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short stories and essays-第36章

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appointed rooms that if not disturbed they could suffer little harm in
fifteen or fifty years。  The places are wonderfully well kept; and if you
will visit them; say in midwinter; after the fall influx of furniture has
all been hidden away behind the iron doors of the several cells; you
shall find their far…branching corridors scrupulously swept and dusted;
and shall walk up and down their concrete length with some such sense of
secure finality as you would experience in pacing the aisle of your
family vault。

That is what it comes to。  One may feign that these storage warehouses
are cities; but they are really cemeteries: sad columbaria on whose
shelves are stowed exanimate things once so intimately of their owners'
lives that it is with the sense of looking at pieces and bits of one's
dead self that one revisits them。  If one takes the fragments out to fit
them to new circumstance; one finds them not only uncomformable and
incapable; but so volubly confidential of the associations in which they
are steeped; that one wishes to hurry them back to their cell and lock it
upon them forever。  One feels then that the old way was far better; and
that if the things had been auctioned off; and scattered up and down; as
chance willed; to serve new uses with people who wanted them enough to
pay for them even a tithe of their cost; it would have been wiser。
Failing this; a fire seems the only thing for them; and their removal to
the cheaper custody of a combustible or slow…burning warehouse the best
recourse。  Desperate people; aging husbands and wives; who have attempted
the reconstruction of their homes with these

          〃Portions and parcels of the dreadful past 〃

have been known to wish for an earthquake; even; that would involve their
belongings in an indiscriminate ruin。


In fact; each new start in life should be made with material new to you;
if comfort is to attend the enterprise。  It is not only sorrowful but it
is futile to store your possessions; if you hope to find the old
happiness in taking them out and using them again。  It is not that they
will not go into place; after a fashion; and perform their old office;
but that the pang they will inflict through the suggestion of the other
places where they served their purpose in other years will be only the
keener for the perfection with which they do it now。  If they cannot be
sold; and if no fire comes down from heaven to consume them; then they
had better be stored with no thought of ever taking them out again。

That will be expensive; or it will be inexpensive; according to the sort
of storage they are put into。  The inexperienced in such matters may be
surprised; and if they have hearts they may be grieved; to learn that the
fire…proof storage of the furniture of the average house would equal the
rent of a very comfortable domicile in a small town; or a farm by which a
family's living can be earned; with a decent dwelling in which it can be
sheltered。  Yet the space required is not very great; three fair…sized
rooms will hold everything; and there is sometimes a fierce satisfaction
in seeing how closely the things that once stood largely about; and
seemed to fill ample parlors and chambers; can be packed away。  To be
sure they are not in their familiar attitudes; they lie on their sides or
backs; or stand upon their heads; between the legs of library or dining
tables are stuffed all kinds of minor movables; with cushions; pillows;
pictures; cunningly adjusted to the environment; and mattresses pad the
walls; or interpose their soft bulk between pieces of furniture that
would otherwise rend each other。  Carpets sewn in cotton against moths;
and rugs in long rolls; the piano hovering under its ample frame a whole
brood of helpless little guitars; mandolins; and banjos; and 3supporting
on its broad back a bulk of lighter cases to the fire…proof ceiling of
the cell; paintings in boxes indistinguishable outwardly from their
companioning mirrors; barrels of china and kitchen utensils; and all the
what…not of householding and house…keeping contribute to the repletion。

There is a science observed in the arrangement of the various effects;
against the rear wall and packed along the floor; and then in front of
and on top of these; is built a superstructure of the things that may be
first wanted; in case of removal; or oftenest wanted in some exigency of
the homeless life of the owners; pending removal。  The lightest and
slightest articles float loosely about the door; or are interwoven in a
kind of fabric just within; and curtaining the ponderous mass behind。
The effect is not so artistic as the mortuary mosaics which the Roman
Capuchins design with the bones of their dead brethren in the crypt of
their church; but the warehousemen no doubt have their just pride in it;
and feel an artistic pang in its provisional or final disturbance。

It had better never be disturbed; for it is disturbed only in some futile
dream of returning to the past; and we never can return to the past on
the old terms。  It is well in all things to accept life implicitly; and
when an end has come to treat it as the end; and not vainly mock it as a
suspense of function。  When the poor break up their homes; with no
immediate hope of founding others; they must sell their belongings
because they cannot afford to pay storage on them。  The rich or richer
store their household effects; and cheat themselves with the illusion
that they are going some time to rehabilitate with them just such a home
as they have dismantled。  But the illusion probably deceives nobody so
little as those who cherish the vain hope。  As long as they cherish it;
howeverand they must cherish it till their furniture or themselves fall
to dustthey cannot begin life anew; as the poor do who have kept
nothing of the sort to link them to the past。  This is one of the
disabilities of the prosperous; who will probably not be relieved of it
till some means of storing the owner as well as the' furniture is
invented。  In the immense range of modern ingenuity; this is perhaps not
impossible。  Why not; while we are still in life; some sweet oblivious
antidote which shall drug us against memory; and after time shall elapse
for the reconstruction of a new home in place of the old; shall repossess
us of ourselves as unchanged as the things with which we shall again
array it?  Here is a pretty idea for some dreamer to spin into the filmy
fabric of a romance; and I handsomely make a present of it to the first
comer。  If the dreamer is of the right quality he will know how to make
the reader feel that with the universal longing to return to former
conditions or circumstances it must always be a mistake to do so; and he
will subtly insinuate the disappointment and discomfort of the stored
personality in resuming its old relations。  With that just mixture of the
comic and pathetic which we desire in romance; he will teach convincingly
that a stored personality is to be desired only if it is permanently
stored; with the implication of a like finality in the storage of its

Save in some signal exception; a thing taken out of storage 
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