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a personal record-第34章

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His old; thin hands loosely clasped resting on his crossed legs;

he began by an elementary question; in a mild voice; and went on;

went on。 。 。 。  It lasted for hours; for hours。  Had I been a

strange microbe with potentialities of deadly mischief to the

Merchant Service I could not have been submitted to a more

microscopic examination。  Greatly reassured by his apparent

benevolence; I had been at first very alert in my answers。  But

at length the feeling of my brain getting addled crept upon me。 

And still the passionless process went on; with a sense of untold

ages having been spent already on mere preliminaries。  Then I got

frightened。  I was not frightened of being plucked; that

eventuality did not even present itself to my mind。  It was

something much more serious and weird。  〃This ancient person;〃 I

said to myself; terrified; 〃is so near his grave that he must

have lost all notion of time。  He is considering this examination

in terms of eternity。  It is all very well for him。  His race is

run。  But I may find myself coming out of this room into the

world of men a stranger; friendless; forgotten by my very

landlady; even were I able after this endless experience to

remember the way to my hired home。〃  This statement is not so

much of a verbal exaggeration as may be supposed。  Some very

queer thoughts passed through my head while I was considering my

answers; thoughts which had nothing to do with seamanship; nor

yet with anything reasonable known to this earth。  I verily

believe that at times I was light…headed in a sort of languid

way。  At last there fell a silence; and that; too; seemed to last

for ages; while; bending over his desk; the examiner wrote out my

pass…slip slowly with a noiseless pen。  He extended the scrap of

paper to me without a word; inclined his white head gravely to my

parting bow。 。 。 。

When I got out of the room I felt limply flat; like a squeezed

lemon; and the doorkeeper in his glass cage; where I stopped to

get my hat and tip him a shilling; said:

〃Well!  I thought you were never coming out。〃

〃How long have I been in there?〃 I asked; faintly。

He pulled out his watch。

〃He kept you; sir; just under three hours。 I don't think this

ever happened with any of the gentlemen before。〃

It was only when I got out of the building that I began to walk

on air。  And the human animal being averse from change and timid

before the unknown; I said to myself that I really would not mind

being examined by the same man on a future occasion。  But when

the time of ordeal came round again the doorkeeper let me into

another room; with the now familiar paraphernalia of models of

ships and tackle; a board for signals on the wall; a big; long

table covered with official forms and having an unrigged mast

fixed to the edge。  The solitary tenant was unknown to me by

sight; though not by reputation; which was simply execrable。 

Short and sturdy; as far as I could judge; clad in an old brown

morning…suit; he sat leaning on his elbow; his hand shading his

eyes; and half averted from the chair I was to occupy on the

other side of the table。  He was motionless; mysterious; remote;

enigmatical; with something mournful; too; in the pose; like that

statue of Giugliano (I think) de Medici shading his face on the

tomb by Michael Angelo; though; of course; he was far; far from

being beautiful。  He began by trying to make me talk nonsense。 

But I had been warned of that fiendish trait; and contradicted

him with great assurance。  After a while he left off。  So far

good。  But his immobility; the thick elbow on the table; the

abrupt; unhappy voice; the shaded and averted face grew more and

more impressive。  He kept inscrutably silent for a moment; and

then; placing me in a ship of a certain size; at sea; under

conditions of weather; season; locality; etc。all very clear and

preciseordered me to execute a certain manoeuvre。  Before I was

half through with it he did some material damage to the ship。 

Directly I had grappled with the difficulty he caused another to

present itself; and when that; too; was met he stuck another ship

before me; creating a very dangerous situation。  I felt slightly

outraged by this ingenuity in piling trouble upon a man。

〃I wouldn't have got into that mess;〃 I suggested; mildly。  〃I

could have seen that ship before。〃

He never stirred the least bit。

〃No; you couldn't。  The weather's thick。〃

〃Oh!  I didn't know;〃 I apologized blankly。

I suppose that after all I managed to stave off the smash with

sufficient approach to verisimilitude; and the ghastly business

went on。  You must understand that the scheme of the test he was

applying to me was; I gathered; a homeward passagethe sort of

passage I would not wish to my bitterest enemy。  That imaginary

ship seemed to labour under a most comprehensive curse。  It's no

use enlarging on these never…ending misfortunes; suffice it to

say that long before the end I would have welcomed with gratitude

an opportunity to exchange into the Flying Dutchman。  Finally he

shoved me into the North Sea (I suppose) and provided me with a

lee shore with outlying sand…banksthe Dutch coast; presumably。 

Distance; eight miles。  The evidence of such implacable animosity

deprived me of speech for quite half a minute。

〃Well;〃 he saidfor our pace had been very smart; indeed; till


〃I will have to think a little; sir。〃

〃Doesn't look as if there were much time to think;〃 he muttered;

sardonically; from under his hand。

〃No; sir;〃 I said; with some warmth。  〃Not on board a ship; I

could see。  But so many accidents have happened that I really

can't remember what there's left for me to work with。〃

Still half averted; and with his eyes concealed; he made

unexpectedly a grunting remark。

〃You've done very well。〃

〃Have I the two anchors at the bow; sir?〃 I asked。


I prepared myself then; as a last hope for the ship; to let them

both go in the most effectual manner; when his infernal system of

testing resourcefulness came into play again。

〃But there's only one cable。  You've lost the other。〃

It was exasperating。

〃Then I would back them; if I could; and tail the heaviest hawser

on board on the end of the chain before letting go; and if she

parted from that; which is quite likely; I would just do nothing。

She would have to go。〃

〃Nothing more to do; eh?〃

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