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original short stories-8-第27章

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be otherwise。  And then they began to kiss and hug again; without putting
any more restraint upon themselves than if we had not been there; and
then they whispered together; and got up and went off among the trees;
without saying a word。  You may fancy what I looked like; alone with this
young fellow whom I saw for the first time。  I felt so confused at seeing
them go that it gave me courage; and I began to talk。  I asked him what
his business was; and he said he was a linen draper's assistant; as I
told you just now。  We talked for a few minutes; and that made him bold;
and he wanted to take liberties with me; but I told him sharply to keep
his place。  Is not that true; Monsieur Beaurain?〃

Monsieur Beaurain; who was looking at his feet in confusion; did not
reply; and she continued: 〃Then he saw that I was virtuous; and he began
to make love to me nicely; like an honorable man; and from that time he
came every Sunday; for he was very much in love with me。  I was very fond
of him also; very fond of him!  He was a good…looking fellow; formerly;
and in short he married me the next September; and we started in business
in the Rue des Martyrs。

〃It was a hard struggle for some years; monsieur。  Business did not
prosper; and we could not afford many country excursions; and; besides;
we had got out of the way of them。  One has other things in one's head;
and thinks more of the cash box than of pretty speeches; when one is in
business。  We were growing old by degrees without perceiving it; like
quiet people who do not think much about love。  One does not regret
anything as long as one does not notice what one has lost。

〃And then; monsieur; business became better; and we were tranquil as to
the future!  Then; you see; I do not exactly know what went on in my
mind; no; I really do not know; but I began to dream like a little
boarding…school girl。  The sight of the little carts full of flowers
which are drawn about the streets made me cry; the smell of violets
sought me out in my easy…chair; behind my cash box; and made my heart
beat!  Then I would get up and go out on the doorstep to look at the blue
sky between the roofs。  When one looks up at the sky from the street; it
looks like a river which is descending on Paris; winding as it flows; and
the swallows pass to and fro in it like fish。  These ideas are very
stupid at my age!  But how can one help it; monsieur; when one has worked
all one's life?  A moment comes in which one perceives that one could
have done something else; and that one regrets; oh!  yes; one feels
intense regret!  Just think; for twenty years I might have gone and had
kisses in the woods; like other women。  I used to think how delightful it
would be to lie under the trees and be in love with some one!  And I
thought of it every day and every night!  I dreamed of the moonlight on
the water; until I felt inclined to drown myself。

〃I did not venture to speak to Monsieur Beaurain about this at first。
I knew that he would make fun of me; and send me back to sell my needles
and cotton!  And then; to speak the truth; Monsieur Beaurain never said
much to me; but when I looked in the glass; I also understood quite well
that I no longer appealed to any one!

〃Well; I made up my mind; and I proposed to him an excursion into the
country; to the place where we had first become acquainted。  He agreed
without mistrusting anything; and we arrived here this morning; about
nine o'clock。

〃I felt quite young again when I got among the wheat; for a woman's heart
never grows old!  And really; I no longer saw my husband as he is at
present; but just as he was formerly!  That I will swear to you;
monsieur。  As true as I am standing here I was crazy。  I began to kiss
him; and he was more surprised than if I had tried to murder him。
He kept saying to me: 'Why; you must be mad!  You are mad this morning!
What is the matter with you?' I did not listen to him; I only listened to
my own heart; and I made him come into the wood with me。  That is all。
I have spoken the truth; Monsieur le Maire; the whole truth。〃

The mayor was a sensible man。  He rose from his chair; smiled; and said:
〃Go in peace; madame; and when you again visit our forests; be more


It came to him one Sunday after mass。  He was walking home from church
along the by…road that led to his house when he saw ahead of him Martine;
who was also going home。

Her father walked beside his daughter with the important gait of a rich
farmer。  Discarding the smock; he wore a short coat of gray cloth and on
his head a round…topped hat with wide brim。

She; laced up in a corset which she wore only once a week; walked along
erect; with her squeezed…in waist; her broad shoulders and prominent
hips; swinging herself a little。  She wore a hat trimmed with flowers;
made by a milliner at Yvetot; and displayed the back of her full; round;
supple neck; reddened by the sun and air; on which fluttered little stray
locks of hair。

Benoist saw only her back; but he knew well the face he loved; without;
however; having ever noticed it more closely than he did now。

Suddenly he said: 〃Nom d'un nom; she is a fine girl; all the same; that
Martine。〃  He watched her as she walked; admiring her hastily; feeling a
desire taking possession of him。  He did not long to see her face again;
no。  He kept gazing at her figure; repeating to himself: 〃Nom d'un nom;
she is a fine girl。〃

Martine turned to the right to enter 〃La Martiniere;〃 the farm of her
father; Jean Martin; and she cast a glance behind her as she turned
round。  She saw Benoist; who looked to her very comical。  She called out:
〃Good…morning; Benoist。〃  He replied: 〃Good…morning; Martine; good…
morning; mait Martin;〃 and went on his way。

When he reached home the soup was on the table。  He sat down opposite his
mother beside the farm hand and the hired man; while the maid servant
went to draw some cider。

He ate a few spoonfuls; then pushed away his plate。  His mother said:

〃Don't you feel well?〃

〃No。  I feel as if I had some pap in my stomach and that takes away my

He watched the others eating; as he cut himself a piece of bread from
time to time and carried it lazily to his mouth; masticating it slowly。
He thought of Martine。  〃She is a fine girl; all the same。〃  And to think
that he had not noticed it before; and that it came to him; just like
that; all at once; and with such force that he could not eat。

He did not touch the stew。  His mother said:

〃Come; Benoist; try and eat a little; it is loin of mutton; it will do
you good。  When one has no appetite; they should force themselves to

He swallowed a few morsels; then; pushing away his plate; said:

〃No。  I can't go that; positively。〃

When they rose from table he walked round the farm; telling the farm hand
he might go home and that he would drive up the animals as he passed by

The country was deserted; as it was the day of rest。  Here and there in a
field of clover cows were moving along heavily; with full bellies;
chewing their cud under a blazing sun。  Unharnessed plows were standing
at the end of a fur
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