence with Existence
…n。 Actuality and thought are often absurdly opposed
§ 143。 'a' Possibility
…n。 Everything; it is said; is possible; but everything which is possible is not on that account
§ 144。 'b' Contingent or Chance
§ 145。 Possibility and Contingency are the two factors of Actuality
…n。 The contingent is what has the ground of its being not in itself but in somewhat other
§ 146。 Condition
…n。 The Contingent; as the immediate actuality; is at the same time the possibility of somewhat
§ 147。 'c' Real Possibility
…n。 Anything necessary comes before us as the result of certain antecedents
§ 148。 Three elements in necessity … Condition; Fact and Activity
§ 149。 Necessity mediated and unmediated
(a) Relationship of Substantiality
§ 150。 The necessary is an absolute correlation of elements
§ 151。 Substance is the totality of Accidents
…n。 Substance was the principle of Spinoza's system
§ 152。 Substance is self…relating power; an inner possibility
(b) Relationship of Causality
§ 153。 Substance is Cause and Effect
…n。 Understanding bristles against Substance; but is ready to use the relation of Cause and
§ 154。 The effect is different from the cause
(c) Reciprocity or Action and Reaction
§ 155。 'a' Characteristics in Reciprocal Action potentially the same。
§ 156。 'b' This unity is also Actual
…n。 Reciprocal action realises the causal relation in its complete development
§ 157。 Pure reciprocation is Necessity
§ 158。 The truth of necessity is Freedom
…n。 Necessity is often called hard; and rightly so; if we keep to necessity as such
§ 159。 The truth of Being and Essence is the Notion
…n。 If the Notion is the truth of Being and Essence; why do we not begin with the notion?
IX: The Doctrine of the Notion
§ 160。 The Notion is the principle of Freedom
…n。 The position taken up by the Notion is that of Absolute Idealism
§ 161。 Development
…n。 The movement of the notion is development; rather than transition or reflection
§ 162。 The