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an anthology of australian verse-第42章

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  and obtained certificate; 1890。  Married Mr。 Francis Mullis。

  Died; 9th February; 1904; at Leyton; near London。

    ‘Poems' (London and Melbourne; 1895)。

Castilla; Ethel。

  Born at Kyneton; Victoria; 19th June; 1861; daughter of

  Frederic Ramos de Castilla; an Englishman of Spanish descent;

  and May Robertson; daughter of an Edinburgh Writer to the Signet。

  Has lived mostly in Melbourne and contributed frequently to ‘Australasian';

  ‘Sydney Mail'; etc。

    ‘The Australian Girl; and other Verses' (Melbourne; 1900)。

Clarke; Marcus Andrew Hislop。

  Born at Kensington; London; 24th April; 1846; son of William Hislop Clarke;

  Barrister。  Educated; Dr。 Dyne's School; Highgate。  Came to Victoria; 1864。

  Employed as a Bank clerk for a few months; then on a station for a year。

  Journalist in Melbourne; 1867…71。  Appointed Secretary to Trustees;

  Melbourne Public Library; 1871; Assistant Librarian; 1875。

  Married; 1869; Marian Dunn; daughter of John Dunn; Comedian。

  Wrote 〃For the Term of His Natural Life〃 for ‘The Australian Journal'; 1870;

  which; partly re…written; was published in London; 1874。

  Died; 2nd August; 1881。

    Verse collected and published in ‘The Marcus Clarke Memorial Volume';

    1884; and ‘The Austral Edition of Selected Works of Marcus Clarke';

    1890 (Melbourne)。

Colborne…Veel; Mary Caroline (Miss)。

  Born at Christchurch; N。Z。; daughter of Joseph Veel Colborne…Veel;

  M。A。; Oxon。; who came to New Zealand in 1857。  Educated at home。

  Contributed frequently to Australian; English and other periodicals。

    ‘The Fairest of the Angels; and other Verse' (London; 1894)。

Currie; Archibald Ernest。

  Born at Christchurch; New Zealand; 1884; of British stock。

  Educated; Christchurch High School and Canterbury College。

  Graduated M。A。; University of New Zealand。

Cuthbertson; James Lister。

  Born in Scotland; 1851。  Educated; Glenalmond; and Merton College; Oxford。

  Graduated B。A。  Arrived in Melbourne; 1874。  Senior Classical Master;

  Geelong Grammar School; 1875…96。

    ‘Barwon Ballads' (Melbourne; 1893)。

Daley; Victor James。

  Born at Navan; Armagh; Ireland; 5th September; 1858;

  father Irish; mother of Scottish descent。  Went to Plymouth; England;

  at fourteen; and left there in 1876 for Australia; landed in Sydney

  and shortly after went to Adelaide; where he worked as a clerk。

  Went to Melbourne and joined the Staff of ‘The Carlton Advertiser'。

  Tramped to Queanbeyan; N。S。W。; and edited a paper there for five months。

  Came to Sydney and wrote for Australian papers; principally ‘The Bulletin'。

  Lived in Melbourne for a few years; then again in Sydney

  until his death from phthisis; 29th December; 1905。

    ‘At Dawn and Dusk' (Sydney; 1898)。

Deniehy; Daniel Henry。

  Born at Sydney; 18th August; 1828; of Irish parentage。  Educated;

  M。 Jonson's and W。 T。 Cape's schools。  At fifteen wrote a novelette;

  〃Love at First Sight〃; printed in ‘Colonial Literary Journal'; 1844。

  Went to England with his parents; studied in London and visited

  the Continent。  Returned to Sydney; was articled to Nicol D。 Stenhouse

  and eventually admitted  the first native…born solicitor on the rolls。

  Married Adelaide Elizabeth Hoalls; 1855。  Elected to N。S。W。 Parliament;

  1856…9。  Edited ‘Southern Cross' (Sydney) 1859…60;

  ‘Victorian' (Melbourne) 1862…4。  Died at Bathurst; N。S。W。;

  22nd October; 1865。

    Some of his writings were collected and published in

    ‘The Life and Speeches of Daniel Henry Deniehy'; by Miss E。 A。 Martin;

    Melbourne (1884)。

Domett; Alfred。

  Born at Camberwell; England; 20th May; 1811。  Matriculated at Cambridge;

  1829; called to the Bar; 1841; left England; 1842; for New Zealand。

  Was a friend of Robert Browning and inspired the latter's poem; ‘Waring';

  which first appeared in ‘Bells and Pomegranates'; No。 III。; 1842。

  Became Colonial Secretary for Province of Munster; N。Z。; 1848;

  and Premier of the Colony in 1862。  Wrote 〃Ranolf and Amohia〃

  in New Zealand。  Returned to England; 1871。  Died at Kensington;

  November; 1887。

    ‘Poems' (London; 1833)。

    ‘Venice; a Poem' (London; 1839)。

    ‘Ranolf and Amohia; A South Sea Day Dream' (London; 1872;

      second edition; 2 vols。; 1883)。

    ‘Flotsam and Jetsam' (London; 1877)。

Dyson; Edward George。

  Born near Ballarat; Victoria; 5th March; 1865; of English parentage。

  Educated; public schools。  Worked for some time as a miner

  in Victoria and Tasmania。  Now a Journalist in Melbourne。

    ‘Rhymes from the Mines; and other Lines' (Sydney; 1896)。

Evans; George Essex。

  Born in London; 18th June; 1863; son of John Evans; Q。C。; M。P。;

  of Welsh descent。  Educated at Haverford West (Wales) and St。 Heliers

  (Channel Islands)。  Came to Queensland; 1881。  Farming for some time。

  Entered Queensland Government service; 1888; and is now District Registrar

  at Toowoomba。  Joint Editor of ‘The Antipodean'; 1893; 1894; and 1897。

  Won prize for best Ode on the Inauguration of the Commonwealth。

    ‘The Repentance of Magdalene Despar; and other Poems' (London; 1891)。

    ‘Won by a Skirt' (Brisbane; n。d。)。

    ‘Loraine; and other Verses' (Melbourne; 1898)。

    ‘The Sword of Pain' (Toowoomba; 1905)。

Farrell; John。

  Born at Buenos Aires (S。 America); 18th December; 1851; of Irish parents。

  Came to Australia; 1852; spent his childhood and youth

  in the Victorian bush。  Worked as a farmer; afterwards became a brewer

  in Victoria and New South Wales。  Journalist from 1887;

  principally on the staff of ‘The Daily Telegraph'; Sydney;

  till his death in Sydney; 9th January; 1904。

    ‘Ephemera:  An Iliad of Albury' (Albury; 1878)。

    ‘Two Stories' (Melbourne; 1882)。

    ‘How He Died; and other Poems' (Sydney; 1887)。

    ‘Australia to England' (Sydney; 1897)。

    ‘My Sundowner; and other Poems' (Sydney; 1904)。

    ‘How He Died; and other Poems' (Sydney; 1905)。

Foott; Mary Hannay (Mrs。)。

  Born at Glasgow; 26th September; 1846; daughter of James Black;

  mother descended from literary family of Hannay。  Arrived in Australia;

  1853。  Educated in Melbourne。  Married Thomas Wade Foott; 1874;

  and went to live at Dundoo; Queensland。  After death of her husband; 1884;

  was Literary Editor of ‘The Queenslander' for ten years。

  Now a teacher at Rocklea; Queensland。

    ‘Where the Pelican Builds; and other Poems' (Brisbane; 1885)。

    ‘Morna Lee; and other Poems' (London; 1890)。

Forster; William。

  Born at Madras; 1818。  Came to Australia; 1829。

  Educated; W。 T。 Cape's School; Sydney。  Became a Squatter。

  Entered New South Wales Parliament; was Premier; 1860;

  and afterwards held portfolios in various ministries。

  Appointed Agent…General and went to London; 1876。

  Returned to New South Wales and died there; 30th October; 1882。

    ‘The Weirwolf:  a Tragedy' (London; 1876)。

    ‘The Brothers:  a Drama' (London; 1877)。

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