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the muse of the department-第27章

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  tion are nothing in comparison
  with the rage that devours my soul。
  The Duchess of Bracciano is still
  one of the most beautiful women in
  Rome。 I loved her well enough to
  be jealous〃

  〃You; her husband!〃

  〃Yes; I was wrong; no doubt。〃

  〃It is not the correct thing; to be
  sure;〃 said Rinaldo。

  〃My jealousy was roused by the
  Duchess' conduct;〃 the Duke went
  on。 〃The event proved me right。 A
  young Frenchman fell in love with
  Olympia; and she loved him。 I had
  proofs of their reciprocal affection

〃Pray excuse me; ladies;〃 said Lousteau; 〃but I find it impossible to
go on without remarking to you how direct this Empire literature is;
going to the point without any details; a characteristic; as it seems
to me; of a primitive time。 The literature of that period holds a
place between the summaries of chapters in /Telemaque/ and the
categorical reports of a public office。 It had ideas; but refrained
from expressing them; it was so scornful! It was observant; but would
not communicate its observations to any one; it was so miserly! Nobody
but Fouche ever mentioned what he had observed。 'At that time;' to
quote the words of one of the most imbecile critics in the /Revue des
Deux Mondes/; 'literature was content with a clear sketch and the
simple outline of all antique statues。 It did not dance over its
periods。'I should think not! It had no periods to dance over。 It had
no words to play with。 You were plainly told that Lubin loved
Toinette; that Toinette did not love Lubin; that Lubin killed Toinette
and the police caught Lubin; who was put in prison; tried at the
assizes; and guillotined。A strong sketch; a clear outline! What a
noble drama! Well; in these days the barbarians make words sparkle。〃

〃Like a hair in a frost;〃 said Monsieur de Clagny。

〃So those are the airs you affect?〃'*' retorted Lousteau。

'*' The rendering given above is only intended to link the various
    speeches into coherence; it has no resemblance with the French。 In
    the original; 〃Font chatoyer les /mots/。〃

    〃Et quelquefois les /morts/;〃 dit Monsieur de Clagny。

    〃Ah! Lousteau! vous vous donnez de ces R…la (airs…la)。〃

    Literally: 〃And sometimes the dead。〃〃Ah; are those the airs you
    assume?〃the play on the insertion of the letter R (/mots;
    morts/) has no meaning in English。

〃What can he mean?〃 asked Madame de Clagny; puzzled by this vile pun。

〃I seem to be walking in the dark;〃 replied the Mayoress。

〃The jest would be lost in an explanation;〃 remarked Gatien。

〃Nowadays;〃 Lousteau went on; 〃a novelist draws characters; and
instead of a 'simple outline;' he unveils the human heart and gives
you some interest either in Lubin or in Toinette。〃

〃For my part; I am alarmed at the progress of public knowledge in the
matter of literature;〃 said Bianchon。 〃Like the Russians; beaten by
Charles XII。; who at least learned the art of war; the reader has
learned the art of writing。 Formerly all that was expected of a
romance was that it should be interesting。 As to style; no one cared
for that; not even the author; as to ideaszero; as to local color
/non est/。 By degrees the reader has demanded style; interest; pathos;
and complete information; he insists on the five literary senses
Invention; Style; Thought; Learning; and Feeling。 Then some criticism
commenting on everything。 The critic; incapable of inventing anything
but calumny; pronounces every work that proceeds from a not perfect
brain to be deformed。 Some magicians; as Walter Scott; for instance;
having appeared in the world; who combined all the five literary
senses; such writers as had but onewit or learning; style or feeling
these cripples; these acephalous; maimed or purblind creaturesin a
literary sensehave taken to shrieking that all is lost; and have
preached a crusade against men who were spoiling the business; or have
denounced their works。〃

〃The history of your last literary quarrel!〃 Dinah observed。

〃For pity's sake; come back to the Duke of Bracciano;〃 cried Monsieur
de Clagny。

To the despair of all the company; Lousteau went on with the made…up

  224           OLYMPIA

  I then wished to make sure of my
  misfortune that I might be avenged
  under the protection of Providence
  and the Law。 The Duchess guessed
  my intentions。 We were at war in
  our purposes before we fought with
  poison in our hands。 We tried to
  tempt each other to such confidence
  as we could not feel; I to induce her
  to drink a potion; she to get posses…
  sion of me。 She was a woman; and
  she won the day; for women have a
  snare more than we men。 I fell into
  itI was happy; but I awoke next
  day in this iron cage。 All through
  the day I bellowed with rage in the

          OR ROMAN REVENGE         225

  darkness of this cellar; over which
  is the Duchess' bedroom。 At night
  an ingenious counterpoise acting as
  a lift raised me through the floor;
  and I saw the Duchess in her lover's
  arms。 She threw me a piece of
  bread; my daily pittance。

  〃Thus have I lived for thirty
  months! From this marble prison
  my cries can reach no ear。 There is
  no chance for me。 I will hope no
  more。 Indeed; the Duchess' room is
  at the furthest end of the palace;
  and when I am carried up there
  none can hear my voice。 Each time
  I see my wife she shows me the

  226          OLYMPIA

  poison I had prepared for her and
  her lover。 I crave it for myself; but
  she will not let me die; she gives
  me bread; and I eat it。

  〃I have done well to eat and live;
  I had not reckoned on robbers!〃

  〃Yes; Eccellenza; when those fools
  the honest men are asleep; we are
  wide awake。〃

  〃Oh; Rinaldo; all I possess shall
  be yours; we will share my treasure
  like brothers; I would give you
  everythingeven to my Duchy〃

  〃Eccellenza; procure from the
  Pope an absolution /in articulo mor…
  tis/。 It would be of more use to me
  in my walk of life。〃

          OR ROMAN REVENGE        227

  〃What you will。 Only file
  through the bars of my cage and
  lend me your dagger。 We have but
  little time; quick; quick! Oh; if my
  teeth were but files!I have tried
  to eat through this iron。〃

  〃Eccellenza;〃 said Rinaldo; 〃I
  have already filed through one bar。〃

  〃You are a god!〃

  〃Your wife was at the fete given
  by the Princess Villaviciosa。 She
  brought home her little Frenchman;
  she is drunk with love。You have
  plenty of time。〃

  〃Have you done?〃


  228            OLYMPIA

  〃Your dagger?〃 said the Duke
  eagerly to the brigand。

  〃Here it is。〃

  〃Good。 I hear the clatter of the

  〃Do not forget me!〃 cried the
  robber; who knew what gratitude

  〃No more than my father;〃 cried
  the Duke。

  〃Good…bye!〃 said Rinaldo。 〃Lord!
  How he flies up!〃 he added to him…
  self as the Duke disappeared。〃No
  more than his father! If that is
  all he means to do for me。And I

         OR ROMAN REVENGE        229

  had sworn a vow never to injure a

  But let us leave the robber for a
  moment to his meditations and go
  up; l
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