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the red seal-第10章

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e drawers。  He had half completed his task; without finding any clew to the missing securities; when he was interrupted by the sound of the opening of the front door; and had but time to slam the drawers shut and pocket the keys when the night clerk of the hotel stepped inside the apartment and; closely followed by a sandy…haired man; walked into the living room。  He halted abruptly at sight of Kent。

〃Good evening; Mr。 Kent;〃 he exclaimed; and took in at a glance the orderly arrangement of the room。  〃Pardon my unceremonious entrance; but I had no idea you were here; sir; we received a telephone message that a burglar had broken in here。〃

〃You did!〃 Kent stared at him。  Was he right; after all; in his conjecture; had the man been Philip Rochester?  It would seem so; for who else; after taking refuge elsewhere; would have telephoned a warning of burglars to the hotel office?  〃Have you any idea who sent the message; Mr。 Stuart?〃

〃I have not; it was an out…side call …〃  Stuart turned to his companion。  〃Sorry I brought you here on an idiotic chase; Mr。 Ferguson。〃

〃That's all right;〃 responded the detective good naturedly。  〃Would you like me to look through the apartment just to see if any one really is concealed on the premises; Mr。 Kent?〃 he asked; and added quickly; seeing Kent hesitate; 〃I am from the central office; Mr。 Stuart can vouch for me。〃

Kent's hesitation vanished。  〃I'd be obliged if you would; Ferguson。〃 As he spoke he led the way to Rochester's bedroom。  〃Come with us; Stuart;〃 as the clerk loitered behind。

〃Guess not; sir; I'm needed down at the desk; we are short…handed to…night。  Let me know how the hunt turns out;〃 and he stepped into the vestibule。  〃Good night。〃

〃Good night;〃 called Kent; and he accompanied Ferguson as far as the bathroom door; then returned to his inspection of Rochester's table。 He had just completed his task when the detective rejoined him。

〃No trace of any one;〃 the latter announced。  〃Some one put up a joke on Stuart; I imagine。  Find what you wished; sir?〃

Kent was distinctly annoyed by the question。  〃Yes;〃 he replied shortly。

Ferguson ignored his curt tone。  〃Will you spare me a few minutes of your time; Mr。 Kent?〃 he asked persuasively。  〃I won't detain you long。〃

〃Certainly。〃 Kent moved over to the chair in the window which he had occupied before and pointed to another; equally as comfortable。

〃What can I do for you?〃 he asked as Ferguson dropped back and stretched himself in the soft depths of the big chair。

〃Supply some information;〃 answered the detective promptly。  〃Just a minute;〃 as Kent started to interrupt。  〃You don't recall me; but I met you while working on the Chase case; you handled that trial in great shape;〃 Ferguson looked admiringly at his companion。  〃Lots of the praise went to your partner; Mr。 Rochester; but I know you did the work。  Now; please let me finish;〃 holding up a protesting hand。  〃I know you've carried Mr。 Rochester in your firm; he's dead wood。〃 Kent was silent。  What the detective said was only too true。 Rochester; realizing the talent and industry which characterized his younger partner; had withdrawn more and more from active practice; and had devoted himself to the social life of the National Capital。

〃This is rather a long…winded way of reaching my point;〃 finished the detective。  〃But; Mr。 Kent; I want your assistance in a puzzling case。〃

〃Go on; I'm listening。〃  As he spoke; Kent drew out his cigar case and handed it to Ferguson。  〃The matches are on the smoking stand at your elbow。  Now; what is it; Ferguson?〃

His companion did not reply at once; instead he puffed at his cigar。

〃Did you read in the paper about Mr。 Turnbull's death?〃 he asked when the cigar was drawing to his satisfaction; and as Kent nodded a silent affirmative in answer to his question; he asked another。 〃Did you know him well?〃


〃Did he have an enemy?〃

〃Not to my knowledge。〃  Kent was watching the detective narrowly; what was he driving at?  〃On the contrary Turnbull was extremely popular。〃

〃With Colonel McIntyre?〃  Ferguson had hoped to surprise Kent with the question; but his companion's expression did not alter。

〃N…no; perhaps he was not over…popular with the colonel;〃 he admitted slowly。  〃What prompts the question; Ferguson?〃

The detective hitched his chair nearer。  〃I'm going to lay all my cards on the table;〃 he announced。  〃I need advice and you are the man to give it to me。  Listen; Mr。 Kent; this Jimmie Turnbull masquerades as a burglar night before last at the McIntyre house; is arrested; a charge brought against him for house…breaking by Miss Helen McIntyre; and shortly after he dies …〃

〃From angina pectoris;〃 finished Kent; as the detective paused。

〃So Mr。 Rochester contended;〃 admitted Ferguson。  〃We'll let that go for a minute。  Now; when Miss McIntyre saw Turnbull's body; she demanded an autopsy。  Why?〃

〃To discover the cause of death;〃 answered Kent quietly。  〃That is obvious; Ferguson。〃

〃Sure。  And why did she wish to discover it?〃  He waited a brief instant; then answered his own question。  〃Because Miss McIntyre did not agree with Rochester that Turnbull had died from angina pectoris … that is obvious; too。  Now; what made her think that?〃

〃I am sure I don't know〃 … Kent's air of candor was unmistakable and Ferguson showed his disappointment。

〃Hasn't Miss McIntyre been to see you?〃

〃No;〃 was Kent's truthful answer; Barbara was the younger twin and her sister was therefore; 〃Miss McIntyre。〃

〃You must recollect; Ferguson;〃 he added; 〃that had Miss McIntyre called to see me about poor Turnbull; I would not have discussed the interview with any one; under any conditions。〃

〃Certainly。  I am not asking you to break any confidences; in fact;〃 Ferguson smiled; 〃I must ask you to consider our conversation confidential。  Now; Mr。 Kent; does it not strike you as odd that apparently the only man in Washington who really disliked Turnbull was Colonel McIntyre; and it is his daughter who intimates that Turnbull's death was not due to natural causes?〃

〃Oh; pshaw!〃  Kent shrugged his shoulders。  〃You are taking an exaggerated view of the affair。  Colonel McIntyre is an honorable upright American; and Turnbull was the same。〃

〃People speak highly of both men;〃 acknowledged the detective。  I saw Mr。 Clymer; president of Turnbull's bank this afternoon; and he paid a fine tribute to his dead cashier。〃

Kent drew an inward sigh of relief。  Benjamin Clymer had proved true blue; he had not permitted Colonel McIntyre's desire for immediate publicity and belief in Turnbull's guilt to shake his faith in his friend。

〃You see; Ferguson; there is no motive for such a crime as you suggest;〃 he remarked。

〃Oh; for the motive;〃 … Ferguson rubbed his hands nervously together as he shot a look at his questioner; the latter's clear…cut features and manly bearing inspired confidence。  〃We know of no motive;〃 he corrected。

〃And we know of no crime having been perpetrated;〃 rapped out Kent。 〃Come; man; don't hunt a mare's nest。〃

〃Ah; but it isn't a mare's nest!〃 Ferguson remarked dryly。

Kent bent eagerly forward … 〃You have heard from the coroner …〃

〃Not yet;〃  Ferguson
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