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the ivory child-第88章

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〃So do I; though to tell you the truth I like them。 I am going to keep

it and do nothingas yet。 Still; I want you always to remember one

thingdon't laugh at me〃here again she looked me in the eyes〃that

there is a time coming; some way off I think; when I and youno one

else; Mr。 Quatermainwill breathe that smoke again together and see

strange things。〃

〃No; no!〃 I replied; 〃I have given up tobacco of the Kendah variety;

it is too strong for me。〃

〃Yes; yes!〃 she said; 〃for something that is stronger than the Kendah

tobacco will make you do itwhen I wish。〃

〃Did Har?t tell you that; Lady Ragnall?〃

〃I don't know;〃 she answered confusedly。 〃I think the Ivory Child told

me; it used to talk to me often。 You know that Child isn't really

destroyed。 Like my reason that seemed to be lost; it has only gone

backwards or forwards where you and I shall see it again。 You and I

and no othersunless it be the little yellow man。 I repeat that I do

not know when that will be。 Perhaps it is written in those rolls of

papyrus; which they have given me also; because they said they

belonged to me who am 'the first priestess and the last。' They told

me; however; or perhaps;〃 she added; passing her hand across her

forehead; 〃it was the Child who told me; that I was not to attempt to

read them or have them read; until after a great change in my life。

What the change will be I do not know。〃

〃And had better not inquire; Lady Ragnall; since in this world most

changes are for the worse。〃

〃I agree; and shall not inquire。 Now I have spoken to you like this

because I felt that I must do so。 Also I want to thank you for all you

have done for me and George。 Probably we shall not talk in such a way

again; as I am situated the opportunity will be lacking; even if the

wish is present。 So once more I thank you from my heart。 Until we meet

againI mean really meetgood…bye;〃 and she held her right hand to

me in such a fashion that I knew she meant me to kiss it。

This I did very reverently and we walked back to the temple almost in


That month of rest; or rather the last three weeks of it; since for

the first few days after the battle I was quite prostrate; I occupied

in various ways; amongst others in a journey with Har?t to Simba Town。

This we made after our spies had assured us that the Black Kendah were

really gone somewhere to the south…west; in which direction fertile

and unoccupied lands were said to exist about three hundred miles

away。 It was with very strange feelings that I retraced our road and

looked once more upon that wind…bent tree still scored with the marks

of Jana's huge tusk; in the boughs of which Hans and I had taken

refuge from the monster's fury。 Crossing the river; quite low now; I

travelled up the slope down which we raced for our lives and came to

the melancholy lake and the cemetery of dead elephants。

Here all was unchanged。 There was the little mount worn by his feet;

on which Jana was wont to stand。 There were the rocks behind which I

had tried to hide; and near to them some crushed human bones which I

knew to be those of the unfortunate Mar?t。 These we buried with due

reverence on the spot where he had fallen; I meanwhile thanking God

that my own bones were not being interred at their side; as but for

Hans would have been the caseif they were ever interred at all。 All

about lay the skeletons of dead elephants; and from among these we

collected as much of the best ivory as we could carry; namely about

fifty camel loads。 Of course there was much more; but a great deal of

the stuff had been exposed for so long to sun and weather that it was

almost worthless。

Having sent this ivory back to the Town of the Child; which was being

rebuilt after a fashion; we went on to Simba Town through the forest;

dispatching pickets ahead of us to search and make sure that it was

empty。 Empty it was indeed; never did I see such a place of


The Black Kendah had left it just as it stood; except for a pile of

corpses which lay around and over the altar in the market…place; where

the three poor camelmen were sacrificed to Jana; doubtless those of

wounded men who had died during or after the retreat。 The doors of the

houses stood open; many domestic articles; such as great jars

resembling that which had been set over the head of the dead man whom

we were commanded to restore life; and other furniture lay about

because they could not be carried away。 So did a great quantity of

spears and various weapons of war; whose owners being killed would

never want them again。 Except a few starved dogs and jackals no living

creature remained in the town。 It was in its own way as waste and even

more impressive than the graveyard of elephants by the lonely lake。

〃The curse of the Child worked well;〃 said Har?t to me grimly。 〃First;

the storm; the hunger; then the battle; and now the misery of flight

and ruin。〃

〃It seems so;〃 I answered。 〃Yet that curse; like others; came back to

roost; for if Jana is dead and his people fled; where are the Child

and many of its people? What will you do without your god; Har?t?〃

〃Repent us of our sins and wait till the Heavens send us another; as

doubtless they will in their own season;〃 he replied very sadly。

I wonder whether they ever did and; if so; what form that new divinity

put on。

I slept; or rather did not sleep; that night in the same guest…house

in which Mar?t and I had been imprisoned during our dreadful days of

fear; reconstructing in my mind every event connected with them。 Once

more I saw the fires of sacrifice flaring upon the altar and heard the

roar of the dancing hail that proclaimed the ruin of the Black Kendah

as loudly as the trumpet of a destroying angel。 Very glad was I when

the morning came at length and; having looked my last upon Simba Town;

I crossed the moats and set out homewards through the forest whereof

the stripped boughs also spoke of death; though in the spring these

would grow green again。

Ten days later we started from the Holy Mount; a caravan of about a

hundred camels; of which fifty were laden with the ivory and the rest

ridden by our escort under the command of Har?t and our three selves。

But there was an evil fate upon this ivory; as on everything else that

had to do with Jana。 Some weeks later in the desert a great sandstorm

overtook us in which we barely escaped with our lives。 At the height

of the storm the ivory…laden camels broke loose; flying before it。

Probably they fell and were buried beneath the sand; at any rate of

the fifty we only recovered ten。

Ragnall wished to pay me the value of the remaining loads; which ran

into thousands of pounds; but I would not take the money; saying it

was outside our bargain。 Sometimes since then I have thought that I

was foolish; especially when on glancing at that codicil to his will

in after days; the same which he had given me before the battle; I
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