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the ivory child-第25章

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That night Hans slept at my house; or rather outside of it in the

garden; or upon the stoep; saying that he feared arrest if he went to

the town; because of his quarrel with the white man。 As it happened;

however; the other party concerned never stirred further in the

business; probably because he was too drunk to remember who had

knocked him into the sluit or whether he had gravitated thither by


On the following morning we renewed our discussion; debating in detail

every possible method of reaching the Kendah people by help of such

means as we could command。 Like that of the previous night it proved

somewhat abortive。 Obviously such a long and hazardous expedition

ought to be properly financed andwhere was the money? At length I

came to the conclusion that if we went at all it would be best; in the

circumstances; for Hans and myself to start alone with a Scotch cart

drawn by oxen and driven by a couple of Zulu hunters; which we could

lade with ammunition and a few necessaries。

Thus lightly equipped we might work through Zululand and thence

northward to Beza…Town; the capital of the Mazitu; where we were sure

of a welcome。 After that we must take our chance。 It was probable that

we should never reach the district where these Kendah were supposed to

dwell; but at least I might be able to kill some elephants in the wild

country beyond Zululand。

While we were talking I heard the gun fired which announced the

arrival of the English mail; and stepping to the end of the garden;

saw the steamer lying at anchor outside the bar。 Then I went indoors

to write a few business letters which; since I had become immersed in

the affairs of that unlucky gold mine; had grown to be almost a daily

task with me。 I had got through several with many groanings; for none

were agreeable in their tenor; when Hans poked his head through the

window in a silent kind of a way as a big snake might do; and said:

〃Baas; I think there are two baases out on the road there who are

looking for you。 Very fine baases whom I don't know。〃

〃Shareholders in the Bona Fide Gold Mine;〃 thought I to myself; then

added as I prepared to leave through the back door: 〃If they come here

tell them I am not at home。 Tell them I left early this morning for

the Congo River to look for the sources of the Nile。〃

〃Yes; Baas;〃 said Hans; collapsing on to the stoep。

I went out through the back door; sorrowing that I; Allan Quatermain;

should have reached a rung in the ladder of life whence I shrank from

looking any stranger in the face; for fear of what he might have to

say to me。 Then suddenly my pride asserted itself。 After all what was

there of which I should be ashamed? I would face these irate

shareholders as I had faced the others yesterday。

I walked round the little house to the front garden which was planted

with orange trees; and up to a big moonflower bush; I believe /datura/

is its right name; that grew near the pomegranate hedge which

separated my domain from the road。 There a conversation was in

progress; if so it may be called。

〃/Ikona/〃 (that is: 〃I don't know〃); 〃/Inkoosi/〃 (i。e。 〃Chief〃); said

some Kafir in a stupid drawl。

Thereon a voice that instantly struck me as familiar; answered:

〃We want to know where the great hunter lives。〃

〃/Ikona/;〃 said the Kafir。

〃Can't you remember his native name?〃 asked another voice which was

also familiar to me; for I never forget voices though I am unable to

place them at once。

〃The great hunter; Here…come…a…zany;〃 said the first voice

triumphantly; and instantly there flashed back upon my mind a vision

of the splendid drawing…room at Ragnall Castle and of an imposing

majordomo introducing into it two white…robed; Arab…looking men。

〃Mr。 Savage; by the Heavens!〃 I muttered。 〃What in the name of

goodness is he doing here?〃

〃There;〃 said the second voice; 〃your black friend has bolted; and no

wonder; for who can be called by such a name? If you had done what I

told you; Savage; and hired a white guide; it would have saved us a

lot of trouble。 Why will you always think that you know better than

anyone else?〃

〃Seemed an unnecessary expense; my lord; considering we are travelling

incog。; my lord。〃

〃How long shall we travel 'incog。' if you persist in calling me my

lord at the top of your voice; Savage? There is a house beyond those

trees; go in and ask where〃

By this time I had reached the gate which I opened; remarking quietly;

〃How do you do; Lord Ragnall? How do you do; Mr。 Savage? I thought

that I recognized your voices on the road and came to see if I was

right。 Please walk in; that is; if it is I whom you wish to visit。〃

As I spoke I studied them both; and observed that while Savage looked

much the same; although slightly out of place in these strange

surroundings; the time that had passed since we met had changed Lord

Ragnall a good deal。 He was still a magnificent…looking man; one of

those whom no one that had seen him would ever forget; but now his

handsome face was stamped with some new seal of suffering。 I felt at

once that he had become acquainted with grief。 The shadow in his dark

eyes and a certain worn expression about the mouth told me that this

was so。

〃Yes; Quatermain;〃 he said as he took my hand; 〃it is you whom I have

travelled seven thousand miles to visit; and I thank God that I have

been so fortunate as to find you。 I feared lest you might be dead; or

perhaps far away in the centre of Africa where I should never be able

to track you down。〃

〃A week later perhaps you would not have found me; Lord Ragnall;〃 I

answered; 〃but as it happens misfortune has kept me here。〃

〃And misfortune has brought me here; Quatermain。〃

Then before I had time to answer Savage came up and we went into the


〃You are just in time for lunch;〃 I said; 〃and as luck will have it

there is a good rock cod and a leg of oribé buck for you to eat。 Boy;

set two more places。〃

〃One more place; if you please; sir;〃 said Savage。 〃I should prefer to

take my food afterwards。〃

〃You will have to get over that in Africa;〃 I muttered。 Still I let

him have his way; with the result that presently the strange sight was

seen of the magnificent English majordomo standing behind my chair in

the little room and handing round the square…face as though it were

champagne。 It was a spectacle that excited the greatest interest in my

primitive establishment and caused Hans with some native hangers…on to

gather at the window。 However; Lord Ragnall took it as a matter of

course and I thought it better not to interfere。

When we had finished we went on to the stoep to smoke; leaving Savage

to eat his dinner; and I asked Lord Ragnall where his luggage was。 He

replied that he had left it at the Customs。 〃Then;〃 I said; 〃I will

send a native with Savage to arrange
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