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short stories and essays-第18章

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couldn't help admiring their gift in bowknots and other difficult poses。
The gentleman got abundant applause; but the lady at first got none。  I
think perhaps it was because; with the correct feeling that prevailed
among us; we could not see a lady contort herself with so much approval
as a gentleman; and that there was a wound to our sense of propriety in
witnessing her skill。  But I could see that the poor girl was hurt in her
artist pride by our severity; and at the next thing she did I led off the
applause with my umbrella。  She instantly lighted up with a joyful smile;
and the young mother in the orchestra leaned forward to nod her sympathy
to me while she clapped。  We were fast becoming a domestic circle; and it
was very pleasant; but I thought that upon the whole I had better go。〃

〃And do you think you had a profitable hour at that show?〃  I asked; with
a smile that was meant to be sceptical。

〃Profitable?〃  said my friend。  〃I said agreeable。  I don't know about
the profit。  But it was very good variety; and it was very cheap。  I
understand that this is the kind of thing you want the two…dollar theatre
to come down to; or up to。〃

〃Not exactly; or not quite;〃 I returned; thoughtfully; 〃though I must say
I think your time was as well spent as it would have been at most of the
plays I have seen this winter。〃

My friend left the point; and said; with a dreamy air: 〃It was all very
pathetic; in a way。  Three out of those five people were really clever;
and certainly artists。  That colored brother was almost a genius; a very
common variety of genius; but still a genius; with a gift for his calling
that couldn't be disputed。  He was a genuine humorist; and I sorrowed
over himafter I got safely away from his intimacyas I should over
some author who was struggling along without winning his public。  Why
not?  One is as much in the show business as the other。  There is a
difference of quality rather than of kind。  Perhaps by…and…by my colored
humorist will make a strike with his branch of the public; as you are
always hoping to do with yours。〃

〃You don't think you're making yourself rather offensive?〃  I suggested。

〃Not intentionally。  Aren't the arts one?  How can you say that any art
is higher than the others?  Why is it nobler to contort the mind than to
contort the body?〃

〃I am always saying that it is not at all noble to contort the mind;〃
I returned; 〃and I feel that to aim at nothing higher than the amusement
of your readers is to bring yourself most distinctly to the level of the
show business。〃

〃Yes; I know that is your pose;〃 said my friend。  〃And I dare say you
really think that you make a distinction in facts when you make a
distinction in terms。  If you don't amuse your readers; you don't keep
them; practically; you cease to exist。  You may call it interesting them;
if you like; but; really; what is the difference?  You do your little
act; and because the stage is large and the house is fine; you fancy you
are not of that sad brotherhood which aims to please in humbler places;
with perhaps cruder means〃

〃I don't know whether I like your saws less than your instances; or your
instances less than your saws;〃 I broke in。  〃Have you been at the circus


〃Yet?〃  demanded my friend。  〃I went the first night; and I have been a
good deal interested in the examination of my emotions ever since。
I can't find out just why I have so much pleasure in the trapeze。
Half the time I want to shut my eyes; and a good part of the time I do
look away; but I wouldn't spare any actor the most dangerous feat。
One of the poor girls; that night; dropped awkwardly into the net after
her performance; and limped off to the dressing…room with a sprained
ankle。  It made me rather sad to think that now she must perhaps give up
her perilous work for a while; and pay a doctor; and lose her salary; but
it didn't take away my interest in the other trapezists flying through
the air above another net。

〃If I had honestly complained of anything it would have been of the
superfluity which glutted rather than fed me。  How can you watch three
sets of trapezists at once?  You really see neither well。  It's the same
with the three rings。  There should be one ring; and each act should have
a fair chance with the spectator; if it took six hours; I would willingly
give the time。  Fancy three stages at the theatre; with three plays going
on at once!〃

〃No; don't fancy that!〃 I entreated。  〃One play is bad enough。〃

〃Or fancy reading three novels simultaneously; and listening at the same
time to a lecture and a sermon; which could represent the two platforms
between the rings;〃 my friend calmly persisted。  〃The three rings are an
abuse and an outrage; but I don't know but I object still more to the
silencing of the clowns。  They have a great many clowns now; but they are
all dumb; and you only get half the good you used to get out of the
single clown of the old one…ring circus。  Why; it's as if the literary
humorist were to lead up to a charming conceit or a subtle jest; and then
put asterisks where the humor ought to come in。〃

〃Don't you think you are going from bad to worse?〃  I asked。

My friend went on: 〃I'm afraid the circus is spoiled for me。  It has
become too much of a good thing; for it is a good thing; almost the best
thing in the way of an entertainment that there is。  I'm still very fond
of it; but I come away defeated and defrauded because I have been
embarrassed with riches; and have been given more than I was able to
grasp。  My greed has been overfed。  I think I must keep to those
entertainments where you can come at ten in the morning and stay till ten
at night; with a perpetual change of bill; only one stage; and no fall of
the curtain。  I suppose you would object to them because they're getting
rather dear; at the best of them now they ask you a dollar for the first

I said that I did not think this too much for twelve hours; if the
intellectual character of the entertainment was correspondingly high。

〃It's as high as that of some magazines;〃 said my friend; 〃though I could
sometimes wish it were higher。  It's like the matter in the Sunday
papersabout that average。  Some of it's good; and most of it isn't。
Some of it could hardly be worse。  But there is a great deal of it; and
you get it consecutively and not simultaneously。  That constitutes its
advantage over the circus。〃

My friend stopped; with a vague smile; and I asked:

〃Then; do I understand that you would advise me to recommend the dime
museums; the circus; and the perpetual…motion varieties in the place of
the theatres?〃

〃You have recommended books instead; and that notion doesn't seem to have
met with much favor; though you urged their comparative cheapness。  Now;
why not suggest something that is really level with the popular taste?〃


A recently lecturing Englishman is reported to have noted the unenviable
primacy of the United States among countries where the struggle for
material prosperity has been disastrous to the pursuit of literature。
He said; or is said to have said (one cannot 
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