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HUMBOLDT; 160; 201。 HUME; 119; 126; 129; 130; 131; 157; 164; 171; 221; 240; 254; 260; 388;406。 HUXLEY; 176。 Hypocrisy; feminine; depends on dis… honesty; 343。 Hysteria; 331。
ICARD; 312。 Ideas; imaginative; 459; personal equation in; 462; observation of; 463; and perception; 464; and pre… monition; 466。 Idiots; memory of; 270。 Ignorance; 23; to be generally pre… supposed; 23。 IHFRING; 10。 Illumination; retrospective; of per… ception; 194; differences of; 200。 Illusions; of memory; 275; how dis… covered in witnesses; 423; classifica… tion of; 424; limits of; 424; and false inference; 425; optical; 428; of movement; 435; subjects of opti… cal; 436; reasons for; 437; auditory; 443; causes of; 444; of normal people; 446; tactual 449; of tastd; 452; olfactory; 453。 Image; 233; difference from object; 233; 234; and speech; 235; and third dimension; 235; and move… ment; 236; alterations observable in; 236; and time; 237。 Images; and truth; 224; effect of on views of the uneducated; 391。 Imagination; 232; difficulties of; 233; ideas due to; 459。 Imitation; accompanying action; 48; and the crowd; 415; and duplication; 415。 Impatience; 19; dangers of; 20。 Inanimate; perversity of the; 72。 Inclination; 393; and vagabondage; 394。 Indifference; attitude of; 378。 Induction; 137; and the lawyer; 138; and analogy; 138; difficulties of; 139; sympathetic; 440。 Inference; 105; relation to logic and psychology; 106; and occupation; 167; and form; 168; unconscious; 168; and comparison; 170; and pos… sibility; 170; and historical truth; 17 1; Hume on; 17 1; and irregularity 173; made by witnesses; 175; and MS。; 175; origin of mistakes in; 176; false; compared with illusion; 425。
Influences; reciprocal; 121; isolated; 406。
Information; source of; 62。
Innervation; muscular; and sight; 204。
Instinct; maternal; 321。
Instruction; public; and understand… ing; 241。
Intellection of foolishness; 405。
Intelligence; feminine; 332; weakness of; 362。
Intercourse between judges and ex… perts; 14; and jurymen; 15。
Interest; 37; importance in judge and expert; 38; how aroused in wit… nesses; 39; and attention; 39; in… fluences conception; 381。
Intermediaries; skipping of; 124。
Intoxication; 484; and responsibility; 485; and theft; 488; Hoff bauer on; 488。
Irradiation; 442。
Irritation; causes crime; 77。
Isolation; effect of on character; 396; on health; 397。
Issue; must be defined; 11。
Inventors as witnesses; 66。
JAMES; W。; 187; 467。
Jealousy; in women; 351。
JESSEN; 186; 275; 482; 483。
JODL; 259。
JOST; 267。
Judge; 9; relations to witness; 9; and experts; 14; and jury; 15; and confession; 31; importance of inter… est to; 14; as persuader; 162; affec… tion and passion in; 417。
Judgment; 165; and inference; 165; and numbers; 174; feminine; 336。 Jurisprudence a natural science; 10。 Jury; 24; education of; 24; to be studied; 165; trial by; 106。 Justice; criminal; 1; of women; 359。
K KANT; 2; 45; 64; 131; 154; 160; 173;
188; 251; 263; 264; 267; 283; 361; 388; 401; 402; 403; 409; 421; 475。
KEMSIEs; 270。
KIEFER; 478。
Knowledge; 183; and consequences; 184; and truth; 184; possibility of a priori; 7; of human nature; impor… tant; 15; compared with knowledge of law; 16; feminine; influenced by conceit; 328。
KOCH; 2; 259。
KOSLOW; 410。
KRXP~LrN; 259; 277; 292。
KRAUS; 2; 68; 324; 371; 373; 401。
KRIES; 153; 192; 210; 263。
KbLPE; 260; 276。
LAFONTAINE; 369。 LAGRAVE; 234; 492。 LANGE; 85; 259; 367。 Language; importance of; 287; re… lated to character; 288; substitu… tions of; 289; and tone; 290。 LAPLACE; 150。 LANDOIS; 81。 LANDSBERG; 101。 LARDEN; 435。 LARoCHEFOUCAULD; 58; 100; 123; 402。 LASCHI; 416。 LAssoN; 259。 Laughter; cause of; 76; and char… acter; 396。 LAVATER; 83; 84。 Law; empirical; 136; Weber's; 188; requirements of; and psychological accuracy; 107; and understanding; 242。
LAZARUS; 25; 48; 54; 252。 Leaps; in inference; 167。
LE BRUN; 84。
Legal sciences backward; 5。 LEHMANN; 42; 259; 284。
LEIBNITZ; 135; 149; 188; 275; 385; 482。 LEROux; 337。
LICHTENBERG; 238; 275。 LiEBMANN; 135; 199; 204。
Lie; the; 474; the pathoformic; 479。 LIERSCH; 101。
Lines; position of; 429; illusory; 431。 Lipps; 138; 144; 234; 246; 254; 379; 427; 429。
N:SiscH; 365; 368。
Locality; influence of; on recollection; 266。
LOCKE; 150; 188; 262。 LoHSING; 31; 280; 474。
LoMBROSO; 2; 45; 77; 195; 215; 315; 326; 339; 340; 341; 346; 355; 369; 373; 410; 416; 480。
LONGET; 212。
LOTZE; 28; 78; 85; 158; 160; 199; 264; 326; 328; 379; 427。
Love; in women; 309; 350。 Loyalty of women; 347。
LUCAS; 411。
M MACH; 222。
MANTEGAZZA; 85; 319; 334; 341; 343; 344; 355。 M&RBE; 39。 MARCHAUD; 410。 MARION; 301。
MARTINAK; 410。 MAsARYK; 130。
Alaster…lawyer; the; 9。 Material; source of; 4。 Maternal instinct; 321;
MAUDSLEY; 2; 48; 185; 237; 260; 264; 276; 368; 393; 465; 481。
MAYER; MAx; 117。
MAYER; VON; 184; 255。
Maxims; about women; dangerous; 308。
MEINONG; 119; 188; 459; 471。
Memory; 258; and reproduction; 261; and time; 261; theories of; 262; proportionate to activity; 263; Kant on; 263; of pain; 264; and fancy; 265; of the dying; 274; of the senile; 375; anomalies of; 272; and wounds in the head; 273; illusions of; 275。
Men of power as witnesses; 66。
MENo; 7。
Menstruation; facts of; 312; effects of beginning of; 313; modifies percep… tion; 314; and sensibility; 315; causes theft; 316。
Method; defined; 3; of drawing out witnesses; 20。 METZGER; 1。 MEYER; L。; 53。
MEYER; M。; 448。
MEYNERT; 52; 85; 86。
MILL; 121; 123; 138; 153; 154; 155; 156; 173; 176; 178; 181; 223; 290; 388。
Mistakes; of inference; 176; aprioristic; 177; of observation; 177; 222; of generalization; 177; of confusion; 177; of the senses; 422; in practical affairs; 423。
Misunderstandings; verbal; 467; through verbal substitutions; 470; through fatigue; 473。
MITTERM~A_IER; 32; 106; 149; 161; 175; 188; 303; 368; 389; 398; 492。 Mnemotechnique; 279; dangers of; 280。 MOBIUS; 307。 MOLL; 477。 Money; and women; 338。 MONNNIGSHOFF; 484。 Moral perversions associated with path… ological phenomena; 45。 MORE; 236。 MOREAU; 369。 Mosso; 85; 458。 Motives; apparent and real; 68。 Mouth; closing of; 90。 Movement; illusions of; 435; and im… age; 236。 MtLLER; J。; 84; 86; 465。 MI~NCH; 1。 MbNSTERBERG; 174; 179; 210; 259; 283; 469; 491。 N NXcKE; 45; 71; 77; 1。80; 181; 238; 300; 478。 Na:ivet6; 402。 Names; memory of; 268。 NASSE; 3619% NATORP; 259。 Natural science; method of; in daily routine; 9。 Nature; and nurture; 384。 Need; and crime; 57。 NEUMANN; 319。 NEWTON; 101; 251。 Nexusl causal; and observation; 120。 NOEL; 84; 252。 Normal people; auditory illusions of; 446。 Nostalgia; 77。 Number; and judgment; 174。 Nurture; and nature; 384; influence of; 385。
O Objectivity; feminine lack of; 334。 Observation; as corroboration; 55; differences in; 376。 Obstinacy a form of egoism; 27。 Occupation; and inference; 167。 ‘‘Occurrence;'' 256。 Officials; impose on witnesses; 8。 Old maid; the; 329。 Olfactory illusions;