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despatched the consul Manius Acilius to take the charge of the war;
and Titus; as his lieutenant; out of regard to the Greeks: some of
whom he no sooner saw; but he confirmed them in the Roman interests;
others; who began to falter; like a timely physician; by the use of
the strong remedy of their own affection for himself; he was able to
arrest in the first stage of the disease; before they had committed
themselves to any great error。 Some few there were whom the
Aetolians were beforehand with; and had so wholly perverted that he
could do no good with them; yet these; however angry and exasperated
before; he saved and protected when the engagement was over。 For
Antiochus; receiving a defeat at Thermopylae; not only fled the field;
but hoisted sail instantly for Asia。 Manius; the consul; himself
invaded and besieged a part of the Aetolians; while King Philip had
permission to reduce the rest。 Thus while; for instance; the Dolopes
and Magnesians on the one hand; the Athamanes and Aperantians on the
other; were ransacked by the Macedonians; and while Manius laid
Heraclea waste; and besieged Naupactus; then in the Aetolians'
hands; Titus; still with a compassionate care for Greece; sailed
across from Peloponnesus to the consul: and began first of all to
chide him; that the victory should be owing alone to his arms; and yet
he should suffer Philip to bear away the prize and profit of the
war; and set wreaking his anger upon a single town; whilst the
Macedonians overran several nations and kingdoms。 But as he happened
to stand then in view of the besieged; they no sooner spied him out;
but they call to him from their wall; they stretch forth their
hands; they supplicate and entreat him。 At the time; he said not a
word more; but turning about with tears in his eyes; went his way。
Some little while after he discussed the matter so effectually with
Manius; that he won him over from his passion; and prevailed with
him to give a truce and time to the Aetolians to send deputies to Rome
to petition the senate for terms of moderation。
  But the hardest task; and that which put Titus to the greatest
difficulty; was to entreat with Manius for the Chalcidians; who had
incensed him on account of a marriage which Antiochus had made in
their city; even whilst the war was on foot; a match noways suitable
in point of age; he an elderly man being enamoured with a mere girl;
and as little proper for the time; in the midst of a war。 She was
the daughter of one Cleoptolemus; and is said to have been wonderfully
beautiful。 The Chalcidians; in consequence; embraced the king's
interests with zeal and alacrity; and let him make their city the
basis of his operations during the war。 Thither; therefore; he made
with all speed; when he was routed and fled; and reaching Chalcis;
without making any stay; taking this young lady; and his money and
friends with him; away he sails to Asia。 And now Manius's
indignation carrying him in all haste against the Chalcidians; Titus
hurried after him; endeavouring to pacify and to entreat him; and at
length succeeded both with him and the chief men among the Romans。
  The Chalcidians; thus owing their lives to Titus; dedicated to him
all the best and most magnificent of their sacred buildings;
inscriptions upon which may be seen to run thus to this day: THE
yet more; even in our time; a priest of Titus was formerly elected and
declared; and after sacrifice and libation; they sing a set song; much
of which for the length of it we omit; but shall transcribe the
closing verses…

        〃The Roman Faith; whose aid of yore
         Our vows were offered to implore;
         We worship now and evermore。
         To Rome; to Titus; and to Jove;
         O maidens; in the dances move。
         Dances and Io…Paeans too
         Unto the Roman Faith are due;
         O Saviour Titus; and to you。〃

Other parts of Greece also heaped honours upon him suitable to his
merits; and what made all those honours true and real; was the
surprising goodwill and affection which his moderation and equity of
character had won for him。 For if he were at any time at variance with
anybody in matters of business; or out of emulation and rivalry (as
with Philopoemen; and again with Diophanes; when in office as
general of the Achaeans); his resentment never went far; nor did it
ever break out into acts; but when it had vented itself in some
citizen…like freedom of speech; there was an end of it。 In fine;
nobody charged malice or bitterness upon his nature; though many
imputed hastiness and levity to it; in general; he was the most
attractive and agreeable of companions; and could speak; too; both
with grace and forcibly。 For instance; to divert the Achaeans from the
conquest of the isle of Zacynthus; 〃If;〃 said he; 〃they put their head
too far out of Peloponnesus; they may hazard themselves as much as a
tortoise out of its shell。〃 Again; when he and Philip first met to
treat of a cessation and peace; the latter complaining that Titus came
with a mighty train; while he himself came alone and unattended;
〃Yes;〃 replied Titus; 〃you have left yourself alone by killing your
friends。〃 At another time; Dinocrates; the Messenian; having drunk too
much at a merry…meeting in Rome; danced there in woman's clothes;
and the next day addressed himself to Titus for assistance in his
design to get Messene out of the hands of the Achaeans。 〃This;〃
replied Titus; 〃will be matter for consideration; my only surprise
is that a man with such purposes on his hands should be able to
dance and sing at drinking parties。〃 When; again; the ambassadors of
Antiochus were recounting to those of Achaea the various multitudes
composing their royal master's forces; and ran over a long catalogue
of hard names; 〃I supped once;〃 said Titus; 〃with a friend; and
could not forbear expostulating with him at the number of dishes he
had provided; and said I wondered where he had furnished himself
with such a variety; 'Sir;' replied he; 'to confess the truth; it is
all hog's flesh differently cooked。' And so; men of Achaea; when you
are told of Antiochus's lancers; and pikemen; and foot…guards; I
advise you not to be surprised; since in fact they are all Syrians;
differently armed。〃
  After his achievements in Greece; and when the war with Antiochus
was at an end; Titus was created censor; the most eminent office; and;
in a manner; the highest preferment; in the commonwealth。 The son of
Marcellus; who had been five times consul; was his colleague。 These;
by virtue of their office; cashiered four senators of no great
distinction; and admitted to the roll of citizens all freeborn
residents。 But this was more by constraint than their own choice;
for Terentius Culeo; then tribune of the people; to spite the
nobility; spurred on the populace to order it to be done。 At this
time; the two greatest and most eminent persons in the city; Africanus
Scipio and Marcus Cato; were at variance。 Titus named Scipio first
member of the senate; and involved himself in a
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