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afraid so much as to dream of。 If you will trust to me; I can instruct you how to tame the fiery bulls; and sow the dragon's teeth; and get the Golden Fleece。〃
〃Indeed; beautiful princess;〃 answered Jason; 〃if you will do me this service; I promise to be grateful to you my whole life long。〃' Gazing at Medea; he beheld a wonderful intelligence in her face。 She was one of those persons whose eyes are full of mystery; so that; while looking into them; you seem to see a very great way; as into a deep well; yet can never be certain whether you see into the farthest depths; or whether there be not something else hidden at the bottom。 If Jason had been capable of fearing anything; he would have been afraid of making this young princess his enemy; for; beautiful as she now looked; she might; the very next instant; become as terrible as the dragon that kept watch over the Golden Fleece。
〃Princess;〃 he exclaimed; 〃you seem indeed very wise and very powerful。 But how can you help me to do the things of which you speak? Are you an enchantress?〃
〃Yes; Prince Jason;〃 answered Medea; with a smile; 〃you have hit upon the truth。 I am an enchantress。 Circe; my father's sister; taught me to be one; and I could tell you; if I pleased; who was the old woman with the peacock; the pomegranate; and the cuckoo staff; whom you carried over the river; and; likewise; who it is that speaks through the lips of the oaken image; that stands in the prow of your galley。 I am acquainted with some of your secrets; you perceive。 It is well for you that I am favorably inclined; for; otherwise; you would hardly escape being snapped up by the dragon。〃
〃I should not so much care for the dragon;〃 replied Jason; 〃if I only knew how to manage the brazen…footed and fiery…lunged bulls。〃
〃If you are as brave as I think you; and as you have need to be;〃 said Medea; 〃your own bold heart will teach you that there is but one way of dealing with a mad bull。 What it is I leave you to find out in the moment of peril。 As for the fiery breath of these animals; I have a charmed ointment here; which will prevent you from being burned up; and cure you if you chance to be a little scorched。〃
So she put a golden box into his hand; and directed him how to apply the perfumed unguent which it contained; and where to meet her at midnight。
〃Only be brave;〃 added she; 〃and before daybreak the brazen bulls shall be tamed。〃
The young man assured her that his heart would not fail him。 He then rejoined his comrades; and told them what had passed between the princess and himself; and warned them to be in readiness in case there might be need of their help。 At the appointed hour he met the beautiful Medea on the marble steps of the king's palace。 She gave him a basket; in which were the dragon's teeth; just as they had been pulled out of the monster's jaws by Cadmus; long ago。 Medea then led Jason down the palace steps; and through the silent streets of the city; and into the royal pasture ground; where the two brazen…footed bulls were kept。 It was a starry night; with a bright gleam along the eastern edge of the sky; where the moon was soon going to show herself。 After entering the pasture; the princess paused and looked around。
〃There they are;〃 said she; 〃reposing them。 selves and chewing their fiery cuds in that farthest corner of the field。 It will be excellent sport; I assure you; when they catch a glimpse of your figure。 My father and all his court delight in nothing so much as to see a stranger trying to yoke them; in order to come at the Golden Fleece。 It makes a holiday in Colchis whenever such a thing happens。 For my part; I enjoy it immensely。 You cannot imagine in what a mere twinkling of an eye their hot breath shrivels a young man into a black cinder。〃
〃Are you sure; beautiful Medea;〃 asked Jason; 〃quite sure; that the unguent in the gold box will prove a remedy against those terrible burns?〃
〃If you doubt; if you are in the least afraid;〃 said the princess; looking him in the face by the dim starlight; 〃you had better never have been born than to go a step nigher to the bulls。〃
But Jason had set his heart steadfastly on getting the Golden Fleece; and I positively doubt whether he would have gone back without it; even had he been certain of finding himself turned into a red…hot cinder; or a handful of white ashes; the instant he made a step farther。 He therefore let go Medea's hand; and walked boldly forward in the direction whither she had pointed。 At some distance before him he perceived four streams of fiery vapor; regularly appearing and again vanishing; after dimly lighting up the surrounding obscurity。 These; you will understand; were caused by the breath of the brazen bulls; which was quietly stealing out of their four nostrils; as they lay chewing their cuds。
At the first two or three steps which Jason made; the four fiery streams appeared to gush out somewhat more plentifully; for the two brazen bulls had heard his foot tramp; and were lifting up their hot noses to snuff the air。 He went a little farther; and by the way in which the red vapor now spouted forth; he judged that the creatures had got upon their feet。 Now he could see glowing sparks; and vivid jets of flame。 At the next step; each of the bulls made the pasture echo with a terrible roar; while the burning breath; which they thus belched forth; lit up the whole field with a momentary flash。 One other stride did bold Jason make; and; suddenly as a streak of lightning; on came these fiery animals; roaring like thunder; and sending out sheets of white flame; which so kindled up the scene that the young man could discern every object more distinctly than by daylight。 Most distinctly of all he saw the two horrible creatures galloping right down upon him; their brazen hoofs rattling and ringing over the ground; and their tails sticking up stiffly into the air; as has always been the fashion with angry bulls。 Their breath scorched the herbage before them。 So intensely hot it was; indeed; that it caught a dry tree under which Jason was now standing; and set it all in a light blaze。 But as for Jason himself (thanks to Medea's enchanted ointment); the white flame curled around his body; without injuring him a jot more than if he had been made of asbestos。
Greatly encouraged at finding himself not yet turned into a cinder; the young man awaited the attack of the bulls。 Just as the brazen brutes fancied themselves sure of tossing him into the air; he caught one of them by the horn; and the other by his screwed…up tail; and held them in a gripe like that of an iron vice; one with his right hand; the other with his left。 Well; he must have been wonderfully strong in his arms; to be sure。 But the secret of the matter was; that the brazen bulls were enchanted creatures; and that Jason had broken the spell of their fiery fierceness by his bold way of handling them。 And; ever since that time; it has been the favorite method of brave men; when danger assails them; to do what they call 〃 taking the bull by the horns〃; and to gripe him by the tail is pretty much the same thingthat is; to throw aside fear; and overcome the peril by despising it。 It was now easy to yoke the bulls; and to harness th