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a personal record-第4章

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look benignantly on humble believers; I indulge in the pleasant

fancy that the shade of old Flaubertwho imagined himself to be

(among other things) a descendant of Vikingsmight have hovered

with amused interest over the docks of a 2;000…ton steamer called

the Adowa; on board of which; gripped by the inclement winter

alongside a quay in Rouen; the tenth chapter of 〃Almayer's Folly〃

was begun。  With interest; I say; for was not the kind Norman

giant with enormous mustaches and a thundering voice the last of

the Romantics?  Was he not; in his unworldly; almost ascetic;

devotion to his art; a sort of literary; saint…like hermit?

〃'It has set at last;' said Nina to her mother; pointing to the

hills behind which the sun had sunk。〃 。 。 。  These words of

Almayer's romantic daughter I remember tracing on the gray paper

of a pad which rested on the blanket of my bed…place。  They

referred to a sunset in Malayan Isles and shaped themselves in my

mind; in a hallucinated vision of forests and rivers and seas;

far removed from a commercial and yet romantic town of the

northern hemisphere。  But at that moment the mood of visions and

words was cut short by the third officer; a cheerful and casual

youth; coming in with a bang of the door and the exclamation:

〃You've made it jolly warm in here。〃

It was warm。  I had turned on the steam heater after placing a

tin under the leaky water…cockfor perhaps you do not know that

water will leak where steam will not。  I am not aware of what my

young friend had been doing on deck all that morning; but the

hands he rubbed together vigorously were very red and imparted to

me a chilly feeling by their mere aspect。  He has remained the

only banjoist of my acquaintance; and being also a younger son of

a retired colonel; the poem of Mr。 Kipling; by a strange

aberration of associated ideas; always seems to me to have been

written with an exclusive view to his person。  When he did not

play the banjo he loved to sit and look at it。  He proceeded to

this sentimental inspection; and after meditating a while over

the strings under my silent scrutiny inquired; airily:

〃What are you always scribbling there; if it's fair to ask?〃

It was a fair enough question; but I did not answer him; and

simply turned the pad over with a movement of instinctive

secrecy: I could not have told him he had put to flight the

psychology of Nina Almayer; her opening speech of the tenth

chapter; and the words of Mrs。 Almayer's wisdom which were to

follow in the ominous oncoming of a tropical night。  I could not

have told him that Nina had said; 〃It has set at last。〃  He would

have been extremely surprised and perhaps have dropped his

precious banjo。  Neither could I have told him that the sun of my

sea…going was setting; too; even as I wrote the words expressing

the impatience of passionate youth bent on its desire。  I did not

know this myself; and it is safe to say he would not have cared;

though he was an excellent young fellow and treated me with more

deference than; in our relative positions; I was strictly

entitled to。

He lowered a tender gaze on his banjo; and I went on looking

through the port…hole。  The round opening framed in its brass rim

a fragment of the quays; with a row of casks ranged on the frozen

ground and the tail end of a great cart。  A red…nosed carter in a

blouse and a woollen night…cap leaned against the wheel。  An

idle; strolling custom house guard; belted over his blue capote;

had the air of being depressed by exposure to the weather and the

monotony of official existence。  The background of grimy houses

found a place in the picture framed by my port…hole; across a

wide stretch of paved quay brown with frozen mud。  The colouring

was sombre; and the most conspicuous feature was a little cafe

with curtained windows and a shabby front of white woodwork;

corresponding with the squalor of these poorer quarters bordering

the river。  We had been shifted down there from another berth in

the neighbourhood of the Opera House; where that same port…hole

gave me a view of quite another soft of cafethe best in the

town; I believe; and the very one where the worthy Bovary and his

wife; the romantic daughter of old Pere Renault; had some

refreshment after the memorable performance of an opera which was

the tragic story of Lucia di Lammermoor in a setting of light


I could recall no more the hallucination of the Eastern

Archipelago which I certainly hoped to see again。  The story of

〃Almayer's Folly〃 got put away under the pillow for that day。  I

do not know that I had any occupation to keep me away from it;

the truth of the matter is that on board that ship we were

leading just then a contemplative life。  I will not say anything

of my privileged position。  I was there 〃just to oblige;〃 as an

actor of standing may take a small part in the benefit

performance of a friend。

As far as my feelings were concerned I did not wish to be in that

steamer at that time and in those circumstances。  And perhaps I

was not even wanted there in the usual sense in which a ship

〃wants〃 an officer。  It was the first and last instance in my sea

life when I served ship…owners who have remained completely

shadowy to my apprehension。  I do not mean this for the

well…known firm of London ship…brokers which had chartered the

ship to the; I will not say short…lived; but ephemeral

Franco…Canadian Transport Company。  A death leaves something

behind; but there was never anything tangible left from the F。 C。

T。 C。  It flourished no longer than roses live; and unlike the

roses it blossomed in the dead of winter; emitted a sort of faint

perfume of adventure; and died before spring set in。  But

indubitably it was a company; it had even a house…flag; all white

with the letters F。 C。 T。 C。 artfully tangled up in a complicated

monogram。  We flew it at our mainmast head; and now I have come

to the conclusion that it was the only flag of its kind in

existence。  All the same we on board; for many days; had the

impression of being a unit of a large fleet with fortnightly

departures for Montreal and Quebec as advertised in pamphlets and

prospectuses which came aboard in a large package in Victoria

Dock; London; just before we started for Rouen; France。  And in

the shadowy life of the F。 C。 T。 C。 lies the secret of that; my

last employment in my calling; which in a remote sense

interrupted the rhythmical development of Nina Almayer's story。

The then secretary of the London Shipmasters' So
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