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〃A good many Portuguese diamonds from Brazil are among them。 They are
not worth more than a hundred thousand to me。 But;〃 he added; 〃a
dealer would sell them to a customer for one hundred and fifty
thousand; at least。〃
〃I shall keep them;〃 said Madame Evangelista。
〃You are wrong;〃 replied Elie Magus。 〃With the income from the sum
they represent you could buy just as fine diamonds in five years; and
have the capital to boot。〃
This singular conference became known; and corroborated certain rumors
excited by the discussion of the contract。 The servants of the house;
overhearing high voices; supposed the difficulties greater than they
really were。 Their gossip with other valets spread the information;
which from the lower regions rose to the ears of the masters。 The
attention of society; and of the town in general; became so fixed on
the marriage of two persons equally rich and well…born; that every
one; great and small; busied themselves about the matter; and in less
than a week the strangest rumors were bruited about。
〃Madame Evangelista sells her house; she must be ruined。 She offered
her diamonds to Elie Magus。 Nothing is really settled between herself
and the Comte de Manerville。 Is it probable that the marriage will
ever take place?〃
To this question some answered yes; and others said no。 The two
notaries; when questioned; denied these calumnies; and declared that
the difficulties arose only from the official delay in constituting
the entail。 But when public opinion has taken a trend in one direction
it is very difficult to turn it back。 Though Paul went every day to
Madame Evangelista's house; and though the notaries denied these
assertions continually; the whispered calumny went on。 Young girls;
and their mothers and aunts; vexed at a marriage they had dreamed of
for themselves or for their families; could not forgive the Spanish
ladies for their happiness; as authors cannot forgive each other for
their success。 A few persons revenged themselves for the twenty…years
luxury and grandeur of the family of Evangelista; which had lain
heavily on their self…love。 A leading personage at the prefecture
declared that the notaries could have chosen no other language and
followed no other conduct in the case of a rupture。 The time actually
required for the establishment of the entail confirmed the suspicions
of the Bordeaux provincials。
〃They will keep the ball going through the winter; then; in the
spring; they will go to some watering…place; and we shall learn before
the year is out that the marriage is off。〃
〃And; of course; we shall be given to understand;〃 said others; 〃for
the sake of the honor of the two families; that the difficulties did
not come from either side; but the chancellor refused to consent; you
may be sure it will be some quibble about that entail which will cause
the rupture。〃
〃Madame Evangelista;〃 some said; 〃lived in a style that the mines of
Valencia couldn't meet。 When the time came to melt the bell; and pay
the daughter's patrimony; nothing would be found to pay it with。〃
The occasion was excellent to add up the spendings of the handsome
widow and prove; categorically; her ruin。 Rumors were so rife that
bets were made for and against the marriage。 By the laws of worldly
jurisprudence this gossip was not allowed to reach the ears of the
parties concerned。 No one was enemy or friend enough to Paul or to
Madame Evangelista to inform either of what was being said。 Paul had
some business at Lanstrac; and used the occasion to make a hunting…
party for several of the young men of Bordeaux;a sort of farewell;
as it were; to his bachelor life。 This hunting party was accepted by
society as a signal confirmation of public suspicion。
When this event occurred; Madame de Gyas; who had a daughter to marry;
thought it high time to sound the matter; and to condole; with joyful
heart; the blow received by the Evangelistas。 Natalie and her mother
were somewhat surprised to see the lengthened face of the marquise;
and they asked at once if anything distressing had happened to her。
〃Can it be;〃 she replied; 〃that you are ignorant of the rumors that
are circulating? Though I think them false myself; I have come to
learn the truth in order to stop this gossip; at any rate among the
circle of my own friends。 To be the dupes or the accomplices of such
an error is too false a position for true friends to occupy。〃
〃But what is it? what has happened?〃 asked mother and daughter。
Madame de Gyas thereupon allowed herself the happiness of repeating
all the current gossip; not sparing her two friends a single stab。
Natalie and Madame Evangelista looked at each other and laughed; but
they fully understood the meaning of the tale and the motives of their
friend。 The Spanish lady took her revenge very much as Celimene took
hers on Arsinoe。
〃My dear; are you ignorantyou who know the provinces so wellcan
you be ignorant of what a mother is capable when she has on her hands
a daughter whom she cannot marry for want of 'dot' and lovers; want of
beauty; want of mind; and; sometimes; want of everything? Why; a
mother in that position would rob a diligence or commit a murder; or
wait for a man at the corner of a streetshe would sacrifice herself
twenty times over; if she was a mother at all。 Now; as you and I both
know; there are many such in that situation in Bordeaux; and no doubt
they attribute to us their own thoughts and actions。 Naturalists have
depicted the habits and customs of many ferocious animals; but they
have forgotten the mother and daughter in quest of a husband。 Such
women are hyenas; going about; as the Psalmist says; seeking whom they
may devour; and adding to the instinct of the brute the intellect of
man; and the genius of woman。 I can understand that those little
spiders; Mademoiselle de Belor; Mademoiselle de Trans; and others;
after working so long at their webs without catching a fly; without so
much as hearing a buzz; should be furious; I can even forgive their
spiteful speeches。 But that you; who can marry your daughter when you
please; you; who are rich and titled; you who have nothing of the
provincial about you; whose daughter is clever and possesses fine
qualities; with beauty and the power to choosethat you; so
distinguished from the rest by your Parisian grace; should have paid
the least heed to this talk does really surprise me。 Am I bound to
account to the public for the marriage stipulations which our notaries
think necessary under the political circumstances of my son…in…law's
future life? Has the mania for public discussion made its way into
families? Ought I to convoke in writing the fathers and mothers of the
province to come here and give their vote on the clauses of our
marriage contract?〃
A torrent of epigram flowed over Bordeaux。 Madame Evangelista was
about to leave the city; and could safely scan her friends and
enemies; caricat