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the ivory child-第57章

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like a telescope or an indiarubber ring。 Out it came; foot after foot;

till its snapping tip was waving within a few inches of us; just short

of my foot and Han's head; or rather felt hat。 One final stretch and

he reached the hat; which he removed with a flourish and thrust into

the red cavern of his mouth。 As it appeared no more I suppose he ate

it。 This loss of his hat moved Hans to fury。 Hurling horrible curses

at Jana he drew his butcher's knife and made ready。

Once more the sinuous brown trunk elongated itself。 Evidently Jana had

got a better hold with his hind legs this time; or perhaps had

actually wriggled himself a few inches up the tree。 At any rate I saw

to my dismay that there was every prospect of my making a second

acquaintance with that snapping tip。 The end of the trunk was lying

along my bough like a huge brown snake and creeping up; up; up。

〃He'll get us;〃 I muttered。

Hans said nothing but leaned forward a little; holding on with his

left hand。 Next instant in the light of the rising sun I saw a knife

flash; saw also that the point of it had been driven through the lower

lip of Jana's trunk; pinning it to the bough like a butterfly to a


My word! what a commotion ensued! Up the trunk came a scream which

nearly blew me away。 Then Jana; with a wriggling motion; tried to

unnail himself as gently as possible; for it was clear that the knife

point hurt him; but could not do so because Hans still held the handle

and had driven the blade deep into the wood。 Lastly he dragged himself

downwards with such energy that something had to go; that something

being the skin and muscle of the lower lip; which was cut clean

through; leaving the knife erect in the bough。

Over he went backwards; a most imperial cropper。 Then he picked

himself up; thrust the tip of his trunk into his mouth; sucked it as

one does a cut finger; and finally; roaring in defeated rage; fled

into the river; which he waded; and back upon his tracks towards his

own home。 Yes; off he went; Hans screaming curses and demands that he

should restore his hat to him; and very seldom in all my life have I

seen a sight that I thought more beautiful than that of his whisking


〃Now; Baas;〃 chuckled Hans; 〃the old devil has got a sore nose as well

as a sore eye by which to remember us。 And; Baas; I think we had

better be going before he has time to think and comes back with a long

stick to knock us out of this tree。〃

So we went; in double…quick time I can assure you; or at any rate as

fast as my stiff limbs and general condition would allow。 Fortunately

we had now no doubt as to our direction; since standing up through the

mists of dawn with the sunbeams resting on its forest…clad crest; we

could clearly see the strange; tumulus…shaped hill which the White

Kendah called the Holy Mount; the Home of the Child。 It appeared to be

about twenty miles away; but in reality was a good deal farther; for

when we had walked for several hours it seemed almost as distant as


In truth that was a dreadful trudge。 Not only was I exhausted with all

the terrors I had passed and our long midnight flight; but the wound

where Jana had pinched out a portion of my frame; inflamed by the

riding; had now grown stiff and intolerably sore; so that every step

gave me pain which sometimes culminated in agony。 Moreover; it was no

use giving in; foodless as we were; for Mar?t had carried the

provisions; and with the chance of Jana returning to look us up。 So I

stuck to it and said nothing。

For the first ten miles the country seemed uninhabited; doubtless it

was too near the borders of the Black Kendah to be popular as a place

of residence。 After this we saw herds of cattle and a few camels;

apparently untended; perhaps their guards were hidden away in the long

grass。 Then we came to some fields of mealies that were; I noticed;

quite untouched by the hailstorm; which; it would seem; had confined

its attentions to the land of the Black Kendah。 Of these we ate

thankfully enough。 A little farther on we perceived huts perched on an

inaccessible place in a kloof。 Also their inhabitants perceived us;

for they ran away as though in a great fright。

Still we did not try to approach the huts; not knowing how we should

be received。 After my sojourn in Simba Town I had become possessed of

a love of life in the open。

For another two hours I limped forward with pain and griefby now I

was leaning on Hans' shoulderup an endless; uncultivated rise

clothed with euphorbias and fern…like cycads。 At length we reached its

top and found ourselves within a rifle shot of a fenced native

village。 I suppose that its inhabitants had been warned of our coming

by runners from the huts I have mentioned。 At any rate the moment we

appeared the men; to the number of thirty or more; poured out of the

south gate armed with spears and other weapons and proceeded to ring

us round and behave in a very threatening manner。 I noticed at once

that; although most of them were comparatively light in colour; some

of these men partook of the negro characteristics of the Black Kendah

from whom we had escaped; to such an extent indeed that this blood was

clearly predominant in them。 Still; it was also clear that they were

deadly foes of this people; for when I shouted out to them that we

were the friends of Har?t and those who worshipped the Child; they

yelled back that we were liars。 No friends of the Child; they said;

came from the country of the Black Kendah; who worshipped the devil

Jana。 I tried to explain that least of all men in the world did we

worship Jana; who had been hunting us for hours; but they would not


〃You are spies of Simba's; the smell of Jana is upon you〃 (this may

have been true enough); they yelled; adding: 〃We will kill you; white…

faced goat。 We will kill you; little yellow monkey; for none who are

not enemies come here from the land of the Black Kendah。〃

〃Kill us then;〃 I answered; 〃and bring the curse of the Child upon

you。 Bring famine; bring hail; bring war!〃

These words were; I think; well chosen; at any rate they induced a

pause in their murderous intentions。 For a while they hesitated; all

talking together at once。 At last the advocates of violence appeared

to get the upper hand; and once more a number of the men began to

dance about us; waving their spears and crying out that we must die

who came from the Black Kendah。

I sat down upon the ground; for I was so exhausted that at the time I

did not greatly care whether I died or lived; while Hans drew his

knife and stood over me; cursing them as he had cursed at Jana。 By

slow degrees they drew nearer and nearer。 I watched them with a kind

of idle curiosity; believing that the moment when they came within

actual spear…thrust would be our last; but; as I have said; not

greatly caring because of my mental and physical exhaustion。

I had already closed my eyes that I mig
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