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the ivory child-第1章

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The Ivory Child

by H。 Rider Haggard



Now I; Allan Quatermain; come to the story of what was; perhaps; one

of the strangest of all the adventures which have befallen me in the

course of a life that so far can scarcely be called tame or humdrum。

Amongst many other things it tells of the war against the Black Kendah

people and the dead of Jana; their elephant god。 Often since then I

have wondered if this creature was or was not anything more than a

mere gigantic beast of the forest。 It seems improbable; even

impossible; but the reader of future days may judge of this matter for


Also he can form his opinion as to the religion of the White Kendah

and their pretensions to a certain degree of magical skill。 Of this

magic I will make only one remark: If it existed at all; it was by no

means infallible。 To take a single instance; Har?t and Mar?t were

convinced by divination that I; and I only; could kill Jana; which was

why they invited me to Kendahland。 Yet in the end it was Hans who

killed him。 Jana nearly killed me!

Now to my tale。

In another history; called 〃The Holy Flower;〃 I have told how I came

to England with a young gentleman of the name of Scroope; partly to

see him safely home after a hunting accident; and partly to try to

dispose of a unique orchid for a friend of mine called Brother John by

the white people; and Dogeetah by the natives; who was popularly

supposed to be mad; but; in fact; was very sane indeed。 So sane was he

that he pursued what seemed to be an absolutely desperate quest for

over twenty years; until; with some humble assistance on my part; he

brought it to a curiously successful issue。 But all this tale is told

in 〃The Holy Flower;〃 and I only allude to it here; that is at

present; to explain how I came to be in England。

While in this country I stayed for a few days with Scroope; or;

rather; with his fiancée and her people; at a fine house in Essex。 (I

called it Essex to avoid the place being identified; but really it was

one of the neighbouring counties。) During my visit I was taken to see

a much finer place; a splendid old castle with brick gateway towers;

that had been wonderfully well restored and turned into a most

luxurious modern dwelling。 Let us call it 〃Ragnall;〃 the seat of a

baron of that name。

I had heard a good deal about Lord Ragnall; who; according to all

accounts; seemed a kind of Admirable Crichton。 He was said to be

wonderfully handsome; a great scholarhe had taken a double first at

college; a great athletehe had been captain of the Oxford boat at

the University race; a very promising speaker who had already made his

mark in the House of Lords; a sportsman who had shot tigers and other

large game in India; a poet who had published a successful volume of

verse under a pseudonym; a good solider until he left the Service; and

lastly; a man of enormous wealth; owning; in addition to his estates;

several coal mines and an entire town in the north of England。

〃Dear me!〃 I said when the list was finished; 〃he seems to have been

born with a whole case of gold spoons in his mouth。 I hope one of them

will not choke him;〃 adding: 〃Perhaps he will be unlucky in love。〃

〃That's just where he is most lucky of all;〃 answered the young lady

to whom I was talkingit was Scroope's fiancée; Miss Manners〃for he

is engaged to a lady that; I am told; is the loveliest; sweetest;

cleverest girl in all England; and they absolutely adore each other。〃

〃Dear me!〃 I repeated。 〃I wonder what Fate /has/ got up its sleeve for

Lord Ragnall and his perfect lady…love?〃

I was doomed to find out one day。

So it came about that when; on the following morning; I was asked if I

would like to see the wonders of Ragnall Castle; I answered 〃Yes。〃

Really; however; I wanted to have a look at Lord Ragnall himself; if

possible; for the account of his many perfections had impressed the

imagination of a poor colonist like myself; who had never found an

opportunity of setting his eyes upon a kind of human angel。 Human

devils I had met in plenty; but never a single angelat least; of the

male sex。 Also there was always the possibility that I might get a

glimpse of the still more angelic lady to whom he was engaged; whose

name; I understood; was the Hon。 Miss Holmes。 So I said that nothing

would please me more than to see this castle。

Thither we drove accordingly through the fine; frosty air; for the

month was December。 On reaching the castle; Mr。 Scroope was told that

Lord Ragnall; whom he knew well; was out shooting somewhere in the

park; but that; of course; he could show his friend over the place。 So

we went in; the three of us; for Miss Manners; to whom Scroope was to

be married very shortly; had driven us over in her pony carriage。 The

porter at the gateway towers took us to the main door of the castle

and handed us over to another man; whom he addressed as Mr。 Savage;

whispering to me that he was his lordship's personal attendant。

I remember the name; because it seemed to me that I had never seen

anyone who looked much less savage。 In truth; his appearance was that

of a duke in disguise; as I imagine dukes to be; for I never set eyes

on one。 His dresshe wore a black morning cut…away coatwas

faultless。 His manners were exquisite; polite to the verge of irony;

but with a hint of haughty pride in the background。 He was handsome

also; with a fine nose and a hawk…like eye; while a touch of baldness

added to the general effect。 His age may have been anything between

thirty…five and forty; and the way he deprived me of my hat and stick;

to which I strove to cling; showed; I thought; resolution of

character。 Probably; I reflected to myself; he considers me an unusual

sort of person who might damage the pictures and other objects of art

with the stick; and not seeing his way how to ask me to give it up

without suggesting suspicion; has hit upon the expedient of taking my

hat also。

In after days Mr。 Samuel Savage informed me that I was quite right in

this surmise。 He said he thought that; judging from my somewhat

unconventional appearance; I might be one of the dangerous class of

whom he had been reading in the papers; namely; a 〃hanarchist。〃 I

write the word as he pronounced it; for here comes the curious thing。

This man; so flawless; so well instructed in some respects; had a

fault which gave everything away。 His h's were uncertain。 Three of

them would come quite right; but the fourth; let us say; would be

conspicuous either by its utter absence or by its unwanted appearance。

He could speak; when describing the Ragnall pictures; in rotund and

flowing periods that would scarcely have disgraced the pen of Gibbon。

Then suddenly that 〃h〃 would appear or disappear; and the illusion was

over。 It was like a sudden shock of cold water down the back。 I never

discovered the origin of his fam
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