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the ivory child-第26章

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replied that he had left it at the Customs。 〃Then;〃 I said; 〃I will

send a native with Savage to arrange about getting it up here。 If you

do not mind my rough accommodation there is a room for you; and your

man can pitch a tent in the garden。〃

After some demur he accepted with gratitude; and a little later Savage

and the native were sent off with a note to a man who hired out a


〃Now;〃 I said when the gate had shut behind them; 〃will you tell me

why you have come to Africa?〃

〃Disaster;〃 he replied。 〃Disaster of the worst sort。〃

〃Is your wife dead; Lord Ragnall?〃

〃I do not know。 I almost hope that she is。 At any rate she is lost to


An idea leapt to my mind to the effect that she might have run away

with somebody else; a thing which often happens in the world。 But

fortunately I kept it to myself and only said;

〃She was nearly lost once before; was she not?〃

〃Yes; when you saved her。 Oh! if only you had been with us;

Quatermain; this would never have happened。 Listen: About eighteen

months ago she had a son; a very beautiful child。 She recovered well

from the business and we were as happy as two mortals could be; for we

loved each other; Quatermain; and God has blessed us in every way; we

were so happy that I remember her telling me that our great good

fortune made her feel afraid。 One day last September when I was out

shooting; she drove in a little pony cart we had; with the nurse; and

the child but no man; to call on Mrs。 Scroope who also had been

recently confined。 She often went out thus; for the pony was an old

animal and quiet as a sheep。

〃By some cursed trick of fate it chanced that when they were passing

through the little town which you may remember near Ragnall; they met

a travelling menagerie that was going to some new encampment。 At the

head of the procession marched a large bull elephant; which I

discovered afterwards was an ill…tempered brute that had already

killed a man and should never have been allowed upon the roads。 The

sight of the pony cart; or perhaps a red cloak which my wife was

wearing; as she always liked bright colours; for some unknown reason

seems to have infuriated this beast; which trumpeted。 The pony

becoming frightened wheeled round and overturned the cart right in

front of the animal; but apparently without hurting anybody。 Then〃

here he paused a moment and with an effort continued〃that devil in

beast's shape cocked its ears; stretched out its long trunk; dragged

the baby from the nurse's arms; whirled it round and threw it high

into the air; to fall crushed upon the kerb。 It sniffed at the body of

the child; feeling it over with the tip of its trunk; as though to

make sure that it was dead。 Next; once more it trumpeted triumphantly;

and without attempting to harm my wife or anybody else; walked quietly

past the broken cart and continued its journey; until outside the town

it was made fast and shot。〃

〃What an awful story!〃 I said with a gasp。

〃Yes; but there is worse to follow。 My poor wife went off her head;

with the shock I suppose; for no physical injury could be found upon

her。 She did not suffer in health or become violent; quite the reverse

indeed for her gentleness increased。 She just went off her head。 For

hours at a time she would sit silent and smiling; playing with the

stones of that red necklace which those conjurers gave her; or rather

counting them; as a nun might do with the beads of her rosary。 At

times; however; she would talk; but always to the baby; as though it

lay before her or she were nursing it。 Oh! Quatermain; it was pitiful;


〃I did everything I could。 She was seen by three of the greatest

brain…doctors in England; but none of them was able to help。 The only

hope they gave was that the fit might pass off as suddenly as it had

come。 They said too that a thorough change of scene would perhaps be

beneficial; and suggested Egypt; that was in October。 I did not take

much to the idea; I don't know why; and personally should not have

acceded to it had it not been for a curious circumstance。 The last

consultation took place in the big drawing…room at Ragnall。 When it

was over my wife remained with her mother at one end of the room while

I and the doctors talked together at the other; as I thought quite out

of her earshot。 Presently; however; she called to me; saying in a

perfectly clear and natural voice:

〃'Yes; George; I will go to Egypt。 I should like to go to Egypt。' Then

she went on playing with the necklace and talking to the imaginary


〃Again on the following morning as I came into her room to kiss her;

she exclaimed;

〃'When do we start for Egypt? Let it be soon。'

〃With these sayings the doctors were very pleased; declaring that they

showed signs of a returning interest in life and begging me not to

thwart her wish。

〃So I gave way and in the end we went to Egypt together with Lady

Longden; who insisted upon accompanying us although she is a wretched

sailor。 At Cairo a large dahabeeyah that I had hired in advance;

manned by an excellent crew and a guard of four soldiers; was awaiting

us。 In it we started up the Nile。 For a month or more all went well;

also to my delight my wife seemed now and again to show signs of

returning intelligence。 Thus she took some interest in the sculptures

on the walls of the temples; about which she had been very fond of

reading when in health。 I remember that only a few days before the

the catastrophe; she pointed out one of them to me; it was of Isis and

the infant Horus; saying; 'Look; George; the holy Mother and the holy

Child;' and then bowed to it reverently as she might have done to an

altar。 At length after passing the First Cataract and the Island of

Phil? we came to the temple of Abu Simbel; opposite to which our boat

was moored。 On the following morning we explored the temple at

daybreak and saw the sun strike upon the four statues which sit at its

farther end; spending the rest of that day studying the colossal

figures of Rameses that are carved upon its face and watching some

cavalcades of Arabs mounted upon camels travelling along the banks of

the Nile。

〃My wife was unusually quiet that afternoon。 For hour after hour she

sat still upon the deck; gazing first at the mouth of the rock…hewn

temple and the mighty figures which guard it and then at the

surrounding desert。 Only once did I hear her speak and then she said;

'Beautiful; beautiful! Now I am at home。' We dined and as there was no

moon; went to bed rather early after listening to the Sudanese singers

as they sang one of their weird chanties。

〃My wife and her mother slept together in the state cabin of the

dahabeeyah; which was at the stern of the boat。 My cabin; a small one;

was on one side of this; and that of the trained nurse on the other。

The crew and the guard were forward of the saloon。 A gangway was fixed

from the side to the shore and over
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