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the ivory child-第10章

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you wish to take you in to dinner? I can'tyour mother; you know; and

as there are no titles here to…night; you may make your choice。 Would

you like old Dr。 Jeffreys; the clergyman?〃

〃No;〃 she replied; with quiet firmness; 〃I know him; he took me in

once before。 I wish Mr。 Allan Quatermain to take me in。 He is

interesting; and I want to hear about Africa。〃

〃Very well;〃 he answered; 〃and he /is/ more interesting than all the

rest put together。 But; Luna; why are you always thinking and talking

about Africa? One might imagine that you were going to live there。〃

〃So I may one day;〃 she answered dreamily。 〃Who knows where one has

lived; or where one will live!〃 And again I saw that mystic look come

into her face。

I heard no more of that conversation; which it is improbable that

anyone whose ears had not been sharpened by a lifetime of listening in

great silences would have caught at all。 To tell the truth; I made

myself scarce; slipping off to the other end of the big room in the

hope of evading the kind intentions of Miss Holmes。 I have a great

dislike of being put out of my place; and I felt that among all these

local celebrities it was not fitting that I should be selected to take

in the future bride on an occasion of this sort。 But it was of no use;

for presently Lord Ragnall hunted me up; bringing the young lady with


〃Let me introduce you to Miss Holmes; Quatermain;〃 he said。 〃She is

anxious that you should take her in to dinner; if you will be so kind。

She is very interested inin〃

〃Africa;〃 I suggested。

〃In Mr。 Quatermain; who; I am told; is one of the greatest hunters in

Africa;〃 she corrected me; with a dazzling smile。

I bowed; not knowing what to say。 Lord Ragnall laughed and vanished;

leaving us together。 Dinner was announced。 Presently we were wending

in the centre of a long and glittering procession across the central

hall to the banqueting chamber; a splendid room with a roof like a

church that was said to have been built in the times of the

Plantagenets。 Here Mr。 Savage; who evidently had been looking out for

her future ladyship; conducted us to our places; which were upon the

left of Lord Ragnall; who sat at the head of the broad table with Lady

Longden on his right。 Then the old clergyman; Dr。 Jeffreys; a pompous

and rather frowsy ecclesiastic; said grace; for grace was still in

fashion at such feasts in those days; asking Heaven to make us truly

thankful for the dinner we were about to consume。

Certainly there was a great deal to be thankful for in the eating and

drinking line; but of all I remember little; except a general vision

of silver dishes; champagne; splendour; and things I did not want to

eat being constantly handed to me。 What I do remember is Miss Holmes;

and nothing but Miss Holmes; the charm of her conversation; the light

of her beautiful eyes; the fragrance of her hair; her most flattering

interest in my unworthy self。 To tell the truth; we got on 〃like fire

in the winter grass;〃 as the Zulus say; and when that dinner was over

the grass was still burning。

I don't think that Lord Ragnall quite liked it; but fortunately Lady

Longden was a talkative person。 First she conversed about her cold in

the head; sneezing at intervals; poor soul; and being reduced to send

for another handkerchief after the entrées。 Then she got off upon

business matters; to judge from the look of boredom on her host's

face; I think it must have been of settlements。 Three times did I hear

him refer her to the lawyerswithout avail。 Lastly; when he thought

he had escaped; she embarked upon a quite vigorous argument with Dr。

Jeffreys about church mattersI gathered that she was 〃low〃 and he

was 〃high〃in which she insisted upon his lordship acting as referee。

〃Do try and keep your attention fixed; George;〃 I heard her say

severely。 〃To allow it to wander when high spiritual affairs are under

discussion (sneeze) is scarcely reverent。 Could you tell the man to

shut that door? The draught is dreadful。 It is quite impossible for

you to agree with both of us; as you say you do; seeing that

metaphorically Dr。 Jeffreys is at one pole and I am at the other。〃


〃Then I wish I were at the Tropic of Cancer;〃 I heard him mutter with

a groan。

In vain; he had to keep his 〃attention fixed〃 on this point for the

next three…quarters of an hour。 So as Miss Manners was at the other

side of me; and Scroope; unhampered by the presence of any prospective

mother…in…law; was at the other side of her; for all practical

purposes Miss Holmes and I were left alone。

She began by saying:

〃I hear you beat Sir Junius Fortescue out shooting to…day; and won a

lot of money from him which you gave to the Cottage Hospital。 I don't

like shooting; and I don't like betting; and it's strange; because you

don't look like a man who bets。 But I detest Sir Junius Fortescue; and

that is a bond of union between us。〃

〃I never said I detested him。〃

〃No; but I am sure you do。 Your face changed when I mentioned his


〃As it happens; you are right。 But; Miss Holmes; I should like you to

understand that you were also right when you said I did not look like

a betting man。〃 And I told her some of the story of Van Koop and the


〃Ah!〃 she said; when I had finished; 〃I always felt sure he was a

horror。 And my mother wanted me; just because he pretended to be low

churchbut that's a secret。〃

Then I congratulated her upon her approaching marriage; saying what a

joyful thing it was now and again to see everything going in real;

happy; storybook fashion: beauty; male and female; united by love;

high rank; wealth; troops of friends; health of body; a lovely and an

ancient home in a settled land where dangers do not comeat present

respect and affection of crowds of dependants; the prospect of a high

and useful career of a sort whereof the door is shut to most people;

everything in short that human beings who are not actually royalty

could desire or deserve。 Indeed after my second glass of champagne I

grew quite eloquent on these and kindred points; being moved thereto

by memories of the misery that is in the world which formed so great a

contrast to the lot of this striking and brilliant pair。

She listened to me attentively and answered:

〃Thank you for your kind thoughts and wishes。 But does it not strike

you; Mr。 Quatermain; that there is something ill…omened in such talk?

I believe that it does; that as you finished speaking it occurred to

you that after all the future is as much veiled from all of us asas

the picture which hangs behind its curtain of rose…coloured silk in

Lord Ragnall's study is from you。〃

〃How did you know that?〃 I asked sharply in a low voice。 For by the

strangest of coincidences; as I concluded my somewhat old…fashioned

little speech of compliments; this very reflection had entered my

mind; and with it the memory of the veiled picture w
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