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an anthology of australian verse-第36章

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A People's House; where all may roam

The many rooms and be at ease;

A People's House; with tower and dome;

And over all a People's Flag 

A Flag upon the breeze。

  The Lotus…Flower

All the heights of the high shores gleam

 Red and gold at the sunset hour:

There comes the spell of a magic dream;

 And the Harbour seems a lotus…flower;

A blue flower tinted at dawn with gold;

 A broad flower blazing with light at noon;

A flower forever with charms to hold

 His heart; who sees it by sun or moon。

Its beauty burns like a ceaseless fire;

 And tower looks over the top of tower;

For all mute things it would seem; aspire

 To catch a glimpse of the lotus…flower。

Men meet its beauty with furrowed face;

 And straight the furrows are smoothed away;

They buy and sell in the market…place;

 And languor leadens their blood all day。

At night they look on the flower; and lo!

 The City passes with all its cares:

They dream no more in its azure glow;

 Of gold and silver and stocks and shares。

The Lotus dreams 'neath the dreaming skies;

 Its beauty touching with spell divine

The grey old town; till the old town lies

 Like one half…drunk with a magic wine。

Star…loved; it breathes at the midnight hour

 A sense of peace from its velvet mouth。

Though flowers be fair  is there any flower

 Like this blue flower of the radiant South?

Sun…loved and lit by the moon it yields

 A challenge…glory or glow serene;

And men bethink them of jewelled shields;

 A turquoise lighting a ground of green。

Fond lovers pacing beside it see

 Not death and darkness; but life and light;

And dream no dream of the witchery

 The Lotus sheds on the silent night。

Pale watchers weary of watching stars

 That fall; and fall; and forever fall;

Tear…worn and troubled with many scars;

 They seek the Lotus and end life's thrall。

The spirit spelled by the Lotus swoons;

 Its beauty summons the artist mood;

And thus; perchance; in a thousand moons

 Its spell shall work in our waiting blood。

Then souls shall shine with an old…time grace;

 And sense be wrapped in a golden trance;

And art be crowned in the market…place

 With Love and Beauty and fair Romance。

David McKee Wright。

  An Old Colonist's Reverie

Dustily over the highway pipes the loud nor'…wester at morn;

Wind and the rising sun; and waving tussock and corn;

It brings to me days gone by when first in my ears it rang;

The wind is the voice of my home; and I think of the songs it sang

When; fresh from the desk and ledger; I crossed the long leagues of sea 

〃The old worn world is gone and the new bright world is free。〃

The wide; wild pastures of old are fading and passing away;

All over the plain are the homes of the men who have come to stay 

I sigh for the good old days in the station whare again;

But the good new days are better  I would not be heard to complain;

It is only the wind that cries with tears in its voice to me

Of the dead men low in the mould who came with me over the sea。

Some of them down in the city under the marble are laid;

Some on the bare hillside in the mound by the lone tree shade;

And some in the forest deeps of the west in their silence lie;

With the dark pine curtain above shutting out the blue of the sky。

And many have passed from my sight; whither I never shall know;

Swept away in the rushing river or caught in the mountain snow;

All the old hands are gone who came with me over the sea;

But the land that we made our own is the same bright land to me。

There are dreams in the gold of the kowhai; and when ratas are breaking

  in bloom

I can hear the rich murmur of voices in the deeps of the fern…shadowed gloom。

Old memory may bring me her treasures from the land of the blossoms of May;

But to me the hill daisies are dearer and the gorse on the river bed grey;

While the mists on the high hilltops curling; the dawn…haunted

  haze of the sea;

To my fancy are bridal veils lifting from the face of the land of the free。

The speargrass and cabbage trees yonder; the honey…belled flax in its bloom;

The dark of the bush on the sidings; the snow…crested mountains that loom

Golden and grey in the sunlight; far up in the cloud…fringed blue;

Are the threads with old memory weaving and the line of my life

  running through;

And the wind of the morning calling has ever a song for me

Of hope for the land of the dawning in the golden years to be。

Christopher John Brennan。


Of old; on her terrace at evening

。。。not here。。。in some long…gone kingdom

O; folded close to her breast!。。。

our gaze dwelt wide on the blackness

(was it trees? or a shadowy passion

the pain of an old…world longing

that it sobb'd; that it swell'd; that it shrank?)

the gloom of the forest

blurr'd soft on the skirt of the night…skies

that shut in our lonely world。

。。。not here。。。in some long…gone world。。。

close…lock'd in that passionate arm…clasp

no word did we utter; we stirr'd not:

the silence of Death; or of Love。。。

only; round and over us

that tearless infinite yearning

and the Night with her spread wings rustling

folding us with the stars。

。。。not here。。。in some long…gone kingdom

of old; on her terrace at evening

O; folded close to her heart!。。。


Where the poppy…banners flow

 in and out amongst the corn;

 spotless morn

ever saw us come and go

hand in hand; as girl and boy

 warming fast to youth and maid;

 half afraid

at the hint of passionate joy

still in Summer's rose unshown:

 yet we heard nor knew a fear;

 strong and clear

summer's eager clarion blown

from the sunrise to the set:

 now our feet are far away;

 night and day;

do the old…known spots forget?

Sweet; I wonder if those hours

 breathe of us now parted thence;

 if a sense

of our love…birth thrill their flowers。

Poppies flush all tremulous 

 has our love grown into them;

 root and stem;

are the red blooms red with us?

Summer's standards are outroll'd;

 other lovers wander slow;

 I would know

if the morn is that of old。

Here our days bloom fuller yet;

 happiness is all our task;

 still I ask 

do the vanish'd days forget?

John Le Gay Brereton。

  The Sea Maid

In what pearl…paven mossy cave

By what green sea

Art thou reclining; virgin of the wave;

In realms more full of splendid mystery

Than that strong northern flood whence came

The rise and fall of music in thy name 

Thy waiting name; Oithona!

The magic of the sea's own change

In depth and height;

From where the eternal order'd billows range

To unknown regions of sleep…weary night;

Fills; like a wonder…waking spell

Whispered by lips of some lone…murmuring shell;

Thy dreaming soul; Oithona。

In gladness 
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