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and as well as ever。
Thus again Ivan was disappointed in obtaining his revenge; and;
not being satisfied with the district…attorney's decision; had
the case transferred to the court; where he used all possible
means to push his suit。 To secure the favor of the starshina
(village mayor) he made him a present of half a gallon of sweet
vodki; and to the mayor's pisar (secretary) also he gave
presents。 By this means he succeeded in securing a verdict
against Gavryl。 The sentence was that Gavryl was to receive
twenty lashes on his bare back; and the punishment was to be
administered in the yard which surrounded the court…house。
When Ivan heard the sentence read he looked triumphantly at
Gavryl to see what effect it would produce on him。 Gavryl turned
very white on hearing that he was to be treated with such
indignity; and turning his back on the assembly left the room
without uttering a word。
Ivan followed him out; and as he reached his horse he heard
Gavryl saying: 〃Very well; my spine will burn from the lashes;
but something will burn with greater fierceness in Ivan's
household before long。〃
Ivan; on hearing these words; instantly returned to the court;
and going up to the judges said: 〃Oh! just judges; he threatens
to burn my house and all it contains。〃
A messenger was immediately sent in search of Gavryl; who was
soon found and again brought into the presence of the judges。
〃Is it true;〃 they asked; 〃that you said you would burn Ivan's
house and all it contained?〃
Gavryl replied: 〃I did not say anything of the kind。 You may
give me as many lashes as you pleasethat is; if you have the
power to do so。 It seems to me that I alone have to suffer for
the truth; while he;〃 pointing to Ivan; 〃is allowed to do and say
what he pleases。〃 Gavryl wished to say something more; but his
lips trembled; and the words refused to come; so in silence he
turned his face toward the wall。
The sight of so much suffering moved even the judges to pity;
and; becoming alarmed at Gavryl's continued silence; they said;
〃He may do both his neighbor and himself some frightful injury。〃
〃See here; my brothers;〃 said one feeble old judge; looking at
Ivan and Gavryl as he spoke; 〃I think you had better try to
arrange this matter peaceably。 You; brother Gavryl; did wrong to
strike a woman who was in delicate health。 It was a lucky thing
for you that God had mercy on you and that the woman did not die;
for if she had I know not what dire misfortune might have
overtaken you! It will not do either of you any good to go on
living as you are at present。 Go; Gavryl; and make friends with
Ivan; I am sure he will forgive you; and we will set aside the
verdict just given。〃
The secretary on hearing this said: 〃It is impossible to do this
on the present case。 According to Article 117 this matter has
gone too far to be settled peaceably now; as the verdict has been
rendered and must be enforced。〃
But the judges would not listen to the secretary; saying to him:
〃You talk altogether too much。 You must remember that the first
thing is to fulfill God's command to 'Love thy neighbor as
thyself;' and all will be well with you。〃
Thus with kind words the judges tried to reconcile the two
peasants。 Their words fell on stony ground; however; for Gavryl
would not listen to them。
〃I am fifty years old;〃 said Gavryl; 〃and have a son married; and
never from my birth has the lash been applied to my back; but now
this bear Ivan has secured a verdict against me which condemns me
to receive twenty lashes; and I am forced to bow to this decision
and suffer the shame of a public beating。 Well; he will have
cause to remember this。〃
At this Gavryl's voice trembled and he stopped speaking; and
turning his back on the judges took his departure。
It was about ten versts' distance from the court to the homes of
the neighbors; and this Ivan travelled late。 The women had
already gone out for the cattle。 He unharnessed his horse and
put everything in its place; and then went into the izba (room);
but found no one there。
The men had not yet returned from their work in the field and the
women had gone to look for the cattle; so that all about the
place was quiet。 Going into the room; Ivan seated himself on a
wooden bench and soon became lost in thought。 He remembered how;
when Gavryl first heard the sentence which had been passed upon
him; he grew very pale; and turned his face to the wall; all the
while remaining silent。
Ivan's heart ached when he thought of the disgrace which he had
been the means of bring… ing upon Gavryl; and he wondered how he
would feel if the same sentence had been passed upon him。 His
thoughts were interrupted by the coughing of his father; who was
lying on the oven。
The old man; on seeing Ivan; came down off the oven; and slowly
approaching his son seated himself on the bench beside him;
looking at him as though ashamed。 He continued to cough as he
leaned on the table and said; 〃Well; did they sentence him?〃
〃Yes; they sentenced him to receive twenty lashes;〃 replied Ivan。
On hearing this the old man sorrowfully shook his head; and said:
〃This is very bad; Ivan; and what is the meaning of it all? It
is indeed very bad; but not so bad for Gavryl as for yourself。
Well; suppose his sentence IS carried out; and he gets the twenty
lashes; what will it benefit you?〃
〃He will not again strike a woman;〃 Ivan replied。
〃What is it he will not do? He does not do anything worse than
what you are constantly doing!〃
This conversation enraged Ivan; and he shouted: 〃Well; what did
he do? He beat a woman nearly to death; and even now he
threatens to burn my house! Must I bow to him for all this?〃
The old man sighed deeply as he said: 〃You; Ivan; are strong and
free to go wherever you please; while I have been lying for years
on the oven。 You think that you know everything and that I do
not know anything。 No! you are still a child; and as such you
cannot see that a kind of madness controls your actions and
blinds your sight。 The sins of others are ever before you; while
you resolutely keep your own behind your back。 I know that what
Gavryl did was wrong; but if he alone should do wrong there would
be no evil in the world。 Do you think that all the evil in the
world is the work of one man alone? No! it requires two persons
to work much evil in the world。 You see only the bad in Gavryl's
character; but you are blind to the evil that is in your own
nature。 If he alone were bad and you good; then there would be
no wrong。〃
The old man; after a pause; continued: 〃Who tore Gavryl's beard?
Who destroyed his heaps of rye? Who dragged him into court?and
yet you try to put all the blame on his shoulders。 You are
behaving very badly yourself; and for that reason you are wrong。
I did not act in such a manner; and certainly I never taug