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plough…horses; still splashed with the mire of the furrow; for
these were the very dregs of the country; and all the better men
and the fair equipments were already with Sir Daniel in the field。
〃We have not done amiss; praised be the cross of Holywood! Sir
Daniel will be right well content;〃 observed the priest; inwardly
numbering the troop。
〃Who goes? Stand! if ye be true!〃 shouted Bennet。 A man was seen
slipping through the churchyard among the yews; and at the sound of
this summons he discarded all concealment; and fairly took to his
heels for the forest。 The men at the gate; who had been hitherto
unaware of the stranger's presence; woke and scattered。 Those who
had dismounted began scrambling into the saddle; the rest rode in
pursuit; but they had to make the circuit of the consecrated
ground; and it was plain their quarry would escape them。 Hatch;
roaring an oath; put his horse at the hedge; to head him off; but
the beast refused; and sent his rider sprawling in the dust。 And
though he was up again in a moment; and had caught the bridle; the
time had gone by; and the fugitive had gained too great a lead for
any hope of capture。
The wisest of all had been Dick Shelton。 Instead of starting in a
vain pursuit; he had whipped his crossbow from his back; bent it;
and set a quarrel to the string; and now; when the others had
desisted; he turned to Bennet and asked if he should shoot。
〃Shoot! shoot!〃 cried the priest; with sanguinary violence。
〃Cover him; Master Dick;〃 said Bennet。 〃Bring me him down like a
ripe apple。〃
The fugitive was now within but a few leaps of safety; but this
last part of the meadow ran very steeply uphill; and the man ran
slower in proportion。 What with the greyness of the falling night;
and the uneven movements of the runner; it was no easy aim; and as
Dick levelled his bow; he felt a kind of pity; and a half desire
that he might miss。 The quarrel sped。
The man stumbled and fell; and a great cheer arose from Hatch and
the pursuers。 But they were counting their corn before the
harvest。 The man fell lightly; he was lightly afoot again; turned
and waved his cap in a bravado; and was out of sight next moment in
the margin of the wood。
〃And the plague go with him!〃 cried Bennet。 〃He has thieves'
heels; he can run; by St Banbury! But you touched him; Master
Shelton; he has stolen your quarrel; may he never have good I
grudge him less!〃
〃Nay; but what made he by the church?〃 asked Sir Oliver。 〃I am
shrewdly afeared there has been mischief here。 Clipsby; good
fellow; get ye down from your horse; and search thoroughly among
the yews。〃
Clipsby was gone but a little while ere he returned carrying a
〃This writing was pinned to the church door;〃 he said; handing it
to the parson。 〃I found naught else; sir parson。〃
〃Now; by the power of Mother Church;〃 cried Sir Oliver; 〃but this
runs hard on sacrilege! For the king's good pleasure; or the lord
of the manor … well! But that every run…the…hedge in a green
jerkin should fasten papers to the chancel door … nay; it runs hard
on sacrilege; hard; and men have burned for matters of less weight。
But what have we here? The light falls apace。 Good Master
Richard; y' have young eyes。 Read me; I pray; this libel。〃
Dick Shelton took the paper in his hand and read it aloud。 It
contained some lines of very rugged doggerel; hardly even rhyming;
written in a gross character; and most uncouthly spelt。 With the
spelling somewhat bettered; this is how they ran:
〃I had four blak arrows under my belt;
Four for the greefs that I have felt;
Four for the nomber of ill menne
That have opressid me now and then。
One is gone; one is wele sped;
Old Apulyaird is ded。
One is for Maister Bennet Hatch;
That burned Grimstone; walls and thatch。
One for Sir Oliver Oates;
That cut Sir Harry Shelton's throat。
Sir Daniel; ye shull have the fourt;
We shall think it fair sport。
Ye shull each have your own part;
A blak arrow in each blak heart。
Get ye to your knees for to pray:
Ye are ded theeves; by yea and nay!
of the Green Wood;
And his jolly fellaweship。
〃Item; we have mo arrowes and goode hempen cord for otheres of your
〃Now; well…a…day for charity and the Christian graces!〃 cried Sir
Oliver; lamentably。 〃Sirs; this is an ill world; and groweth daily
worse。 I will swear upon the cross of Holywood I am as innocent of
that good knight's hurt; whether in act or purpose; as the babe
unchristened。 Neither was his throat cut; for therein they are
again in error; as there still live credible witnesses to show。〃
〃It boots not; sir parson;〃 said Bennet。 〃Here is unseasonable
〃Nay; Master Bennet; not so。 Keep ye in your due place; good
Bennet;〃 answered the priest。 〃I shall make mine innocence appear。
I will; upon no consideration; lose my poor life in error。 I take
all men to witness that I am clear of this matter。 I was not even
in the Moat House。 I was sent of an errand before nine upon the
clock〃 …
〃Sir Oliver;〃 said Hatch; interrupting; 〃since it please you not to
stop this sermon; I will take other means。 Goffe; sound to horse。〃
And while the tucket was sounding; Bennet moved close to the
bewildered parson; and whispered violently in his ear。
Dick Shelton saw the priest's eye turned upon him for an instant in
a startled glance。 He had some cause for thought; for this Sir
Harry Shelton was his own natural father。 But he said never a
word; and kept his countenance unmoved。
Hatch and Sir Oliver discussed together for a while their altered
situation; ten men; it was decided between them; should be
reserved; not only to garrison the Moat House; but to escort the
priest across the wood。 In the meantime; as Bennet was to remain
behind; the command of the reinforcement was given to Master
Shelton。 Indeed; there was no choice; the men were loutish
fellows; dull and unskilled in war; while Dick was not only
popular; but resolute and grave beyond his age。 Although his youth
had been spent in these rough; country places; the lad had been
well taught in letters by Sir Oliver; and Hatch himself had shown
him the management of arms and the first principles of command。
Bennet had always been kind and helpful; he was one of those who
are cruel as the grave to those they call their enemies; but
ruggedly faithful and well willing to their friends; and now; while
Sir Oliver entered the next house to write; in his swift; exquisite
penmanship; a memorandum of the last occurrences to his master; Sir
Daniel Brackley; Bennet came up to his pupil to wish him God…speed
upon his enterprise。
〃Ye must go the long way about; Master Shelton;〃 he said; 〃round by
the bridge; for your life! Keep a sure man fifty paces afore you;
to draw shots; and go softly till y' are past the wo